Page 24 of Carter's Battle

She nodded, and as she stood, Peter arrived at the table. “Finished for the night?” he inquired.

“No,” Mia shook her head. “Just taking a small break to use the restroom and get some air. I’ll be back in ten minutes. Can you have someone watch my chips?” She looked up at him. “I know exactly how much I have on that table. I expect it to be the same when I get back.”

It was Peter’s turn to nod. “Of course. We’ll look after it for you. Can I get you anything from the bar?”

“Another Pepsi please.” Mia moved around Peter and headed in the women’s bathroom. She was back out a few minutes later and Carter escorted her outside.

“How are you feeling?” He took a quick recon of the parking lot and didn’t see anything alarming. There were a couple security guys stationed at the corner of the building and he was guessing a few more back by the street. He wasn’t sure whose operation this was, but they were smart to have stationed security in spots where they could sound an early warning system in case the cops, or any other trouble, showed up.

Mia leaned against the wall. “I’m tired and hyper all at the same time.” She rubbed her face. “I was making progress until that guy yelled. It really rattled me. Damn Bobby. If he and Donny hadn’t freaked me out so much, this would be easier. Every loud sound or sudden movement has me jumping.”

“I know. If it makes you feel any better, you will always be fine inside. Peter would do anything to avoid any kind of a scene. He sure as hell won’t do anything to scare people off. Throwingout a drunk now and again is probably as bad as it gets. If he has an issue with you, he will wait until the room is empty or take you somewhere else.”

She gave a snort. “Not as reassuring as you seem to think.”

Carter grinned. “Call me an optimist. Seriously, if there’s going to be a problem, it won’t be here.”

Mia bit her lip but then nodded. “That actually does make me feel better.” She let out a long breath. “Okay let’s go back in. I need to make a lot more money if I’m going to get what Bobby needs in time.”

Carter held the door for her, and they went back inside. Mia went back to her table and sat down. “Good luck,” Carter said and kissed the top of her head.

He went back to his post by the wall. Peter arrived with a can of unopened Pepsi. Carter had explained to him earlier that Mia wouldn’t drink anything that could be tampered with. The other man had appeared somewhat affronted but just gave a curt nod. His job was to do what the clients wanted, no matter how insulted he felt.

The real question on Carter’s mind was who was really running this place? It wasn’t Peter. He was just a middleman who answered to someone else. There was a kingpin, but Carter didn’t know enough about crime on the Big Island to have any idea who that might be.

Another hour went by. People gambled and mostly lost, as far as Carter could tell. There were a few winners, but Mia was by far the biggest. Now that she was more relaxed, it seemed to be easier to win.

A ripple of excitement went through the crowd. Carter scanned the room to see what had caused the reaction. Over by a side door, a group of six men entered. Security for someone. They were dressed in suits, and unlike the guys here at the warehouse, these men knew what they were doing. Their tattoosmarked them as gang members, but Carter would bet good money that they had military experience as well. The military had a gang problem these days, and these men were part of the reason why. Go in as thugs and come out as killing machines with all the best skills and knowledge.

Carter studied the people the security staff appeared to be protecting. A tall man with a medium build. His black hair was cut in a stylish manner, and his suit was expensive. He was also vaguely familiar. It took Carter a minute but then it clicked. Mark Bascom. Head of Blue River Security, a security company that operated out of D.C. He’d made a name for himself in Iraq and now he ran with the big dogs. Several of Carter’s retired friends had gone to work for Bascom. They liked the money but not one of them liked Bascom. Said he was all kinds of shady.

The man beside him was shorter and wider but tattoos peeked from beneath his collar. His suit was also expensive and there was no doubt he was wealthy by the flashy display of large gold and diamond rings on his fingers.

Peter greeted the newcomers, and by the way he moved, Carter surmised that the shorter man was Peter’s boss.So this was the man Bobby wanted to replace. No way in hell.Bobby was penny ante and didn’t have the balls to take anything from this man. And even if he did, Bobby would need a hell of a lot more than two hundred and fifty K.

Carter’s gut tightened. This was not good news for Mia. Bobby was playing out of his league, and the sinking realization in his gut affirmed that it was going to come back to bite Mia.

Carter glanced at her as he scanned the room and focused once more on the two new visitors. Mia was totally in the zone and doing well. Blissfully unaware was a good thing. He needed her to stay relaxed because he was starting to tense up. This situation had just turned way more dangerous than Carter had bargained for. Dealing with Bobby was a pain in the ass. Dealingwith Bascom and whoever this man was, yeah that was a whole other league. Mia needed to keep flying under the radar. Keeping her as just another decent player was the best approach.

Just as Carter had that thought, Mia won again. And it must have been a huge win. The amount of chips the dealer was pushing in her direction was mind-boggling. The dealer signaled a runner and whispered something to the lanky kid in the too-big suit. The kid sprinted across the floor toward Peter. Carter’s spine tingled. This wasn’t good. The kid whispered to Peter and then backed away. Peter looked over at Mia. Then Peter’s boss said something to which Peter replied and pointed to Mia.

Carter’s pulse ticked faster; like the red lights on a timer seemed to do as they approached zero right before something went boom! Peter and the two men started across the room toward Mia, who remained blissfully in the zone.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Carter moved in beside Mia and let her finish her hand. He cupped her shoulder.

She glanced up at him, annoyance flashing on her face. “What?”

He gestured with his chin. She turned and the color drained from her face as the men stopped beside her.

The shorter man said, “How nice to see you again, Mia. It’s been too long.”

“H-hello,” she said her voice quavering.

The man glanced over at Carter. “And who is this?”

He extended his hand as if he hadn’t a care in the world. “Carter Nolan, Mia’s boyfriend.”

The other man raised his eyebrows. “Mia, you didn’t mention you had a boyfriend. I expect to be kept abreast of all the big happenings in your life.” He shook Carter’s hand and tried to squeeze it, but Carter gave as good as he got and the man broke the tight clasp.