"Bhabhi sa, I don't know whether to thank you for saving me from earlier punishment or getting me a new one", Avyan muttered

"You deserved it for doing what you did to Anshi", Isha said glaring at her brother-in-law before walking towards her mother-in-law's ward.

Avyan looked at the way his Bhabhi sa walked in before looking at the opposite side where his brother stormed off angrily. He sighed at his ill fate, both of them are upset with him, he could understand his brother as that's his mood always but his Bhabhi sa is also upset with him, who is normally on his side. He walked out to his brother who is brooding standing outside his car instead of settling inside the car though his man stood there, opening the door for him... as soon as Avyan came into his view, he glared at him, burning him with his eyes.

"Get in Yuvraj", Abhyansh said, Avyan gulped hearing his brother's tone... Avyan got in silently after which Abhyansh walked to get in from the other side, Bhairav quickly ran to open it.

"Bhai sa... sorry", Avyan mustered up the courage to apologize to his brother after half an hour of horrible silence which was killing him.

"Are you that stupid to blurt everything to Rajput ?? And that A**, I'm not gonna leave him", Abhyansh said, Avyan too cursed Ranveer, but will he learn his lesson from this and stop sharing things with Ranveer, well no, that won't happen, Avyan cursed his lack of sense and his sarcastic brain too for taunting him at this time.

"I'm so sorry Bhai sa", Avyan said, Abhyansh didn't respond...

"This girl... Anshi, what did she do ??", Abhyansh asked after calming himself... Avyan explained his reasons including thethings that happened there, he is sure his brother must have watched the video by now, so he excluded it and detailed everything else...

"She didn't disrespect Bhabhi sa, she even tried to stop her friend but her opinion about Bhabhi sa is offensive", Avyan said, Abhyansh is surprised by how Avyan reacts to things when it's about his Bhabhi sa...

"She is innocent, your Bhabhi sa is right...", Abhyansh said, shocking Avyan...

"Bhai sa ??", Avyan is confused, he knew that girl is left with no option but to think that way... maybe everyone there might be thinking the same after Natasha Khanna revealed how she witnessed Isha getting out of the king's car in a dishevelled form, but that girl is forced to voice out her opinion to stop her friend.

Abhyansh shut the partition and turned to look at his brother, who gulped in fear, as he very rarely sat this close to his brother, it scared him. Though his brother's customized model offered a huge gap between them, it seemed very less considering his brother's intimidating aura which is spread widely...

"Avyan... you need to be free from prejudices if you are to judge if someone is right or wrong, don't think about your Bhabhi sa or the emotional connection between you two and judge the girl, look at her situation, and the things from her point of view before judging her, if you still feel she is wrong, I'll leave it to you to punish her... don't worry, I'll take it on my head in front of your Bhabhi sa", Abhyansh said in his cold tone, but the words he said brought tears in Avyan's eyes.

His brother not only patiently explained him the whole thing, but also offered to take the blame on his head to protect him from his Bhabhi sa, he knew Isha wouldn't let this go and Avyan couldn't afford his Bhabhi sa upset with him...

Avyan so wanted to hug his brother and cry but he knew his brother hated weak people who don't have control over their emotions...

"There is reason I shut the partition", Abhyansh said emotionless, Avyan who got the hint, widened his eyes, before hugging his brother tightly and sobbing in his arms...

Abhyansh didn't say a word, he is bad at consoling, and all this is completely against his personality but maybe his wife's attempts are working, his walls are slowly melting for his family... and he always had a soft corner for his brother... he never punished him harshly, which could hurt him physically or cause him much pain. After 5 minutes, when all the pent-up pain and longing for his elder brother is poured out, Avyan controls his sobs, sure men don't cry a lot but sometimes, it's necessary for them too to let it out, because emotional pain is the same for everyone. Abhyansh slightly rubbed his brother's back and that got him the strength to control himself...

Avyan separated himself from his brother, and he got scared when he saw the tears on his suit, he knew his brother maintained his clothes crisp and neat... he quickly took out his handkerchief and about to wipe when Abhyansh waved it off casually. He got used to it from the time his wife came into his life, and he forgave his brother this time.

"This is a one-time thing, don't get used to it", Abhyansh said, indicating his breakdown...

"Yes Bhai sa", Avyan said smiling gleefully, Abhyansh could hear the happiness and love in his tone, unlike every time which was filled with fear and caution.

Avyan took his brother's advice and thought from Anshi's point of view, separating his respect and concern for his sister-in-law, any woman in her place will have doubts when someone is accusing and the accused isn't saying anything to defend it. She might have believed what her friend said she saw, but she showed enough decency to not comment on it and even went on to stop her friend and scold her. She even apologized to Isha for her friend's rude comments even before she knew she was the queen. Avyan felt bad for what he did, he should have at least listened to his Bhabhi sa and left the poor girl but no.

Even now, when he thought how Anshi said, 'that's none of our business' as if his Bhabhi sa is really like that, he got angry, but that's because of his affection and respect for his sister-in-law and he is biased while judging her.

They reached the CD, both the brothers got down, Bhairav detailed Abhyansh the situation. He nodded and was about to walk inside when Avyan called him...

"Bhai sa... one second please", Avyan pleaded, Abhyansh signed Bhairav to leave first and look after the things inside, he bowed before walking off... then Abhyansh turned to Avyan expecting him to say something...

"I'm wrong bhai sa, that girl is innocent", Avyan said and Abhyansh nodded and is about to walk away when Avyan mustered the courage to ask that one question that's eating him... "Bhai sa, aren't you angry with Anshi ??", Avyan asked

"I'm furious, but that's my opinion as Isha's husband, I can't let it cloud my judgment", Abhyansh said and walked away, Avyan appreciated his brother's supreme sense of judgment, he knew what is right and wrong so good, he wished he become like him one day not knowing his brother already trusted him enough to give him the responsibility of all these things.

He walked in and took the elevator to move to the basement where grade 4 offenders are kept, he knew both Ashley Parker and Natasha Khanna came under 'Severe' for what they did to the Queen.

Avyan saw both the women were made to sit on the floor, there is a black cloth on their heads, and their limbs tied.

"Bhairav... take it off, I want to see the faces that dared to insult the Queen", Abhyansh said coldly, his tone itself made them shiver, and sobs escaped... the cloths were removed, they kept their heads low and sobbed heavily in fear...

"Avyan, go and get Anshi released...", Abhyansh ordered his brother, he no longer wanted her to suffer, he knew the weather of CD is traumatizing, and if she suffered anymore, he would be answerable to his wife.