Page 39 of Carter's Battle

Carter’s thoughts instantly returned to the last few missions and how close they’d come to dying. He hoped Castle was making progress because now he had something he really wanted to live for.

Flint said. “I think this is how we proceed; Bowie and Carter go in. Quinn and I handle the outside. We’ll call Emery when we’re good.”

“Flint, does she know we’re keeping her and the cops a step or two behind?” Quinn asked.

Carter winced. “I’m sorry, Flint but I just don’t want to screw this up. If they roll too soon, it could all go to hell and Mia could get hurt.”

“I get it and I agree,” Flint said. “Emery doesn’t know and if we execute well, she won’t know. So let’s get this right, okay?” His phone went off. “It’s Emery,” he said and then answered. “Yeah.” There was silence and then, “Do we know who?”

Carter’s heart slammed against his ribcage fearing Emery was telling them Mia was dead. The last fucking thing in the world he wanted to hear.

“Okay, I’ll let them know.” He hung up again. “Emery says two of Makaio’s men just drove a guy into the warehouse. He had a bag over his head. They’re not sure who it is.”

“Shit,” Carter breathed. “This is going south fast.”

“Agreed. Emery and her people are getting antsy. They only agreed to work with us because Emery asked and because Hawk spoke with his connections. We got to get moving if we’re going to do this and keep it controlled.”

Bowie smiled. “Let’s go have some fun.”

“I thoughtabout what you said, Mia, and I found I couldn’t argue with your logic, so I thought it was better to get it from the horse’s mouth so to speak.” Makaio gestured toward the door as two of his goons walked in with another man between them. A bag covered his head as well, but Mia knew right away it was Bobby. Her mouth went dry. What would he say? Was he going to make it worse for her? Was that even possible?

One of the men pulled the bag off and Bobby squinted and swore as he blinked in the light. His hands were tied behind his back, but his legs were free.

“Bobby, thanks for joining us.” Her uncle gestured to the couch. The guy who had kidnapped Mia pushed Bobby down beside her.

Bobby glanced at her and he blanched. She looked over at Donny in time to see a look of terror cross his face before he schooled his features into a blank stare.What the hell was going on?Her heart raced. Mia decided she had nothing to lose. “I thought Bobby worked for you.”

“He does,” her uncle said. “But rumors have been flying. Bobby seems overly ambitious these days.” He turned to Bobby. “My niece tells me she didn’t tell the police about my little gambling establishment.”

“Niece?” Bobby blurted and then turned to stare at Mia.

Mia gave him a little shrug. He was obviously shocked. What he didn’t know about her could fill an ocean.Moron.

“Yes,” her uncle continued. “She says she had nothing to gain from it because you were making her gamble to make money for you. She says you threatened her friends.”

Bobby swallowed convulsively. “I… I… She…” He looked at Mia again and then it was like a light bulb went on over his head. “She found out about the money laundering at Lono’s. I was just keeping her in line. I didn’t want her to go to the cops, so I threatened to kill her friends and blame her for the cooked books.”

Oh my God.Mia closed her eyes briefly and swore a blue streak in her head. Served her right. She’d asked how this could be any worse.

Makaio steepled his fingers under his chin. “I see. And the money?”

Bobby shrugged. “I saw a way to make some money and keep her in line at the same time.”

Mia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did that mean that her uncle didn’t know about the small games Bobby heldin Akela’s basement? No, he had to know about those but likely didn’t know Bobby was skimming the profits. Was he aware that Bobby was plotting against him? Maybe.

Another thing had been bugging her all day. Her uncle seemed to believe the story she’d told the cops about falling asleep at the wheel. Was Bobby the source of that info? Why did he want her dead? He obviously didn’t know she was his boss’s niece, so why take out his cash source?

“Mia?” her uncle barked.

She started. “I’m sorry… What?”

“Are we boring you?” he demanded.

“No, I just…” she met Donny’s gaze, and suddenly everything fell into place. Her blood roared in her ears and bile rose up her throat. “It was you,” she blurted out. “You tried to kill me last night. You used Bobby’s guys to run me off the road.”

Makiao frowned and Bobby stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Nakoa and Mikey ran me off the road and tried to kill me last night. If Carter hadn’t come along, I’d be dead.” She turned back to Donny. “This is all your doing.” She seethed. This slimy bastard had tried to kill her. She’d love to return the favor.Asshole.