"Sasur sa... I... it's Isha, this side", she fumbled

"Yes, Rani sa", he said bitterly, remembering how his son asked her to address 'Rani sa'

"Sasur sa, please call me by my name... I'm sorry to trouble you, I just called you to check on ma...", she said hesitantly... Pratap too sighed hearing her tone filled with affection and respect for him, he didn't expect her to respect him when his own sons didn't.

"Hm... she is fine, I gave her breakfast and doctor gave her the daily dose of injection just half an hour ago", he told her...

"Oh okay... did the doctor say anything else about the change of medicines or anything else ??", Isha asked politely

"Yeah, he was telling about some physiotherapy, not now, but after a while when she gets discharged, he said he would speak to you or Avyan about it again", Pratap detailed

"Oh okay, I'll speak to the doctor tomorrow, I'm sending your lunch along with ma's, please have it, I'm sending your medicines as well, please take them... I apologize for troubling you Sasur sa", Isha spoke surprising him... how did she know about his medicines ??

"Okay", Pratap said and hung up...

He sat there thinking something deeply, he didn't hate Isha personally, his hate was for her father... and now Isha's kindness is gradually cracking that wall, he could feel it...

"What are you thinking ?? Is there a problem ??", Amruta who was so surprised and happy seeing her husband properly conversing with their daughter-in-law maybe for the first time, questioned him...

"How does she know about my medicines and all ??", he asked

"I told her, she keeps asking about you and Ma sa(Devyani) since you people won't talk to her much, she wants to know you people, she wants to be responsible and take care of you when needed", Amruta said and Pratap nodded...

"How did your son get so lucky despite being an a** all his life ?", Pratap asked and Amruta didn't like how her husband talked about their son...

"Abhyansh isn't bad, he is just a bit rude, and you know why he is like that...", Amruta said

"Yeah, people's betrayal made him the BEAST to them, but he still loved his family, then you...", he started, but knowing the rules, he stopped himself, he cannot ever talk about it, it's his son's order.

Amruta sighed in frustration, she so wanted to clear everything to them, she is not what they are thinking, but her son's one rule snatched from her the chance to explain...


Isha got her mehndi done, and then supervised the packing of food for her husband, Avyan, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Veena, now everything is done, the rest I'll do later, go and apply mehndi", Isha said to the female head servant of the main palace.

"No Rani sa, how can I leave all this to you, especially when you are fasting", Veena said settling things...

"Veena... even you are fasting, go now", Isha said, a bit sternly, she learned that they would only listen when she passed orders... Veena sighed and walked away, bowing to Isha.

Abhyansh came back in the evening earlier than usual as his wife asked him to, shocking his employees as he never left before his time nor after time. Isha washed off her mehndi, made coffee and snacks for him, and took them to him. He started having it while she sat beside him.

Isha observed her husband is a bit upset, and she knew the reason.

"Aap humse naaraz hai ??(Are you angry with me ??)", she asked him

"You must have been very busy today, to even make a meal for your husband huh ??", he said it, he knew he is being absurd but it is what it is, he is so used to his wife's handmade food that he cannot eat any other food now. He feels content having it, and he is aware that the reason for not cooking is definitely not weakness, as his wife has pretty good stamina, being a Rajput princess, she inherited that natural immunity and stamina.

"Dadi sa asked me to go and get the mehndi applied, while she cooks for the day, I couldn't refuse her when she said, you wouldn't miss my handmade food for a day", Isha said

"You should have told her I would", he asked not understanding what's the issue, Isha looked at him wide-eyed.

"Rana sa, she was teasing me, I can't tell that to her, she would tease me more...", Isha tried to explain her husband.

"I'll speak to her, how can she tease you", he said in his cold tone, Isha slapped her head, not getting how to explain her thick-skulled husband.

"Leave it, won't happen again, I'm making the evening dinner", she said and he frowned...