Wynter? Wynter is the girl Rus is marrying? What the fuck? Did I piss off someone in the past or something? This can’t be happening again.
She stares at me, her mouth wide open and her clothes skewed. Her long hair is a tangled mess too, and the smell of her is overpowering.
“You made it!” Rus says, moving behind her. He places a kiss to the back of her head, then moves around her to give me a fist bump.
Astor hasn’t said anything, but I can tell he’s pissed on my behalf. Fixing my scowl, I replace it with a fake grin and bump Rus’s hand.
“Yeah. It was a long drive, but we made it. Hi, Wyn,” I mutter.
She blinks, then smiles. “Hi, Sin.” Just those two words have my heart racing and palms beginning to sweat.
She never noticed the effect she had on me. Astor choses that moment to lean in and hug her. Damn why didn’t I do that?
Could I copy him? Would it be too awkward? Fuck it. When he steps back, I lean in too and end up smacking my forehead into hers. Shit. Now I’m seeing stars literally.
“Sorry,” I mutter, then step back and give her some space.
Rubbing her head, she winces. “It’s okay. Umm.” Looking at Rus she gives him a glare, then pulls out her phone and steps outside.
“I’m going to go ask Mavis if I can make a call. I have to check in with Halee and the renovations.”
I watch her go and Astor barks out a laugh. “Dude, you have it so bad,” he murmurs, and I sigh.
Rus opens the door wider, for us to enter, but I don’t. The messed up blankets on the bed and the overpowering scent of blackberries makes me feel sick.
“I’m starving. Let’s go to the diner across the street,” I suggest, and Rus gives me a big smile.
“Yes, I sampled a lot of their breakfast items yesterday, so let’s try lunch today.” Grabbing his wallet and a hoodie, he slips it over his head while walking out the door.
“Let me just tell my little petunia where we will be.”
Leaving us, he goes into the office, but I follow. “We should see about getting a room too.”
A man dressed too nicely to be here, steps out of the door, crossing his arms. “‘Fraid we are all booked up. You will have to bunk with cotton candy here,” he grunts, pointing to Rus.
“Oh, that would be so much fun. We could have a good old fashioned slumber party. I have always wondered what they were like.”
“Great. That’s handled. Now leave my office,” the man mutters before walking away.
I look over at Astor, and I can tell he’s about ready to murder someone. We didn’t come here to sleep on the floor of a motel room.
“What about camping?” I offer and Rus has the decency to wince.
“Yeah, no camping… We have a lot to talk about.”
Yelling inside, he tells Wyn where we are going, and then we head over to the diner.
A waitress named Ruth seats us immediately, then rushes off.
“So, no more bullshit. Why are we here?”
Rus leans in closer, “Well to break a curse of course.”
Oh this is so amazinglyperfect. Wynter is starting to come around to me and her being soulmates, and now my besties from another testes are here.