"But ma sa, Isha is very hurt, this isn't expected from Abhyansh", Amruta said disappointed at her son.

"Amruta... don't worry unnecessarily, it's time for certain changes in the palace, and take this as a good start for it", Devyani Devi said, getting up and walking away with the coffee cup in her hand leaving Amruta and Avyan in puzzles.

Isha took coffee and snacks to Abhyansh, she entered his study and saw him conversing with Bhairav, so she stayed far away from the hearing range as she didn't want to interrupt their conversation. Abhyansh noticed Isha's presence.

"Isha...", Abhyansh said nodding his head asking her to come towards him, and she started walking towards her husband.

"Rani sa", Bhairav greeted bowing his head. Every time he greeted her, he got a smile in return but now he didn't even get an acknowledgement from her which hurt him but he stayed there waiting for the king to dismiss him.

"We are seeing cars for Avyan, have a look and choose one", Abhyansh said softly, Bhairav cursed himself in the head, he was not supposed to hear the soft tone of his king.

Isha didn't respond to her husband, just poured coffee into the cup and put it in front of him, then served him his snacks and turned to leave when Abhyansh stopped her.

"Wait", he said and she turned to him.

"Allow me to leave Maharaj", Bhairav quickly said after recovering from the shock the queen just gave him by ignoring their king, Abhyansh nodded dismissing Bhairav.

"Isha... I'm trying here, how would I know if you don't say anything", he asked

"Sorry for the delay in bringing your coffee, I know you need it as soon as you come home from office", she softly said ignoring his words...

"What do you want me to do??", he asked trying to hold on to his patience, he didn't want to hurt her, he kept chanting inside. She stayed silent and he huffed in frustration. "Bacha... now you are testing my patience", he said, his tone turning slightly irritated.

She looked at him for a second but didn't say a word, he pulled her by the waist to make her sit on his lap like always but before he could do that, she slowly removed his grip from her waist and moved away.

"If there is nothing, I'll leave... should I call Bhairav back?? You seemed to be in some important discussion", she asked and he shook his head, now understanding his wife was in no mood to talk. He decided to talk at night, maybe she would get better after dinner as he planned to gift his brother the car till dinner.

Isha walked away from there to get the dinner prepared. Later, the whole family assembled for dinner. Isha served her husband, he asked her to sit as well, she nodded and was about to serve herself and then sit as her hands couldn't reach all the dishes after sitting, whereas Abhyansh sat in the head chair and his long hands also could access the dishes easily.

"Aap baithiye (take your seat), I'll do it", he said, serving his wife shocking his family. Avyan who is having the naan (Indian bread) choked on it, which caught everyone's attention including his brother's...

"Have water... or do you expect me to pour it for you ??", Abhyansh asked in his cold tone startling his brother, who quickly had some water, bowing his head a bit as in saying 'thank you' to his brother for asking him to have water, for caring for him.

Rajmata Devyani Devi looked at her eldest grandson changing his ways, not only for his wife but for his family. She smiled at how love, care, and the feeling of belongingness could change even the most stubborn men, her husband was an example of it,and now her elder grandson who was more rigid, cruel, stony, and emotionless than his grandfather.

Abhyansh served his wife, while she served herself with the dishes she could access. Everyone had their dinner, Abhyansh waited till his whole family finished dinner, unlike every day where he gets up and leaves after he is done eating.

He walked to the main hall, asking his family to follow. Pratap got to know what happened to Avyan's car and how Isha fought for it. Bhairav brought the car keys and the papers related to it.

"Isha, hand over the keys and these papers to Avyan", he said, he purposely called her by her name as she would ignore him if he addressed her 'Rani sa', he realized how serious his wife was and he didn't want to get embarrassed in front of his family, well, he feared his wife now.

Isha did the needed, Avyan took the keys with surprise on his face, he didn't expect a new car from his brother, let alone his dream car, which would require at least 6 months prior to order, but of course, nothing is impossible for his brother.

"Avyan... I don't want you to accept it", Isha started startling everyone, and a frown appeared on Abhyansh's face. "Your car was burnt without your fault, it was a huge insult, if you accept this, it's as if you indeed are at fault, so, I don't want you to, I wouldn't have told you this if I saw you only as my husband's brother, but for me, you are as dear as my bhai, and I would have asked him the same if he was in your place", Isha concluded

Avyan is perplexed to hear his sister-in-law. Well, he too thought not to accept this though the car model is very tempting, the reason he took the keys is only because it was his brother's firstgift in decades, he always had to earn things, his brother didn't gift him anything, even when he went abroad for masters, he had to earn for his living through part-time, Abhyansh only paid for his college. He didn't complain though, he understood his elder brother wanted him to become a responsible man, not a spoilt brat. He is what he is because of his elder brother and he owed to him forever.

But, with Isha's words, Avyan was in a fix. Abhyansh understood his brother's dilemma, he couldn't reject his gift in front of everyone which is terrifying, neither could he accept it going against his Bhabhi sa, which would hurt Isha again, and Abhyansh couldn't see her hurting anymore, so he did what he thought he would never do.

"Bhairav, take them back...", Abhyansh ordered and turned to his wife... "I thought you wanted this, that's the reason I got him the car, if you didn't want him to accept it, all you should have done is let me know Isha", he said softly surprising his wife. She never thought he would be that soft to her in front of everyone. He walked away giving one final look to his wife and then to his brother who looked grateful for his gift but sorry that he couldn't accept it. Abhyansh walked away, after giving a nod to Avyan whose eyes welled up at his brother's understanding.

Isha closed her eyes in regret, her intention was not to offend him, she was hurt and wanted to change the way how the family was treated.

Pratap walked away not understanding his daughter-in-law. Why is she trying to change how things are done for decades, instead of having a comfortable life with her husband who loves her immensely? Honestly, he expected Amar Rajput's daughter to be utterly selfish, but Isha proved him wrong at every step.She is stupidly selfless, she doesn't know how to make use of the privileges she is getting by being the queen, instead, she always tries to make other's lives simpler which puzzled Pratap.

"What you wanted to achieve is huge, it doesn't happen in a day, keep your patience", Rajmata Devyani Devi said surprising Isha, how did she know that she(Isha) was not only fighting for Avyan but the whole family Isha wondered ?? She gave a small smile to Devyani before nodding. The older woman left after keeping her hand on Isha's head blessing her.

"Isha, beta... leave it now, what's happened has happened, why are you hurting yourself by thinking about it...", Amruta said, while Isha sat on the floor and kept her head on Amruta's lap.