They started having food... some items tasted 'okay' while the others are just horrible, Pratap Singh Ranawat who never had 'just okay' food kept a disgusting face after taking a morsel...
"Avyan prepared it...", Amruta said begging her husband with her eyes not to say anything out... Pratap quickly swallowed it, he didn't love his wife anymore but still has some soft corner for her in his eyes though he can't show it... also when he heard his younger son prepared the whole meal, he understood that he must have got a punishment from his elder brother, but he didn't understand why would his son ask his brother to cook as a punishment when his beliefs are against men cooking or so he thought.
Isha and Amruta had it with a smile, trying their best not to give away to Abhyansh, while Avyan and Devyani Devi are struggling hard to put up their act...
"I'm full, I'll have fruits and milk for tonight... Amruta, send me some to the room later", Pratap said and Amruta nodded...
"Finish the food in your plate", Abhyansh said coldly when he saw Pratap about to push the plate away finishing his dinner which gave no choice to anyone but finish the food with difficulty. Isha thanked her stars that she served herself very little and her husband didn't force her to serve herself more that day. Abhyansh knew this would happen and took measures prior regarding his wife as well.
"I want to taste it too", Abhyansh said after finishing the meal his wife prepared for him... Avyan coughed badly upon hearing it...
"B...Bhai sa...??", Avyan asked
"Rana can't have it, what about your wounds??", Isha whispered the last part
"It's okay, one morsel is fine...", Abhyansh said ordering Isha to serve it, she on having no option, served him every dish Avyan prepared but a highly negligible quantity... Abhyansh had everything but there is no expression on his face like always and that scared Avyan a lot...
Abhyansh got up after his meal...
"Avyan... make everything again and get me to taste, I'll make sure you get the taste right before the sunrise", Abhyansh said before walking away... Avyan sat on his chair with a cry-baby face...
"Bhabhi sa... I'll be cooking this whole night... huh...", Avyan whined
"Good, at least we are getting edible food from tomorrow", Pratap said and left from there...
Devyani Devi looked at her grandson for some time...
"What did you do to deserve this Yuvraj??", she asked in her usual tone... Avyan is surprised, his grandmother rarely took interest in his matters, everyone's matters... he explained her briefly, she smirked looking at Isha before nodding...
"Don't worry Avyan, I'll help you to get it right, you won't need the whole night", Isha pacified her brother-in-law...
"And get him punished again??", Devyani Devi asked Isha
"Rajmata??", Isha asked confused
"Rani sa... you can't help him, Maharaj won't like it if you strain yourself", Devyani Devi said and all of them agreed... "I'll teach you", she added shocking everyone...
"Ma sa... please don't stress yourself, I'll help Avyan...", Amruta said
"Exactly, you help him, but you can't teach him... Maharaj wants him to learn and he would only if someone teaches him... and I'll do it", she ordered and Amruta couldn't say anything after that, Avyan looked at Isha to save him, as only she has the right to go against Rajmata’s words but knowing Isha, she wouldn't but still he hoped against hope... Avyan didn't want to spend learning 'how to cook' from his coldest of the cold Dadi(grandmother) but looks like he didn't have much choice...
"Didn't you both have work??", Devyani asked and both Isha and Amruta scurried away from there leaving Poor Avyan with her... "Yuvraj... I'll see you in the kitchen in the next 10 minutes...", said Rajmata, tucking the loose end of her saree... Avyan is seeing his grandmother's this 'face' for the first time.
Just like she told, he met her in the kitchen in 10 minutes, and she started teaching him everything and in just an hour or so, Avyan made 3 dishes that tasted good...
"Dadi sa, you are amazing, thank you so much...", Avyan said with awide smile seeing his hard work...
"That's far from perfect Yuvraj... but since you are a beginner, this is fine... now get back to work, you have to prepare a lot more before taking them for tasting to the king", she said and they got to work and finished preparing everything Abhyansh asked.
"Where did you learn to make this?? This one is actually tastier than the one Bhabhi sa makes, which is surprising... what did you put in it??", Avyan asked tasting the dessert his grandmother prepared as a reward for his hard work...
"Milk...", Devyani Devi said
"Milk?? In this??", Avyan asked surprising
"Yes... it's odd, no one would think to use milk in this but a little bit of milk gives the dish a very good texture if added in the right amount...", she said avoiding his first question...
"Thank you for sharing your secret recipe with me...", Avyan said and Rajmata just nodded... "Dadi sa, why did you offer to help me??", Avyan asked after much silence...