Abhyansh frowned at the way his brother complained... and what picture ??

"Avyan... okay okay, don't get upset now, let me make it up to you, okay ??", Isha said softly with a kind smile...

"How ??", Avyan asked with a smile...

"Um... I may or may not make patashi for you and give it to you in the office", Isha said and Avyan smiled widely...

"Bhabhi sa... you know, you are the best...", Avyan said

"Oh, prince Ranawat, don't forget to give me some credit, as I am sure, my sister will be needing my help for sure...", Ranveer came into the picture...

"Of course, of course, thank you... for now you guys enjoy your patashi, I'll enjoy mine tomorrow", Avyan said and Abhyansh's eyes widened hearing him... he stormed to him, snatching his phone, glaring at his brother-in-law...

"Rajput...", Abhyansh glared at Ranveer, and Isha took the phone from her brother's hand, hearing her husband.

"Bhai got it from a safe place, don't worry, he took all the measures... it was made in front of his eyes", Isha said softly calming her husband's anger... Hearing his wife calmed down, true, it's just been a few hours she left but he missed her terribly, the fact that she won't be with him from now hit him hard.

"I'll talk to you later Avyan", Isha said and hung up before even Avyan came into view, Abhyansh understood his wife didn't want to talk to him, their morning memory clicked his head, she was so into him, but he knew that moment is a bubble and it had to burst at one or the other time.

Abhyansh threw the phone at Avyan who caught it, and stared at his brother's back with amusement, who now stormed to his study. His sister-in-law hung up on his brother without even bidding bye to him and there is no anger or fury on his face for that, if there is any, it's only hurt and longing for his wife. All these might have been very common things to witness in any man but the BEAST displaying all these shocked Avyan. His sister-in-law is a brave woman, he knew it, but didn't realize she is this courageous that she actually deserved the 'Ashok chakra' Award.

"You hung up on His Royal Highness Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, without even bidding him bye, that too in front of his brother, do you realize what you did", Ranveer said and Isha realized immediately after she pushed the red button, but what is she supposed to do...

"Bhai... I can't talk to Rana sa, I'll melt, I feel like running to him, just by looking at him... but I don't want to complicate things, if any, I want to solve them, and most importantly we need this time", Isha said and Ranveer sighed

"Ishu... bacha... please don't get angry, listen to me completely...", Ranveer started and Isha nodded carefully listening what his brother has to say... "I don't think staying in this marriage will do any good to you, you got hurt enough, please... try to think about it, consider 'Divorce'. I'm sayi..", he started but Isha interrupted him...

"Bhai... don't talk about it again... I'm done", Isha said and got up, before Ranveer could stop her, she walked away to her room...

Ranveer sighed and completed the whole bunch of golgappes he brought in anguish.

The next day, Isha woke up early, as she had to make pani puris for Avyan along with normal breakfast and lunch, Ranveer too woke up and helped his sister... she didn't talk to him much even during dinner the previous night, he knew she is upset...

"Ishu... bacha... talk to me...", Ranveer asked calmly, helping her packing the food...

"I'm bhai... where are Vikram and Avyan, haven't returned yet from their mini vacation ??", Isha asked, Vikram took Aryan to show him Jaipur as they had to leave soon...

Ranveer clenched his fists remembering his conversation with his brother-in-law the previous day...


"It's time, the punishment I decided for Vikram Singh is implemented... he should leave for London as early as possible Rajput, or else I'll send him myself, you know that option wouldbe the worst among the available ones", he said, warned could be a better word.

"He would leave, at least give me a week's time to plan things", Ranveer asked trying hard to hide his annoyance

"I don't care, plan everything and just send them back tomorrow or by latest, day after tomorrow", he said trying to give one more day of grace period for the sake of his brother-in-law as he understood his Ranveer really needs at least a day to plan the travel, he would like to arrange it for them, but he didn't want to do anything for that 'Vikram' guy. He didn't like him, period. "But he can't stay under the same roof as MY WIFE", Abhyansh said and Ranveer understood the context, God! his brother-in-law is unbelievably jealous...

"Fine, I'll send him and Aryan to see Jaipur tomorrow", Ranveer said, Abhyansh hung up without responding and Ranveer shook his head at his beast brother-in-law's arrogance...


"They will come in the afternoon, and will be leaving for London in the night", Ranveer said and Isha frowned

"So soon ??", Isha asked

"Yeah... it's been months they have been here, Aryan's school starts soon and one among us should be there to look after the company as well", Ranveer said and Isha nodded...

She got ready for work and Ranveer dropped her at her office in the basement... he wanted to see Ragini too, after theirencounter and his outburst at her for sending his sister alone to the BEAST when he was furious, Ragini never talked to him like before, when Isha was sick, she did call him to ask him about her health and details but that's it, she didn't talk anything more, he tried to converse to her but she cut short their conversation and for some reason, it didn't sit well with Ranveer. He felt she was holding up herself for some reason and he is determined to find that out...