Page 15 of Carter's Battle

A knock at the door had her jumping to her feet and spilling coffee on the floor.What the hell? What now?She swore asshe put her mug down on the coffee table and then went to the kitchen to grab a kitchen towel.

“Coming,” she called as she quickly wiped up the spill and then stared at the cash stacked neatly on the table. Where the hell was she going to put that? The knock sounded again. Mia quickly grabbed the bills and stuffed them under the sofa cushions. She straightened, looking around frantically but nothing else appeared out of place.

She headed to the door and glanced through the peephole, letting out a quiet curse once she identified the man standing on the other side.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she opened the door.

“Good morning to you too, Mia.” Carter’s smile was warm and sexy and it hit her like a jolt of electricity. Her damn toes curled.

“Sorry.” She willed the heat out of her cheeks. “Long night. Good morning, Carter. How are you?” She added a simpering smile to eradicate the grumble in her tone.

“I’m doing well. I thought maybe I could catch you before you left for work.” He held up a paper bag

“Are you always going to show up with food?” Mia demanded as the smell hit her and her stomach rumbled loudly.

His smile broadened. “Hungry, huh?”

Mia wanted to say no but damn it, she was starving, and the food smelled so good. She turned away from the door. No point in denying it. Her stomach had been so loud, she wouldn’t be surprised if her neighbors had heard it. She made her way to the kitchen fighting the embarrassment she knew was coloring her cheeks still.

“Do you want coffee?” she asked. When she didn’t get a response, she turned to find her kitchen empty. She went backaround the corner and stared at Carter still standing on the step. “Are you coming?”

“You didn’t invite me.”

God, was he a freaking vampire that needed an invitation to cross the threshold. She shook her head. “That didn’t stop you the other night.” She bit her lip.Shit.She’d wanted to avoid that topic but the words had just shot out of her mouth.

“Extenuating circumstances? Now I need an invitation.”

She snorted. “Seriously, are you a vampire?”

He barked out a laugh. “Good one, but no. I was just raised to respect a woman’s wishes and never assume anything. Are you going to invite me in?”

Mia wanted to say something snarky but had to admit she was impressed. “Please come in, Carter. Would you like some coffee?”

“I’d love some,” he said as he closed the door and toed off his boots.

Mia filled a mug for him, and refilled hers, then placed one in front of him at the island. She grabbed some cutlery and came around and sat down, handing him a knife and fork, and putting hers down with her coffee in front of her. “What did you bring me?”

“Loco Moco from a place in town. The guys at the ranch say it’s the best.”

“It is the best.” Her stomach growled again. It was her favorite. “Have you had it before?”

Carter shook his head. “No, but given the way everyone sings its praise, I thought I’d give it a try.”

Mia smiled. “You are in for a treat.” She rose again and got plates and then dished out the food, placing a full plate in front of him.

Carter stared at it for a moment. “I can’t remember ever eating rice for breakfast.”

Mia took up her food and then went and sat down next to Carter. “Then you’re missing out. This is heaven. Rice with a beef patty, and an egg on top smothered in gravy. It doesn’t get better than this.”

Carter forked the first bite into his mouth and chewed. He swallowed and then nodded. “Okay, it sounded weird to me, but damn, this is really good.”

“Yup. It’s outstanding.” Mia took her first bite and savored it. She didn’t allow herself to have Loco Moco very often, but it was her favorite breakfast. She used to go with her parents almost weekly when they were alive. She found herself suddenly blinking back tears.Weird.Must be because she was overtired.

The next minutes were spent in silence as they ate. Mia relished her breakfast and by the look of Carter’s empty plate, so did he. “More coffee?”

“Sure.” Carter pushed his mug in her direction. Then he stood, picked up the plates, and carried them to the kitchen.

“You don’t have to do that,” Mia said as she followed him.