Page 57 of Wicked Witch

Finding a dollar store, we go in and grab a few things. I let Wynter check out on her own.

She’s pouting that I paid for all her lingerie, and she hasn’t even seen the pajamas and things I got her yet.

She better get used to being spoiled. Arsen loves to shop, and Rus has magical clothing powers. Though he seems to only make pajamas.

Taking my arm, we walk back to my truck. I’d hit the autostart when we were still at the dollar store, so it should be nice and cool when we climb in.

Leather seats are a bitch in the summer.

Wynters phone rings, and she frowns. “Ugh, I keep forgetting to call my mom,” she mumbles, pulling it out of her hoodie pocket.


Wynter talks to her mom as we walk through the underground parking garage. There aren’t too many cars around since it’s the middle of the day during the week.

I feel unsettled not working, but I guess I’m going to have to find a way to get used to it.

Reaching the truck, I unlock the doors and open the passenger side. Wynter gives me a smile as I help her in, and she grabs my shoulder, giving me a quick kiss before I can pull away.

I’m smiling as I close her door and place all the bags in the back seat. I’m going to need to buy a cooler and fill it with ice for our groceries.

Or maybe Wynter can help with that. I don’t know if it’s polite to ask her to use her magic or conjure stuff.

Just another question to add to my list of things I have no clue about.

As I climb into the truck and start the engine, Wynter is consoling her mother. Seems she’s not ready to be a grandma.


After being guilt tripped for twenty minutes, we pull up to the restaurant. I can taste the garlic sticks from here.

Today has been a good day. Minus getting sick from the perfume. But Astor has been sweet for the most part.

When he kissed me I was surprised but not put off. I mean he’s supposed to be in my life right?

It’s a little weird being with his twin and him, but if they don’t have any issues with it, then I won’t complain.

Maybe I’ll even get to cross something off my bucket list.

Parking, Astor leans over and gives me another kiss. Closed mouth of course because I still need to brush my teeth.

My stomach grumbles and he laughs, pulling away and unbuckling his seat belt.

“Let’s feed you and our princess,” he says with a smile, and I melt. What the fuck is with me these days.

I swear my badass card is going to need to be turned in. These men are changing me, or maybe they are breaking the curse and I haven’t realized.

I wish there was a handbook explaining shit to me. Or I could just order Melisande to tell me what to do.

Opening his door, he climbs out and stretches, giving me a peek of his tight stomach.

And there goes my panties. Sighing, I close my eyes and smack my head against the headrest a few times.

My door opens, and Astor clears his throat.

“Do you need a few minutes or are you ready to eat?” he asks and I note the joking lilt in his tone.

“Food. Definitely food,” I grumble, letting him remove my seat belt and help me from the truck.