Mia frowned. “Sorry?”
“You look worried. I asked what you’re so worried about?”
“Look, Mr…?” She lifted a hand in question.
“Carter Nolan.” Blue Eyes offered his hand.
She slipped hers into his and it disappeared completely. The guy was huge. Much bigger than she was. And sexy as hell. There was something about the curve of his lips that made all kinds of oh-so-bad but really wonderful thoughts flipping through her head.
She tugged her hand free and stood. “I’ve gotta go.”
“Teach me to surf,” Carter said.
“Teach me to surf. I hear you’re an amazing surfer. I need to learn.”
Mia stared. What was this guy’s problem? She needed to go. This day was weird enough as it was and now it seemed to be headed further into uncharted territory. “I?—”
He leaned in and spoke quietly, his breath tickling her ear. “If you won’t tell me what’s worrying you, then at least teach me tosurf. Everyone says it’s a great way to relax and be Zen. I need a little Zen in my life.”
Mia opened her mouth to decline but found herself nodding instead. “It is a good way to be Zen.” She met his gaze. Bobby Kamaka was trouble. If she really was going to get further involved in this mess, then maybe she could take a bit of time and go surfing first.
“Fine,” she said. “Give me your phone.” She put her digits into his phone and put his in her own. “I’ll text you where and when.” With that she gave Dahlia a wave and pushed away from the bar. She was afraid if she didn’t leave right then, she’d regret her decision and she really didn’t want to do that. Sexy as all get out Carter Nolan was just the distraction she needed.
Mia walked toward her car just as the band started playing. The sounds of country music followed her out to the parking lot. Maybe teaching Blue Eyes to surf wasn’t the best idea but it gave her something to look forward to. She glanced up at the moon. It was almost full. Might be nice to get out on the waves again. It had been a while.
She dug in her purse for her keys as someone grabbed her arm. Mia swung around to see Bobby standing there, with one of his henchmen on either side of her. “Son of a bitch.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Mia. It’s been a while.”
“What the fuck do you want?” She tried to sound tough, unbothered, but her heart bumped against her rib cage and her mouth had gone dry. Should she scream? Would anyone hear her over the band? She glanced around trying not to look as frantic as she felt.
“Careful, Mia. Don’t push me,” Bobby growled.
“What do you want?” she demanded again.
Bobby’s cold smile in the bright moonlight made her skin crawl. “I think you and I need to chat.”
Mia shook her head. Whatever she’d been thinking when Akela had been at her place was wrong. She’d allowed time and her need for vengeance to cloud her judgment. Getting involved with Bobby was a huge mistake. She’d managed to get out alive last time, but her parents hadn’t been so lucky. She wasn’t about to risk her life for Akela or Kai.Sorry, no way.
“I ran into Akela at her house. You were at the café today. I was told you went back to the office by yourself and left in a hurry. You know what’s going on.”
Mia shook her head. “I don’t know what?—”
“Save the bullshit. Akela told me the truth.”
Fuck. Akela had sold her out. Probably didn’t have a choice. Still now what the hell was she going to do? Her instinct was to scream and run.
“What do you want, Bobby?” Mia took a small step backward. Maybe if she could get a head start, she could make it back to the bar and get help.
Bobby gestured with his chin and his two henchmen, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, each grabbed an arm. “I think we need to talk about what you know and about how you’re going to help me.”
“I’m not helping you,” Mia declared defiantly.
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” Bobby grinned coldly. “Put her in the van.”
Mia tugged against the two bruisers, but it was no use. She wasn’t getting away. Glancing desperately around the parking lot, her eyes fell on the door to the bar. Was someone there in the shadows? She opened her mouth to yell for help when they threw her in the back of a white van, her scream was cut off by the slamming of the door. Tweedle Dee climbed in beside her.