"Yeah okay... for now, let's put these laptops and go for lunch, I'm hungry", Reetu urged Isha and they walked to their workstations. On their way, they heard Ashley's teammates talk that halted their steps...
"Yes, I feel the same, all these can't be a coincidence, in this office, even if a screw gets here and there, it's replaced within minutes, but his highness's elevator remained under maintenance for months now, and all regular elevators weregiven access to B4, which was confined only to his Royal Highness, not even his brother can use it..."
"No, no, these days, even Avyan sir is using B4, I heard my boss saying it to someone, he was in the elevator with Avyan sir the other day"
"What ?? He was denied B4 for years, why would he get access suddenly ??"
"And those food-quality checks his royal highness makes, why only 1st floor cafeteria ??"
"And you know what ?? I saw Isha alone with him 4 times till now, once or twice could be a coincidence, this isn't anymore and I always feel something fishy there"
Hearing the last sentence, Isha's eyes widened, she knew people weren't stupid, but she didn't think they could be this nosy and observant... Isha held Reetu's wrist and pulled her to their work stations, Isha settled on her chair holding her head...
"Thankfully, no one has the courage to look at the king directly, or else they would have clearly noticed how his eyes search for his queen always", Reetu said and Isha who was already worried glared at her friend...
"Ishu... people are like that, ignore them... and why are you so worried as if they are linking you up with a random man ?? He is your own husband... let them think whatever they want, there will be a time when everyone's mouths will be shut", Reetu said and Isha nodded... she doesn't want to go to the cafeteria but they don't want to work stations either, so she reluctantly agrees but asked Reetu to go first, she will follow her after she talks toher husband... he picked up immediately after seeing her call as she normally wouldn't call when in the office.
"Isha...", he said and his tone said he was worried for her...
"I'm fine... it's just that I have a request...", she said
"Hm...", he said encouraging her to go ahead
"Don't come to the food-quality checks anymore...", she said and his temper raised... that was the only time he gets to look at his wife. He waited a whole day for that one glimpse of hers and here she wanted him to stop that...
"Isha...none, including you, have a right to stop me from looking at my wife...", Abhyansh said, and by his tone, she understood that he was angry, she sighed in despair...
"Please Rana sa... you can drop me home maybe", she offered and a small smile appeared on his face...
"I can ??", he asked, she can hear the happiness in his tone, how badly she wanted to give him all the happiness, she craves to be with him equally but their situation became the worst enemy...
"Yes... but please don't come to food-quality checks anymore...", she pleaded...
"Okay, that interaction with the team irritates me, I know food quality is the highest in our offices, but still I had to do it... to have one glimpse of my Rani sa", he said and she smiled...
"Not just you, they all get so worried and tensed every day, because of your so-called checks, poor them, have mercy onthem Rana sa, they already work so hard and your visits make their work harder", she said
"Okay, I'll give incentives for all that they have gone through these few weeks... how about it ??", he asked
"Hm... they deserve it for handling the tough time", she said, indicating dealing with him is having a tough time, he chuckled at her taunt and she giggled along with him... "okay, see you in the evening", she said
"Hm...", he said his tone happy, she smiled at his joy of seeing her and spending some extra time with her... she sometimes wonders, is this the same man who once was so cold that she couldn't depict what he was feeling ?? He was like that with others even today, but for her, he changed so much, that change is customized for her alone and she felt his love in his every gesture, even in his silence.
"Had your lunch ??", she asked
"Not yet, I have it usually after seeing you have it every day, but since you asked me not to come, I'll have it after you do", he said and her heart fluttered...
"Rana sa... usually, a wife should have food after her husband, you reversed the tradition completely...", she said trying hard to hide her glee at his open display of love and her importance in his life.
"My wife is worth the reversal... anyways, I like it the most when we have food together... not before or after", he said and she smiled, he changed so much, he was not that king anymore, whomade her serve him, or never allowed her to sit beside him and eat...
"Me too...", she said
"Then come to my cabin on the first floor, we can have it together...", he said and he got only silence and he got her answer... "okay... let me know once you are done with your lunch", he said and she hummed... "and Start the medicines from tonight, do not skip them at any cost, skipping would be painful for you... take care...", he said softly and before she could ask anything, he hung up...
She doesn't have to ask how he knew about her medicines, of course, he would have talked to her brother... she sighed at how her husband concentrates on every little thing when it comes to her, yet he doesn't understand how sad she is, staying away from him... why can't he end these distances... is she doing right by staying away from her husband till he tells her the truth ?? But again, the words he used for her father aren't some normal things, they were very harsh and she had the right to know what made him use those... her father is a very important part of her, the fact that her husband tortured her so much, and hated her just because she is Amar Rajput's daughter, stopped her from going back to him, before learning the whole truth.
She shook her thoughts and went to the cafeteria and had her lunch, she could see the relaxed faces of the cafeteria staff, the employees and everyone else, as the cafeteria received a call from Abhyansh's office, his secretary informed the king appreciated the good quality food provided by them and decided to increase their pay, also told them that he trusted them enough to continue serving the best quality and delicious food for the employees, so he won't be doing any food quality checks...