"Yeah, tomorrow is Bhabhi sa's first day in our company, and I want to gift her something, will she like it?", Avyan asked and Ranveer nodded with a smile...

"She would love anything if it came from you, but she wouldn't know much about using a laptop, once I gave her a laptop but my father confiscated it...", Ranveer said, his smile turning into anguish at the end, but soon he shook those thoughts off and looked at Avyan... "you are very thoughtful... wish your brother is at least half thoughtful as you...", Ranveer murmured the last part but Avyan heard it, he chuckled but soon covered it, if his brother knew that he chuckled when his brother-in-law was mocking him, he wouldn't be able to smile anymore...

"Well... what did you get my Bhabhi sa for her first day??", Avyan asked, now both the men sat on the tea table that's present, Ranveer helped Avyan install all the games Isha likes to play, along with some settings according to her.

"Me?? I got her a bracelet, wanted to get her a watch but didn't", Ranveer said, not going into details, since the doctor asked her to apply ointment frequently and leave the scar free in air, she couldn't wear a watch on it, but she decided to wear full sleeves so that the scar is not completely closed off but at the same time not visible to people...

"Bracelet?? Good... all done??", Avyan asked about installing the necessary apps, games, and settings...

"Yeah! done... let me help you pack it", Ranveer said

"Yeah, thanks", Avyan said packing the gift he brought for his Bhabhi sa... not knowing that 2 hours from now, his brother would be drilling holes into his head for the same gift, Abhyansh is not used to surprising people, he isn't aware of all these things, people do, like celebrating the first day at work, the little achievements, etc...

Ranveer and Avyan finished packing the mac, Isha is done with dinner early, so she went to her husband to ask the things she couldn't because of her brother's intrusion.

"Rana sa... where is bhai??", Isha asked entering her husband's home office and not seeing her brother... Abhyansh shrugged continuing his work... "he left from here??", she asked, he nodded still working... "when??", she asked again, he again shrugged not wanting his wife to leave there and look for her brother... she huffed at her husband's unresponsiveness, walked to him, and entered the tiny space between him and the table on where his laptop is situated... with her move, she surprised her husband and also excited him with her proximity... "look at me and answer please", she said, though she said please at the last, her tone didn't look like a request, and Abhyansh didn't mind it though...

"Okay, ask", Abhyansh said looking into her eyes... she smiled at his instant shift of concentration on her...

"Where is bhai??", she asked again

"He walked away almost an hour back, um... his exact location...", Abhyansh looked in the tab that's placed to the corner of the table, changed some settings looking for Ranveer's location... "wait, what do I get if I tell you??", he asked her with a smirk...

"What could anyone give you?? You have the power to take anything you want...", Isha said not understanding what her husband is talking about... he smiled at her innocence...

"That's right too, my power works in front of everyone except for Rani sa...", he said and she smiled understanding what he meant, he is right to a certain extent, only she could make him change his decisions or revise punishments...

"Rana sa... tell me please... where is bhai?? I didn't see him in the main hall or anywhere on my way here... I asked him to stay for dinner, did he leave??", Isha asked

"He is in the front garden, with Avyan...", he answered

"Oh okay", she said and is about to move out of his way to get a chair and sit beside him, but he thought she is leaving to find her brother, and pulled her to his lap by her waist...

"Rana sa... let me get a chair and sit... I have a few things to ask, since I am done with dinner early, I came to you", she said but he didn't leave her, instead adjusted her in his lap so that she is in a comfortable position... she sighed and leaned her head on his chest, knowing he won't let her go... "lock the door, I know no one enters without permission but still I'm not comfortable...", she asked and he digitally locked the door...

"Done...", Abhyansh said kissing her cheek and she hugged him trying to hide her blush...

"Rana sa...", she called still hiding her face in his chest...

"Hm...", he responded... she looked at him with surprise, it just makes her heart flutter whenever he responds to her, the kind ofpersonality he has, he normally hates to communicate and that comes in front of her too sometimes, but he makes a lot of effort to control that and respond to her... his immense striving to get better for her raises her love for him ten folds...

"Rana sa...", she calls him again, just to listen to his cold and base voice but she could hear the warmth in it as well...

"Hm??", he responds again making her smile... "what??", he asks looking at her wide smile... she just shakes her head and kisses his cheek surprising him... he pulls her face to him by her head and places his lips on hers, kissing her slowly but passionately, taking his time exploring her mouth, she moaned when he sucked her lower petal followed by the upper one... she tried to copy his actions and that made him wild, he pulled her to him and kissed her fiercely which she enjoyed more than she intended to... he left her slowly sensing her breathlessness... she nuzzled her face in his neck, slowly kissing his nape, hugging his shoulders tightly...

"What happened to you today??", he asked in his hoarse tone...

"Nothing...", she said hugging him tightly... he nodded and continued with his work holding her in place with his one arm... "Rana sa... I forgot why I'm here in the first place", she said looking up at his face slapping her head...

"Hm... ask", he said still working...

"Will ask later, you continue", she said leaning on his chest, feeling guilty to disturb him from working...

"Isha...ask", he said closing his laptop and she cupped his face and kissed his cheek again... the way he prioritizes her is just too loving...

"I wanted to ask about the dress code in your company...", she asked, he wanted to correct her, it's her company as well... but he knew she takes some time to accept his things, so in contrast to his personality, he decided to give her time to adapt instead of forcing his things and position on her...

"Didn't your boss tell you??", he asked