In the evening, Isha went home and made snacks as usual, made coffee for her husband but sent it through a lady servant as she is no mood to talk to her husband or even see him... Isha walked to the hall and handed snacks and coffee to her mother-in-law and milkshake to Avyan...

"Wow... this looks delicious...", Avyan said taking a sip...

"RANI SA...", Abhyansh screamed from upstairs, his loud scream made Avyan spit the whole contents in his mouth, the plate in Amruta's hand slipped down in fear...

"B..Bhabhi sa... what did you do now??", Avyan said wiping his mouth earning a cute glare from his sister-in-law...

Isha is afraid of his loud shout but didn't move a bit...

"Isha... go and see what he wants...", Amruta said fearing her son would come down...

"Yes ma...", Isha said walking towards the stairs to go to his study when she saw the servant's terrified face with the broken pieces of coffee jug, cup, and saucer... Isha understood whatmust have happened... she held the lady's shoulder and looked at her with an apologetic face...

"Are you fine??", Isha asked holding the lady's shoulder...

"J...Ji... Rani sa...", the lady answered still terrified... Isha felt bad for her, she took a fall for her... honestly, Isha did know her husband would be throwing some tantrums as he always expects her to bring his coffee, but since he told her how her presence was hurting him more, she decided to stay away from him both for him and for herself too... she too needed time away from him to clear her head...

Isha asked the lady to take some rest and walked to her husband's study and saw him taking deep breaths to calm his fury... sensing her, he looked at her, but she is looking down without saying a single word which angered him further...

"What the hell has happened to you, why are you behaving like this??", he shouted startling her...

"N… Nothing Maharaj...", she said fisting her saree... Abhyansh calmed down seeing her scared face...

"Come here...", he called in his cold tone after a while, but she can say he is not furious like before...

She walked to him; he pulled her in his lap taking her by surprise...

"Stop running away from me Rani sa... you can never escape from me...", he whispered in her ears kissing them... Isha closed her eyes feeling tingles all over... "now tell me, why didn't youbring my coffee?? I want to hear only the truth...", he said, and she opened her eyes...

"Let me go, please", she pleaded, his behaviour and his heart-wrenching words came into her head when he asked her the reason now... and she didn't want to tell him that he had hurt her badly... it's her who had hurt him and she is regretting it, at that point in time, she didn't wanna tell him that she is hurt too...

"Isha...tell me what's wrong??", Abhyansh asked controlling his fury, he is very impatient, and her refusal is bringing the BEAST out of him...

"Ma...Maharaj...", she called and that broke the patience he is trying hard to keep...

"Why the hell are you calling me Maharaj,Isha...I'm asking you for one last time, tell me what's wrong otherwise...", he started but she interrupted him...

"Otherwise, what?? You'll punish me again?? Will you lock me up for a month or a year maybe??", she said jerking out of his lap and looking at him in the eye after a week... he could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. The pain in her eyes made him furious with himself but she thought he is furious because of her words...

"Is this because of the punishment I gave you??", he asked trying to keep his tone calm...

"I... no... can I leave please??", Isha asked lowering her head, she didn't know what to say, her mind is so confused, she wanted to say so many things but everything seemed so wrong to her... she wanted to break down, his scary face still kept haunting her,the kind of trauma and pain she caused him didn't let her sleep peacefully... she is tormented by both his pain and her pain as well...

"Rani will I know if you won't tell me anything??", he asked and she shook her head in nothing, he got up and hugged her to his chest rubbing her back lightly... "Bacha…tell me", he asked in his soft tone and that broke the walls she is holding up...

"I didn't want to hurt you... I don't know what I did to hurt you so much, but your pained face still haunts me Rana sa... I hate myself for causing you so much pain, you are right, looking at my face causes you pain, you shouldn't do that, please let me go, I don't want to show you my face, I can't see you in pain... but I was the one who caused it... I am scared, I'm so scared that I would hurt you, I'm angry, so angry, I don't know what actions of mine would hurt you, I'm scared even to take my breath, I still don't understand what's so wrong in gifting ma a saree, I wanted to see her happy... b...but that night, you looked so scared... so much in pain... I will never do it... I won't do anything without asking you, I'm so sorry...", she said breaking down into sobs and sitting down at his feet, but her sobs are nowhere near stopping...

Her words shocked him... he is not at all good at understanding people, he knew she is hurt but didn't know that she is tormented by all of this to this extent... he hated himself for putting her through all of this... he wanted to shoot himself in the head for causing her so much pain...

Her every sob is like a dagger to his heart, it's bleeding and the pain is unbearable even for the BEAST... he sat in front of her and pulled her to his arms rubbing her back...

"Stop Crying... please... only your tears can cause unbearable pain to all doesn't matter to me...", he said in his rarely used soft tone that assured her... "I am so sorry for hurting you... you don't know how sorry I'm...", he added, and her sobs stopped hearing him... she looked at him in the eye and she could find so much agony in his beautiful orbs...

He gently wiped her tears with his rough thumbs and cupped her face kissing her forehead... with that one gentle kiss, he expressed how important she is to him... he hugged her to his arms and feeling her in his arms calmed his inner turmoil and she could feel the peace in her too but it's short-lived... she still doesn't know anything about his past and it would stay that way till the end, she felt...

"Rana sa... can I go now??", she asked suddenly coming out of his hold and he frowned...

"You are still angry with me??", he asked, and she shook her head...