Page 35 of Carter's Battle

“Uncle Makaio, I have no idea. Why don’t you tell me?” she said with a lot more bravado than she felt.

“Me?” Her uncle raised his eyebrows. “Now why would I do that?”

“No clue. But you kidnapped me so there must be something you want from me. If it’s not me dead, then what is it?”

Her uncle smiled “Oh, I just want to have a little chat with you. Then we’ll see if your death will be necessary, shall we? After all, I wouldn’t want to have to killallmy family.”

Mia’s heart stuttered to a stop as her blood ran cold. There was no doubt in her mind. Her uncle had just confessed to killing her parents and she was probably next.


Carter’s cell rang,waking him instantly. He grabbed his phone. “Nolan,” he growled.

“Carter, man wake up,” Flint’s voice cut through the fog.

“What’s wrong?” Carter demanded as he sat up and looked around. Where the hell was Mia? The bathroom door was open so he knew she wasn’t in there. His heart thundered.

“It’s Mia. She was kidnapped from Emery’s.”

Carter bounded to his feet and spun in a circle. “Did Emery see who took her? Did she call it into the PD?” He immediately got his go bag and threw it on the bed.

“Emery has the guy on video. She heard something and went to look. She said she missed it by maybe five minutes. That was about twelve minutes ago. She knows Mia’s involved in something and she wants to talk to you before calling it in.”

“Give her my number. I need five minutes.” Carter cut the call and went into the bathroom. He took an ice-cold, three-minute shower, and then dressed in his gear. Black cargo pants and a black t-shirt. He was adding his weapons when his phone rang again.

“Emery,” he barked, “tell me.”

“Carter, I could fucking kick myself. I heard a sound and it took me a minute to drag my ass out of bed,” Emery’s voice sounded stressed.

“It’s not on you. Give me the details.”

Emery told him exactly what was on the video and then sent him the clip. “I found her purse on the sidewalk with her phone and everything in it. I’m just so fucking pissed at myself for not getting to her in time. Do you know who’s behind this?”

Carter hesitated. “There are a few options.”

“What? What the fuck has Mia gotten herself involved in?” Emery was pissed and Carter knew she was only going to get madder when he told her the rest.

“Look,” he said as he slammed the door to his cabin. “I’m…” he glanced toward his truck. Flint, Quinn, and Bowie were standing next to it, dressed in their gear ready to go. “We’re on the way to you. I will explain everything once we get there.”

“Fine. I’ll be standing by,” she said before clicking off the call.

Carter raced toward the truck. “This shit Mia’s involved in, it’s bigger than we thought. I?—"

“Shut the fuck up and get in the vehicle,” Bowie groused. “It’s too fucking early to be out here and I haven’t had enough coffee. You can tell us everything when we get there.”

“I’m with Bowie,” Quinn growled.

“Dude, did you really think we wouldn’t come with you?” Flint snorted. “You’re notthatmuch of an idiot. Let’s go. Emery has coffee on.”

Carter just nodded and pulled open the driver’s side door of the SUV. He knew his team; his brothers were with him, not even thinking about making him ask for their help. Their support warmed his icy heart.

In no time,he pulled into Emery’s driveway. The four of them trooped into the house and Emery handed each man a mug. She turned to Carter. “Start talking and it had better be fucking good.”

Carter filled them in on what had been happening over the last couple of weeks.

Emery swore. “Stupid. Why the hell didn’t she come to me?”

“Because she didn’t want to put you in the position of having to choose between her and your job. She knows how much you love what you do. Mia didn’t want the cops involved because she also knew that they’d keep her on the inside anyway because she was sure they’d want an inside person. Plus, there was Akela and her brother to think about.”