"Yes Maharaj... work would be done...", Bhairav said and left from there to follow the king's orders...

He suddenly remembered that if Ranveer gets to know about the attack on Isha, he would call her, and she would get disturbed by the ringtone... he stood up and sped off to hischamber surprising the staff who are bewildered with their king's actions...

He reached her room at exact time, when her phone started ringing, he quickly silenced it, and went to the balcony picking the call...

"Ishu... are you fine bacha...", he heard his brother-in-law's voice filled with anguish, worry, fear and pain

"Rajput... she is fine", Abhyansh answered...

"Let me talk to her, I am hell scared, who did it Ranawat?? Is she hurt?? Why did you pick my call?? My sis...sister... ", Ranveer started but Abhyansh cut him off...

"She is fine Rajput, she is sleeping, so I took your call", Abhyansh replied... he could hear the car sound and traffic, he knew his brother-in-law is on his way to Ranawat palace and just smirked at his plan...

"I am coming there, I want to see her", Ranveer said

"Okay, but just see her, do not wake her up, she needs rest", Abhyansh commanded and hung up before Ranveer could respond...

Ranveer sighed at the happenings wondering who could attack his sister?? He doubted his father but how could he?? That's not at all possible, Ranveer told himself ruling out the option thinking about his father's situation, he knew it's impossible for his father to plan anything in that condition...

Ranveer reached Ranawat palace, quickly greeted Amrutha who is sitting in the hall, and rushed to Isha's room accompanied by a servant... he took a deep sigh after seeing her fit and fine... he kissed her forehead and caressed her hair for a few minutes sitting beside her before a lady servant informed him to meet the king.

Ranveer nodded, looked at his sister who is sleeping peacefully, kissed her hair once more, and walked toward his brother-in-law's study.

"Take a seat Rajput", Abhyansh said still looking into his eyes...

"How did you know I'm inside?? Man, your extremely high senses alarm me every time", Ranveer said walking towards Abhyansh's table and taking the seat in front of him. Abhyansh didn't respond, closed the file he is reading. The BEAST directly stared into Ranveer's eyes, and threw a smirk at him which scared him... "Is something wrong??", Ranveer questioned trying hard to cover his nervousness.

"Is that fear I'm seeing Rajput?? But why??", Abhyansh asked looking into Ranveer's eyes which alerted him, and he quickly covered his expressions...

"Yes Ranawat, fear for my sister, who attacked her and why??", Ranveer asked, his anger returning, remembering about his sister's condition.

"My men are still trying to figure out what has happened Rajput", Abhyansh said, not completely a lie...

"Okay... why am I here??", Ranveer questioned

"I need to talk to you about your sister, she is highly disturbed by this, stay here for tonight and maybe till she gets fine", Abhyansh said

Just then Bhairav comes inside...

"Any news about Kailash Rajput, Bhairav??", Abhyansh asked

"No Maharaj, we are trying to locate him but couldn't Maharaj", Bhairav answered

"You are searching for that b**t**d for months now, is he that smart or you are that stupid??", Abhyansh roared, that for a second Bhairav got scared though he knew all this was scripted...

"We are sorry Maharaj, we’ll soon find him", Bhairav answered, and Abhyansh dismissed him...

Abhyansh calmed himself down and looked at Ranveer...

"Your father could have the best days of his life only till I get my hands on him Rajput", Abhyansh said and Ranveer nodded in a 'I know'... "Anyways, the guest chamber is ready, the servants will show you the way... see you at dinner", Abhyansh said

"I didn't say I will stay Ranawat", Ranveer said, though he wanted to stay for his sister, he wanted to rile his brother-in-law a bit...

"I didn't ask you Rajput, I told you, try defying my orders, I have other ways to make you stay", Abhyansh said and Ranveer could hear the warning tone... he knew his brother-in-law is already pissed on not finding his father's location and now it's not the time to piss him off...

"Okay, I'm leaving...", Ranveer said, "to the guest chamber", he quickly added looking at his brother-in-law's death stare...

Ranveer walked away still feeling his brother-in-law's angry gaze on his back... after Ranveer left the study, Abhyansh's angry glare turned into a full-blown smirk...