"Then why didn't you?? I want the truth", Abhyansh said but Isha lowered her head, how could she tell him that she is concerned for him and didn't want to leave him when he is wounded like this...he sighed at her silence and decided to make it easier for her. He knew why she didn't go but he wanted to hear it from her mouth.
"Did you cancel your plan to take care of me?? Are you concerned for me??", he asked, and she looked at him with wide eyes wondering how did he know...
"The truth Isha", he asked softly
"Yes Maharaj... ", she said
"Yes what??", Abhyansh asked, he waited for 5 minutes but no answer came from her, he is about to give up when she opened her mouth.
"I am worried for you, you are badly injured, yet you are acting as if it's nothing, I was afraid to leave you alone and go", she said cutely, hearing the 'alone' word, he wanted to chuckle, she said as if he is a child and couldn't take care of himself...
"Okay... now ask what you want to... what's another request??", Abhyansh asked, looking at her embarrassed face he didn't want to trouble her more, so he diverted the topic...
"Um... please don't mind, but next time if you get hurt, please don't hide it from me, I promise, I will keep it as a secret, but please let me know, so that I can prepare food accordingly, at this condition you can't eat all types of foods, otherwise it would lead to pus. I know you don't want to tell me anything, but you can trust me, I won't tell it to anyone, even today I didn't inform ma about this, she asked me why am I preparing separate food for you, but I didn't tell her anything, so you can trust me", she finished her rant with a sigh making him smile... not smirk, not twitch, a proper smile...
"I trust you", he said and hearing his words she looked at his face and looking at his smile, she stared at him as if he is the most interesting thing in the entire universe. Well that's true as his smile is extremely gorgeous and she just can't take her eyes off him... he saw her staring and realized he is still smiling at his wife's words... his face turned normal again and Isha too looked away realizing her stare...
"So... will you tell me next time??", she asked and he sighed... he didn't want to worry her but he knew his wife is adamant and stubborn, she is not going to leave until he agrees to her so he nodded and she gave him a wide smile...
"Thank you, Maharaj... um... did the doctor give you any painkillers??", she asked him...
"I don't use painkillers", Abhyansh answered
"Oh, so he didn't give you any medicines??", she asked again...
"No", he said and she nodded
"Okay Maharaj... I will leave now, please call me if you need anything, take rest... ", Isha said before leaving from there...
After she left, Abhyansh laid down on the bed and drowned himself in his wife's thoughts, in about 2 decades, this is the first time he has smiled and it's not at all a normal thing. He understood that his wife is crawling to the deepest corners of his heart and he could do nothing to stop her. But the main question is does he want to??
Ranveer and Isha sat in her room and are talking, Ranveer was talking about their childhood memories, and both were laughing remembering all that...
"Bhai... I will be back in a minute, do you want some coffee or anything to drink when I come back??", Isha asked
"Yes, bacha... coffee would do, bring for yourself too, but where are you going??", Ranveer asked
"Just a small work, will be back soon", she said and left, she couldn't tell his brother that she is going to check on her husband, he would ask 1000 more questions...
Isha slowly stepped into her husband's room, hearing her footsteps, Abhyansh woke up but didn't open his eyes, he wanted to see what she does...
He slept bare-chested thankfully, so she could easily check without the hassle of removing his shirt... she looked at the wounds carefully and sighed in relief seeing the pus not forming...
"I wanted to check if he has a fever or not, but I am afraid what if he wakes up sensing my touch?? And how would I touch him in the first place?? It's okay Isha... you can do it... come on...", she whispered to herself, Abhyansh wanted to pull her close and hide her in his arms seeing her cuteness but refrained...
Isha calmed down and put her palm on his forehead, her hand shivering... she, for a second, forgot why she put her palm on his forehead... it's the first time she is touching him, it's always he who holds her palms or arms or her cheeks, she never did that and she definitely felt so good with the contact of his skin...
Abhyansh's heartbeat raised sensing her touch... his whole body felt alive feeling her soft hand on his forehead... he felt his pain soothing...
"Hmm, thank god, there is no raise in temperature, I thought he would get a fever because of extreme pain since he didn't even take any medicines or painkillers... thank you ma kali for keeping him fine", she whispered to herself, joining her both palms and sending a small thank you prayer...
His lips twitched hearing her words, she sounded like a wife and his heart skips a beat whenever she behaves like his wife... he opened his eyes to look at her innocent face and seeing her still praying, he couldn't help but tease her a bit...
"Your ma kali would be sleeping now, why are you disturbing her??", he said, usually he is not the one to tease in the name of God, he is an extreme believer of Lord Shiva and does Puja every day without a miss, but Isha is yet to know that as he does it in the temple connected to his chamber, and a secret passage is laid there only for him.