"Well, it's not exactly a cold war, you declared war on me very openly", he said sulking...

"Ab chodiye na Rana sa(Now leave all that Rana sa)", she said softly pecking his lips...

"Easy for you to say, you are not one who got ignored by your husband for your family", he said and she laughed at his open jealousy...

"Oh, so this is the matter, you think I love our family more than you ??", she asked and he shook his head...

"No, I know you love me more, yet you chose to torture me for them", he said and she smiled at him.

"I'm sorry", she said cupping his face.

"Hm... but you are not forgiven, maybe I'll forgive you tonight after satisfying my craving for all these days", he said nuzzling her neck and kissing her there...

"But, I didn't forgive you yet", she said, trying to control the pleasurable sensations her husband was causing her... he knew she was still upset about how Bhairav ignored her pleas...

"I know you are hurt, I'm so sorry, now, this won't happen again, since I'm handing over all the responsibilities to you, now, not only Bhairav, but everyone will have to listen to you in matters concerning the palace", he said

"Everyone ??", she asked and he nodded... "even the king himself ??", she asked with a mischievous smile and he lifted his head from her neck staring at her...

"Let me tell you a secret... everyone thinks the king holds all the power and has the final say, but you should know better, he is at his queen's mercy", Abhyansh said, kissing her chest, just above her heart... "this pure heart had finally conquered the BEAST", he added, her heart fluttered, and started beating wildly. She never thought he could use words like this to express his feelings for her. "Now, forgive me my Jaan, please", he said and she nodded kissing his head.

"Now tell me, what do you want to do tomorrow ??", he asked, he is very bad at planning surprises, and he knew his wife hadthat comfort with him to ask anything she wanted, so he didn't bother much.

"Nothing, I just want to be with my whole family the whole day, and in the evening and night, I just want to be in your arms which is my heaven, and regarding my gift, you gave it a day earlier...", she said mentioning what he did for her making him kiss her forehead showing his love and appreciation for her.

"But I want to get you something more, ask me anything Isha...", he said, he expected her to ask about his past which she wanted to know so badly but how can he forget she is also the woman who loves him unconditionally and didn't want to compel him to utter it.

"Give me anything you like, everything you give is precious to me... a present should be of giver's will, not accepter's choice", she said and he smiled... "Um... no actually, this smile... this smile you have on your face, I want to have a picture with you, while you smile at the camera, Rana sa, I want to show our children that their father is really happy with their mother, not just saying so in fear of her", she said making him chuckle...

"You think I fear you ??", he asked in amusement, though it was a bit true, he didn't want her to know it

"Don't you ??", she asked raising her brows...

"Whatever makes you happy", he answered slyly but her next words shocked him...

"Don't act clever with me, I'm your wife... I know you are afraid of me, maybe a little but you are, I knew, but your pride isn'tallowing you to accept it huh ??", she asked and he laughed at her frowned brows, narrowed eyes, and pouted lips...

"Yes, I'm afraid of my tiny but clever wife", he said chuckling, flicking her nose...

"I'm not tiny", she said offended, her height and figure didn't allow anyone to call her tiny.

"You are... for me, you are", he said hiding her in his strong arms and she sighed with a giggle knowing he was right. Her husband isn't bulky but perfectly fit for his 6'3" height. The first time she saw him, was when she saw his portrait in his room, she found him extremely good-looking that she couldn't look away for a second. Later all the pain he gave her made her hate him, but again, when she thought her Kaku sa was gonna shoot him, her heart started beating wildly in fear of losing something precious, she couldn't understand how the hell had she gotten ready to sacrifice herself for him at that point of time when all she had for him was hatred.

"I want to tell you something", she said cupping his face staring into his eyes, her favourite part of his face. He nodded waiting for her to continue... "but you shouldn't laugh or tease me", she warned and he nodded in okay. "Use your mouth Rana sa, so lazy you are", she chided making him chuckle...

"Okay... I won't tease you or laugh at you", he said and she cupped his face again and kissed his eyes one by one surprising him...

"When I first saw you clearly, I mean your portrait, I found you so handsome that I couldn't look away, your baby blue and green eyes stood out, you know, as much as I dislike people's fearfor you, I am thankful for it, because of fear, not many people can look into your eyes, I'm afraid they would cast an evil eye on it, they are the prettiest pair of eyes I have ever seen and I absolutely love them... maybe I fell in love with you at first because of them... they are so dear to me, I am afraid, what if other women look into them and fall in love with you like that ??", she asked, he had no words, his wife never expressed her love for his physical features verbally before, especially her love for his eyes. He knew she loved his eyes, with the way she stared into them most of the time, but her possessiveness for his orbs came as a shock to him.

"No one can fall in love with a devil like me Rani sa, stay worry-free", he said rubbing her cheeks and pouted lips recovering from his shock. He so wanted to laugh at her baseless fears, but he promised he wouldn't laugh so stifled it.

"You know nothing about what girls think about you, I am glad women can't look into your eyes, don't change ever, even though in the future if you become a bit soft to people, don't ever let women look into eyes, promise ??", she said

"Are you okay ?? What has gotten into you today ??", he asked amusement dancing in his eyes...

"Promise me first", she asked sternly making him chuckle.

"Fine, I promise, and don't worry, no one can look into my eyes except for you and your brother, I'm sure your brother wouldn't want to die in his sister's hands, so he would definitely not fall in love with her husband", Abhyansh said and Isha laughed nodding at her husband.