If it was someone else who said it, he would have dug a grave for them by now...

Abhyansh met Ranveer outside her room, who just finished his call and is about to move inside but Abhyansh pulled him away...

"Your sister wants to sleep, so let her, don't wander in her room or near it till tomorrow morning...", He said dragging him away...

"Let me say good night to her", Ranveer whined

"I am sure she can manage to sleep peacefully without your good night, move Rajput", Abhyansh said dragging him out...

"Bye Ishu, good night", Ranveer shouted before Abhyansh dragged him out of their chamber and closed the doors of their suit before going up to his room, sleep is far away, so he laid down for a while before getting up, he decided to skip exercise as it would open his wounds, he freshened up and moved to the temple attached to his suit and started with his prayers...

Ranveer, after coming out of the king's chamber or should he say being thrown out of it, walked out of the palace and checked his surroundings, and seeing no one noticing him, he started his car to meet his father.

As soon as he entered the place, his men greeted him, he walked inside, and his inner self screamed in satisfaction as soon as his eyes took in the sight of his a**h*le of a father, tied to a chair, his face, arms, and legs bruised... Kailash's eyes lit up seeing his son.

"Ranveer... I want to eat some proper food, arrange for it fast", Kailash said still not leaving his arrogance...

"Father, you do know that I am holding you as a hostage, don't you?? This isn't your sasural(in-laws place) that you are demanding for delicacies", Ranveer said coldly, his sister would have surely flinched hearing his harsh and cold tone if she was there, she never knew her loving, caring and extremely soft brother could be this cold.

"Ranveer, I'm your father...", Kailash said angrily

"I remember that, I can't forget it even if I want to... along with the fact that you are my father, I also remember how you tortured my sister, trust me when I say this, I'll make you pay for every teardrop she shed because of you", Ranveer said spitting venom

"Ranveer, that bi**h is not your sister...", Kailash shouted but the very next second, his son's fist landed on his left cheek...

"Dare you call her that... I don't have time to talk to you... I'm here to offer a deal to you... you need proper food and I need proper information... tell me two secrets of the many you are hiding from me... related to my sister... after I verify the facts, you will receive the food of your choice", Ranveer said

"You think I would tell you??", Kailash asked glaring at his son, now cursing the moment he made him(Ranveer)

"You are a spoilt brat father, you are so used to the feast you are being offered for years, I will also see how long you will survive with the food I provide you", Ranveer said and turned to leave when his father started speaking...

"I hate the fact that you know me so well, fine, I'll tell you but only one revelation per meal", Kailash tried to bargain

"Two, no discussions on this", Ranveer said

"Fine, 1 and half, I'm not going down beyond this", his father said and Ranveer huffed but nodded...

"Your grandmother... Rajmata Sanghvi Devi, you know she got severely ill and got bedridden in her last days, even then she didn't stop protecting that bl**dy daughter of my ba***rd of a brother....", Kailash was speaking when Ranveer's fist landed on his cheek again...

"Don't you dare say a word against my babhosa(uncle/father's elder brother), he was a father to me in those few years of my life more than you were in your entire life", Ranveer warned sternly

"You...", Kailash Rajput is about to say something when Ranveer interrupted him...

"I don't have time, go ahead with the deal and you will get your food, after I validate the facts", Ranveer said emotionlessly...

"She was secretly in touch with that bi... I mean Isha's school teachers, she was trying hard to arrange for her to go to school, I didn't like it a bit, I didn't want her to learn to survive in the outer world, I want her to remain as clueless as possible, my mother was almost getting successful at getting Isha out of the palace, her loyal men almost reached the chief minister of the state when I killed them, I understood she would have a backup plan, so before she could execute it, I killed her... anyways, it's not like she is going to live for years if I didn't", Kailash said shamelessly as if it was a very casual thing to kill your own mother...

Ranveer punched his father badly getting furious, his sister would be broken to know that their grandmother whom they both loved so much gave up her life for her...

"You killed your own mother... you killed my dadi sa... You bl**dy b**t**d...", Ranveer said beating him into sh*t...

"Stop right now if you want to know another fact, actually half fact, which could help you a lot now...", Kailash said with a smirk and Ranveer stopped immediately though glaring at his father...

"Before revealing it, you can validate the first one with the doctor that checked my mother before she died, I gave her poison-mixed food, doctor who declared her dead got to know about it, but I threatened him, you can go and check with him and for the next truth, why do you think the Royal BEAST married your sister?? You really think I have the power to blackmail him into marrying Isha?? No, he has his own personal interests, he bl**dy hates your sister's father, and he married her to torture her for her whole life... and if you think that what he is doing to her is the maximum he can do, then you are very wrong", Kailash stopped saying, coughing badly due to all the punches he received from his son, he is thinking that Abhyansh still tortures Isha...

"What is it, continue father", Ranveer asked getting impatient and Kailash smirked...

"There is one thing which even Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is unaware of, when he gets to know it, he wouldn't torture Isha, he would directly kill her...", Kailash said evilly...