"Ranawat... how do...", Ranveer started but was cut off by Abhyansh
"You were a fool to think I wouldn't know...", Abhyansh spoke
"Then why didn't you say anything that day ?", Ranveer asked, Ragini listened to their conversation interestingly, it's not every day you get to witness two powerful men conversing, especially His Royal Highness Abhyansh Singh Ranawat hardly spoke... though she didn't understand what they were talking about.
"I acted as if I didn't know because my wife didn't want me to know", Abhyansh said before hanging up...
"Sh*t Sh*t", Ranveer said rubbing his head while driving with the left hand...
"Mr. Rajput ?? Is something wrong ??", she asked softly
"Can you please stop calling me Mr. Rajput... it irritates me and right now my brother-in-law irritated me enough", he said and Ragini frowned in confusion...
"Okay, now tell me what is Maharaj talking about ??", Ragini asked calmly... she is not exactly the patient type but she somehow controlled her urge to snap at him looking at his condition, Isha was right, he looked very upset, his face looked as if he hadn't slept for days.
"Ranawat wanted me to stay away from you... the last time I met you in the basement, just a few minutes before, he warned me seriously not to meet you... that was why I was desperate to hide my meeting with you that day...", Ranveer said and Ragini thought Abhyansh didn't want a royal prince to chase a girl like her... and why wouldn't she ?? That's what most of the people thought about Abhyansh, seeing how he ruled the place and followed all the traditions and culture, they knew he was a very good man and an excellent king who took care of his people, but at the same time, they thought he was a man who kept old-school thinking regarding, family, lineage, and royalty.
"Then you should... he was right though... there is no point in you chasing after me... I'm no match for you...", Ragini said... "and you are no match for me either... I deserve a better man, and I'm sure I would get him", she added looking strongly at him and that's what attracted Ranveer more to her... that woman's confidence and grace...
"Well stop searching for a fictional man... you wouldn't get him... you have to adjust with me for now Ms. Shah...", Ranveer said... "and coming to Ranawat... you completely misunderstood him, he didn't want me to meet you, because he wants to protect you... well, like you, he too thinks that I'm playing with you and will leave you broken", Ranveer said shocking Ragini...
"Wh...What ?? Why would h..", Ragini's words remained in air when Ranveer spoke again...
"Ranawat is a great king, and he never lets anything unfair happen to anyone under his watch... well, the reason for his extra interest in your case is my sister though...", Ranveer said and Ragini nodded understanding what Ranveer meant...
"I have never seen any man loving a woman that crazily... that was the least expected from a man like Maharaj... he acted as if he didn't know you met me, just because Isha wanted him not to know...", Ragini said and Ranveer sighed...
"Love, passion and obsession causes more pain than happiness sometimes Ragini, one should know how to balance them and his emotions, otherwise he would destroy himself as well as his loved ones...", Ranveer said worried...
"What do you mean ??" Ragini asked...
"Will tell you... get down now...", he said stopping his car, she looked to a side to see they were in front of a 7-star hotel that belongs to none other than the king, Abhyansh Singh Ranawat...
"I thought of taking you somewhere far, but since he already knows, what's the point, let's talk in his own hotel, that way it would be easy for his men to spy on me", Ranveer said annoyed, Ragini chuckled at how petty he is... he got down and opened the door for her before she got down by herself...
"Thanks", she told him... he nodded, before giving his car for valet, they both walked in, settled in a private cabin...
"This place is fantastic", Ragini said looking around
"Yeah... I know... Isha liked it a lot too... she talked about it for days, after her first visit to this place on her first anniversary...",Ranveer said fondly remembering his sister and her happy face, it always gave him peace to see her happy...
"What is it Ranveer ??", she asked softly and for the first time in his life, he trusted a woman so much that he felt like saying everything to her... Ragini is not just a woman he is interested in... she is much more than that...
"I feel all the pain my sister bore is because of me...", he said and she frowned but didn't interrupt him... "my parents, they treated Isha very badly... my father had her caged for more than 16 years... he wouldn't have got her educated if not for Dadi... I tried to protect her and I thought I was doing a good job until after her marriage, I got to know about the things my parents did to make her suffer... she was a goddamn princess but was treated worse than a servant... and she... she was forced to marry Ranawat by my father...", Ranveer said, the way he talked about his father, clenching his teeth, Ragini saw the hatred, it's as if he would go and kill that man right away if given a chance...
"That man and his wife, unfortunately, I call parents, are so going to suffer for what they had done to Ishu... Ranawat won't leave them and I don't want him to either... it's a sin for son to kill his own parents, otherwise, I would have done it much before", Ranveer added and shivers ran through Ragini looking at the seriousness in his tone...
"Don't say stuff like that, though just for saying... it's a s...", Ragini started softly, internally convincing herself that he was just saying, he doesn't mean them...
"I'm not just saying Ragini...", his tone suddenly changed from anger to dangerously cold and serious... "I don't want to hideanything from you or pretend to be a good man in front of you... I could get very dangerous when someone harms my family, that includes my sister, Vikram, and Aryan, now Ranawat got included in it, though forceful fit... and now you too...", Ranveer said, his tone softening when he mentioned her, her eyes widened in surprise...
"Ragini... if you are looking for a man whose life is as normal and peaceful as it could get in today's world, then I'm not the one, and can never become one...", he said and her heart beat raised, does it mean if she says 'Yes' he would leave her ??... "But that doesn't mean I would let you go or anything like that, I can't give you a normal life, but trust me, you would be very happy... think about it...", he said holding her palm... just sharing things with her made his heart feel better...
"How bad can you get ??", she asked suddenly... he raised his head to look at her... "you said you could be very dangerous when someone hurts your family, how bad can you get ??", she asked, it's important for her to know to decide on anything... Ranveer sure made his space in her life, if she could skip an important meeting to be with him now, he sure crawled his place in her heart, because for her, her work, her passion came even before her family, so, even if she doesn't admit to him, she sure has feelings for him but life can't go on just feelings, there should be some common grounds to be together and happy, at least that's what she believed in...
"I paralysed my father...", Ranveer said
"I... I think I didn't hear you correctly", she fumbled, because he can't do that right ?? The way Isha described her brother, and the way this man is towards his sister, kind and gentle, he is not capable of doing that to his own father right ??