Page 28 of Carter's Battle

“I get it, honey. It’s a heavy load to carry.” He wanted to take her pain away, erase all her guilt. “Let’s make a plan. Maybe there’s some way to find out for sure about Bobby. Let me think on it but maybe we can get him to tell us the truth.”

She pushed away from him. “You believe me?”

“I think it’s possible. Let’s think on it and see what we can devise to make Bobby tell the truth.”

She smiled and then kissed him. This time she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. Carter kissed her back and was just contemplating if he should untie her dress when a sound reached his ears. He broke off the kiss.

“What is it?” Mia asked.

Carter frowned. “It’s the rumble of a large diesel vehicle. That shouldn’t be here at this time of night. It’s not an eighteen-wheeler or anything like that.” He knew the sound. It was similar to the rumble of a Humvee. Mia turned to look out the side window just as the first police vehicle turned the corner. It was followed by three more and then two armored police vehicles. That was what he’d heard. He’d know that sound anywhere. It was part of his job to recognize vehicles at night and in the dark.

“Holy shit! What the hell is going on?” Mia breathed as three more cop cars went past.

“Looks like your uncle’s place is getting busted.” Carter turned the SUV’s engine over and backed up. He kept the headlights off.

“Where are we going?”

He glanced at Mia. “We’re getting the hell out of here. Nothing good can come from staying.” Two final police cars sped past. Carter turned right out of the parking lot. He didn’t turn on his headlights until they were well away from the area. “We’re going back to my place tonight.”

Mia glanced at him. “Why do you think my place won’t be safe?”

“Let’s just say I don’t want to take any chances.”

He wasn’t about to point out to her that she’d accepted the invitation to play but hadn’t shown up. That would look suspicious to her uncle. Mia’s life had just taken on a new level of danger and Carter didn’t want to have to give her the bad news unless he absolutely had to. They’d stay at the ranch tonight and, if he had his way, every night thereafter. Mia’s life could possibly be in danger, and he didn’t want to find out if he was right.


Mia glancedat her watch for the twentieth time pissed at the way this day was dragging on. Carter had left early this morning, after another round of amazing sex, then lying safe in his arms through the night. She smiled just thinking about it. How he managed to stay awake all day and go like a stud all night was beyond her. She’d fallen back to sleep after he left and had slept in until noon.

Although time had dragged, she’d kept busy all afternoon by dealing with some client work and making sure everyone’s books were in good order. Nothing she could do about Akela’s books at the moment. Even thinking about that mess gave her a headache.

Her cell rang and she glanced at the screen. “Speak of the devil,” she murmured. “Akela,” she said by way of a greeting.

“Oh my God, Mia, I’m so glad you answered the phone! I just heard from Bobby that the gambling den at the industrial complex got busted last night. He thought you were there.”

“I was running late. I hadn’t made it there yet.” She wasn’t about to tell Akela that she’d been having a panic attack less than three blocks from the destination at the time of the bust. “What else did Bobby tell you?”

“He said that Peter had a high roller event going and they all got busted. He was practically crowing about it. According to him, the players who were there are super pissed at being arrested and dragged down to jail. Of course, some of them managed to talk their way, or bribe their way, out of it from what he said, but enough of them went down that Peter is in a tsunami of trouble. Bobby says the expectation is that Peter would’ve paid off the cops not to bust the place so the fact that the bust happened makes him look bad.”

“Was the big boss there? The guy who runs it?” Mia’s breath caught as she asked She cleared her throat. She couldn’t even bring herself to say her uncle’s name, not that Akela knew who Mia was truly related to.

“Apparently not, which Bobby was truly pissed about.” Akela’s voice changed. “I’m so glad you weren’t there. I would feel just awful if you got busted over all this.”

Me too.Mia drew in a deep breath. It had been a close call and she had to admit it scared the life out of her. “Did Bobby say anything else?”

Akela got quiet.

“What did he say, Akela?” Mia demanded.

Akela’s voice got quiet. “Mia...”

Mia’s stomach dropped at her friend’s tone and dread filled her veins. “What?”

“Bobby said that if you called the cops and ratted Peter out to get out of this mess, then you were dead wrong about it. We still owe him and he expects to collect on time.”

“He said that? He thought I ratted Peter out?” Mia’s heart sped up, the way it used to when she was about to drop in on a massive wave. “Bobby thinks I’m the rat? Did he say if anyone else thinks that?”

“He didn’t say. Why? Did you call the cops?” Akela demanded.