Pregnant? Me? Yes, the visions have shown a little girl looking like Cirrus, but I thought that was years away.
I am still cursed? This is not the time, nor place to raise a baby!
“How mad are you, my little wombmate? On a scale of zero to going to set my ass on fire?”
Wiping my eyes, I bite my lip, fighting a smile.
He’s absolutely ridiculous, but I can admit he makes me happier than I’ve been in a long time.
“I won’t set you on fire, but I might give you the shits. So watch your food,” I grumble, then sigh as he wraps his arms around me.
“Well since you’re already mad at me… Is now a good time to tell you that I’m Fae royalty, and our child will be Queen someday?”
Straightening my spine, I move my hand in a circle motion, conjuring a ball of flames in my palm.
Cirrus notices and releases me, slowly climbing to his feet.
“Yeah, um, I think I’m going to go. Remember I love you my little hot cakes!” he shouts as I climb to my feet and toss the ball at his back.
It instantly disintegrated, hitting a shield around him and he looks back at me, wiggles his eyebrows and starts to laugh before taking off again.
Looking up at the sky, I shake my head.
Why me? Why am I always the one having to deal with drama and bullshit?
“Satan help me,” I pray, then head back to the house.
I guess it’s time to get to know more about my future family and what it means to be Fae royalty.
Pregnant? How? Fae? Seven months?
My mind is spiraling, and I wish Astor was here with me… Then again maybe it’s best he’s working in the motel room.
He’s already got his feet out the door. When he learns that Rus knocked up Wyn he’s going to leave.
He can’t. Not only does Wynter need our help. I finally have her back in my life, and I need my brother here with me.
We may have lives back in Texas, but she’s not there. I don’t care if she’s having someone else’s baby. If she will have me in her life, I’ll be there.
“So, Poppet, how ya feeling? Any side effects from the goofeyjizz?” Rus’ Nan asks me, and I shake my head.
“Not sure what that is, but I feel fine. Is Wynter going to be okay? Do Fae usually mate with other species?” I mumble, and Rus’ mom scoffs.
“We’re not aliens!”
“No. No, I didn’t mean any offense. I’m just not sure how to take all of this.”
Moving over to me, Nan pats my arm. “She will be fine. Wynter is a tough cookie from what I’ve heard. It’ll be an adjustment, but she can do it.”
Rus’ brother stands, then walks toward the kitchen. “Is the potion done? How long are we going to stay here in this dead town?”
I follow Nan into the kitchen, and my jaw drops. “How is this possible?”
“Magic, my dear. Anything can happen with a little spit shine and pixie dust.”
“So the whole house is done?”