"Give me a week, I'll talk to him, okay ?", he asked and she nodded.

They reached the office, they traveled in the common elevator while he held her hand supporting her

"Rana sa... how long will this go ?? People aren't stupid to buy that the king's private elevator is under maintenance for so long", Isha said

"I know they aren't but who would dare to question me ?? or you for that matter ??", he asked and she sighed deeply... He is right, no one would question him, at the same time, none would dare to question her regarding him, as they can't talk sh*t about the king. "Just a few days, we'll reveal it to everyone when my private elevator gets repaired...", he teased, making her smile shaking her head, she got down at 1st floor bidding bye to her husband.

A few days passed, Isha completely forgot about her brother's surprise on her birthday, or maybe it was in the back of her head always but she didn't let it take the front seat as she didn't want to keep her hopes high and then get disappointed but her aunt and her family actually cared enough to visit her.

On a Sunday, when the Ranawat palace is calm as everyone was taking some rest after a heavy lunch, Isha's phone rang with her brother's number, she picked up the call before her husband could silence it, and the news she heard jerked up from her half-sleep. Abhyansh who is working sitting beside her looked at her with a questioning gaze...

"My mother's family is here", she said, she tried to maintain her strength but her nervousness was clearly visible...

"And do you want to meet them ??", Abhyansh asked

"I will", Isha said getting up, freshening up, and walking down along with her husband.

Isha is neutral about the meeting, she thought she didn't miss them, she thought she didn't love them as much as she did in he childhood but she realized how wrong she was when she saw them in front of her eyes.

Abhyansh found a man and woman in their late fifties and early fifties respectively, beside them was a young boy who might be just a couple of years older to Isha... Abhyansh instantly frowned looking at the guy. Ranveer smirked looking at the change in his brother-in-law's face, well, it's not like there were a lot of expressions on his face, but Ranveer lauded his observation skills in his head, they were so great that he observed his brother-in-law 's usual cold and brooding face turning colder looking at Isha's cousin.

"Isha...", the lady came forward to take Isha into her arms but seeing Isha flinch, she refrained from hugging her, she just cupped her face, controlling her tears. Isha resembled a lot like her dead sister.

Ranveer came forward and held his sister by her shoulders to give support to her.

Isha controlled her emotions and dispersed all the servants, some were serving coffee, tea for the guests, and some were working in the hall, she didn't want to fall weak in front of the staff, that's the first lesson she got from Rajmata Devyani Devi, to be emotionally stable in front of their people and staff... To always stay strong in front of them, if you can't then should at least act to be strong.

"Maasi...", Isha called, two traitorous tears leaving her eyes, the lady hugged Isha tightly sobbing...

"Ishu... I missed you so much... you look a lot like your mother... I'm so sorry Isha... I failed you, I failed my sister... I'm so sorry", the lady said after recovering from her emotional burst out...

"bhai told me what happened with you maasi, don't blame yourself", Isha said softly wiping her aunt's tears...

"Isha... beta, how are you ??", her aunt's husband softly asked, he changed a lot in the past 17-18 years, he gained weight, thewrinkles were evident now, but his voice was the same, soft and affectionate... he used to be her favorite uncle, Isha thought, maybe he still is, she realized...

"Paasi...", Isha slightly, walking towards him, making the elderly couple chuckle followed by Ranveer...

"You still remember it ??", he asked and Isha nodded

"How are you beta ??", he asked and Isha nodded with a smile, as no words came out, it's been years since someone had shown this fatherly affection to her, at that point she realized how much she missed her mama papa, her maasi-paasi, her dadi, and her cousin Anuj who is standing there looking at his parents interacting with Isha.

"Isha used to say, if Ma's sister is Maasi, Papa's brother is Paasi, so she used to call uncle that... Well, he was more of a brother to my bhabhosa, than my father ever was, he loved and respected bhabhosa a lot like a brother though they weren't related by blood, so Isha used to think he was her father's brother", Ranveer whisper-detailed his brother-in-law. Though Abhyansh hated Amar Rajput, lately he showed patience in listening about him, as he started observing how much his wife loved her father, though she never expressed it for his sake.

"Ishu...", Anuj, her cousin called, and Isha smiled widely at him...

"Anuj... How are you ??", Isha asked, with a wide grin on her face, and that wide smile on her face for the first time brought anger to Abhyansh. He didn't like his wife smiling at another man like that, he burned in jealousy...

"Ranawat... he is her brother, put a brake to your jealousy, it's quiet evident", Ranveer teased, whispering so that only Abhyansh could hear him...

"He isn't her brother, not blood-related, he was adopted", Abhyansh said in his low tone shocking Ranveer, no one knew this detail, even Ranveer didn't, he thought Anuj was their own son...

"How did you know ??", Ranveer asked

"You have grown up into a beautiful lady now huh... I miss that chotu Ishu who used to cry for ice cream in the middle of the night", Anuj said ruffling her hair...

"Rani sa...", Abhyansh called suddenly unable to see that man's hands on her hair, he so wanted to warn him to stay the hell away from his wife, like he did to Vikram but seeing the happiness on his wife's face he couldn't... his shout scared the elderly couple and Anuj who took off his hand from her hair instantly, Isha and Ranveer are startled as well... "You didn't introduce them ?", he asked in his steely tone

"Sorry Rana sa... I forgot...", Isha said with a sheepish smile making the family smile... Isha started with the introductions... the lady's face paled when she looked at Abhyansh, till now she avoided his presence there, but she couldn't help but look at him when her niece introduced her to him directly...