Page 27 of Wicked Witch

“Because you don’t have any choice. There is no signal,” he mutters, then sighs.

Sin tosses his bag and a few blankets in the back, then nods his head toward the totes. Moving over to help him, I curse him out a little at how fucking heavy these are.

“Do you think we will really need all this shit,” I complain and he laughs.

“No idea. Rus wasn’t very informative. For all I know we could get to this Spells Hollow and it’s a fucking glamping place.”

“Better not be! I hate all that frou-frou shit.”

Loading up the tent and supplies, I close the hitch and then lock up the house while Sin talks to his neighbor. They are going to keep an eye on the place.

When he returns he’s all smiles and I make a promise to push my asshole mood to the side. He deserves to have some fun.

“So what do we know about Spells Hollow?”

“Shit all. Google doesn't have any info on this place except some haunted bullshit and urban legends.”

“Great,” I say, sighing, turning on the truck. “Load up the tunes, let’s get on the road then.”

“Are we there yet,”Arsen whines, and I’m about to fucking throttle him.

“No, we are still stuck in traffic on the 40 East. Just like we’ve been for the last hour,” I grumble, then go back to emailing my secretary.

There was a nasty accident. We heard it on the radio as we were driving, and like an idiot, I didn’t put two and two together. So instead of taking an alternate route, I continued driving into this massive traffic jam.

We haven’t moved in over thirty minutes, so I parked the car, rolled the windows down and turned the engine off. A few people in front of me actually decided to get out of their car and stretch.

I’m contemplating kicking Sin out for a few minutes so he can fucking frollick in the wildflowers on the side of the road or something.

“Didn’t you bring your Kindle, or Nintendo with you? You know how much you hate to be sentient for a long time with nothing to do.”

“It died and I brought the wrong charger so the next truck stop we find, I need to buy one.”

“Well that sign for the Loves was a half mile back. Maybe you should get out and walk, and I’ll pick you up there if we ever move?”

“Hmm, tempting, but no. I think I’m going to rest my eyes.”

Grunting, I send my email and wait for her to reply. I may have given her a few days off, but she knows not to leave me waiting long. I am a fair boss and I pay her well, but when it comes to my job, I’m known to be a bit of a workaholic.

Lights flash behind me and a cop car comes screaming past us on the shoulder, almost hitting the guy in front of us that was doing some form of yoga stretch.

He yells at the cop, but I don’t think he can hear him or even cares. He’s on a mission to get to the scene of the accident.

“Can you believe that guy,” the man shouts to his wife, who is currently in a downward dog position in some tiny ass shorts.

I get stretching when you’re on a road trip, but they are taking this to the extreme.

“Marla, I can see your ass, woman,” he snaps, and I turn my eyes back to my phone as he searches for someone to berate.

“Karl, it’s fine. I’m wearing panties today,” she yells back, then moans obscenely, stretching lower.

“What the hell is going on?” Sin mumbles, and I laugh, shaking my head. Glancing at him, his eyes are closed.

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, bro. Get some sleep. You’re driving the next leg.”

“I amover this fucking trip. Like about to turn this truck around and go home. Fucking done!” I snap as Sin hands me the jack for my truck.

After being stopped for two hours for that accident. We ran into some terrible weather. Rain so hard that I could hardly see out the damn windshield and then when it turned into a drizzle, my God damn fucking tire popped.