"It's called a surprise for a reason Ishu... you do understand the meaning of 'Surprise' right ?", Ranveer teased making his sister pouting, and his brother-in-law annoyed.

"Okay enough of call", Abhyansh said, hanging up.

"Rana sa... I'm talking", she whined...

"Enough of talking with your idiot brother, concentrate on your husband...", he said pulling her to him

"My brother isn't idiot, don't call him that", she said angrily though his naked chest was making her lose control.

"Fine... enough about him...", he said pulling her into a deep kiss hovering her, she pulled him into her fisting his hair while he took off her saree pin...

"Rana sa... it's just a while back...", she started but his soft caresses stopped her from saying further... she wanted him... so badly, but she doubted if her body would function the next day...

"I'll be gentle... I promise", he said and she nodded giving in to their desires. She knew she wouldn't have resisted his charm if he started it but he made sure to take her permission before going forward and that warmed her heart, she knew his desires very well and yet he always put her comfort before his needs and this increased her love for him. Sure, they have come a long way in their relationship.

Abhyansh made love to his wife gently, his slow passion burning her...

"Wear this", he said handing him her shirt, after he cleaned her...

"No... Bhai will video call me in some time to wish me, just get my pyjamas, the Mickey Mouse ones... Bhai bought them...", she said and he shook his head at her love for the things her brother bought. He is back with her night suit and helped her wear it.

"Abhyansh... wear your shirt too...", she said, she saw how her brother's expression changed looking at her husband roaming shirtless in front of her, she had an idea that her brother hated her closeness with her husband.

"I don't give a damn about what your brother wants Rani sa", Abhyansh made his statement loud and clear, though his wife didn't voice out, he knew what she wanted to say and why. She rolled her eyes at her husband.

"Then stay hidden to the camera...", she argued, they continued their talking, and when the clock stuck 12, Abhyansh shut her up with a kiss...

"I love you", he said and she frowned

"You are supposed to say, 'Happy Birthday' or 'Many more happy returns of the day' or you can even say...", she started but he put his finger on her lips stopping her from talking further

"I know how to wish, but I don't want to, instead I'll work hard to make you happy on your birthday", he said and she shook her head at his logic...

"Fine... I'll let my bhai wish me first then", she said looking at her phone blinking with her brother's contact number.

"Many many happy returns of the day my wife... I love you so much", Abhyansh said pulling her into a tight hug making her laugh loudly at his competitiveness...

"Okay okay, now let me answer my bhai's call", she said giggling, getting away from his hug while he is unwilling to let go.

"Bhai...", she said picking up her brother's call...

"Happy Happy Birthday my Ishu... I wish you all the happiness in the world, my beautiful bacha... you deserve the world and your bhayyu will try to give you everything you deserve till his last breath... Bhayyu loves you the most bachuuu", Ranveer wished his sister with a bright smile bringing tears in her eyes. He wanted to go there and wish her directly but his beast of a brother-in-law already warned him.

"Thank you bhayyu... Ishu too loves her bhayyu the most...", Isha said making Abhyansh groan in irritation and jealousy...

"I love you both the most", she corrected looking at her husband but he is still sulking making her frown...

"Leave him, he is a born brood", Ranveer said understanding his sister's dilemma.

"Rajput... if you don't want to die on your sister's birthday, hang up", Abhyansh warned coldly... he hated that his wife loved his idiot of a brother-in-law equally...

"Rana sa... don't talk like that", she said slapping his arm, Ranveer smirked at it...

"Bhai... bye...", she said hanging up as she didn't want to witness a fight between the brothers-in-law the first thing on her birthday.

"This is why I call him an idiot", he sulked, she smiled at his irked face and kissed his chest just above his heart...

"Thank you for being with me and wishing me... I know it's been years you wished someone on their birthday, I haven't seen you wishing Avyan on his birthday as well, now that you started doing it, wish him next time, he waited for you to do it the whole day...", she said