Page 50 of Wicked Witch

Her name was Melisande and she told me once that she lost her children and had to watch over and protect those that would make a difference in her world.

Whatever that means. I haven’t seen her in a long time and now that Astor has brought her up, I wonder if she still hangs around me. Maybe I could ask Wynter.

As we reach the garden, I pause and take in the beauty.

“It’s amazing how magic works. This place is preserved, but the Nefari home was in ruins. We should explore more and see if the other homes are in such disarray.”

“Another day. We should get back and think about lunch,” Astor mutters, leaving the garden. I follow him, but something out of the corner of my eye has me stopping. A woman perches on the bench by the fountain.

Her clothes are old fashioned and she has a child’s hand in hers. She smiles at me and I nod. Looks like I won’t have to ask Wynter after all. Melisande is here.

“So what shouldwe do while we wait on the guys?” I ask Wynter as she begins to put away dishes. Rus conjured plates and silverware. They are a weird pattern, but china is better than paper right?

Turning to face me, she rests her back against the sink. It’s hot in here, so we opened the windows to let the breeze through.

I’ve removed my shirt, and I’m enjoying how Wynter’s eyes keep drifting down my chest.

Resting my elbows on the island in the middle of the kitchen, I flex a little. Wynter licks her lips and squeezes her thighs together.

“Like what you see, dove?” Her green eyes widen, and her nostrils flare.

“You haven’t called me that in a really long time, Sin.”

“You avoided me after the wedding. All the times I called you and texted. The night I showed up with take out and wine…”

I was a total simp for her, but she was hurt and I thought after a little space she would come back to me.

She never did and the day she blocked me hurt more than I’d ever tell her.


“He was your best friend. I’d been hurt so many times, but if you’d chosen his side and cut me out… I had to cut the strings before you did.”

Sin stands straight and moves closer to me. My heart is racing and butterflies flit around in my stomach.

Shaking my head, I turn and give him my back. “Lets just leave the past to rot and move on to the future,” I mumble, hoping he takes the bait.

My hormones are insane and all of a sudden I feel like crying.

Placing his hand on my shoulder, he spins me back around, facing him. His skin is hot to the touch, and he’s close enough to kiss.

God, he smells so good. Astor and him cleaned up the yard for me even though I could have done it with an easy spell.

The time and thought that he put into… Fuck, I’m getting sidetracked here.

Arsen says something again, but it’s not computing. He’s so damn hot.

“Wynter talk to me,” Arsen pleads, but it’s too much. I don’t want to think about those days.

When I was lost in a sea of misery and hurt. I want my visions to come true, but at the same time I’m skeptical.

All these visions of what could be are fucking with my head and heart. What if this all blows up in my face?

What if I can’t break this curse and they leave me too?

Things are changing too soon. Cirrus seems serious and we are having a baby together, but that doesn’t change how I’ve been hurt in the past.

I was the one always left behind? Now I have a harem of men wanting me? Feels like a dream. Something that happens to other people, like Halee. Not me.