Days passed and Isha left for the office after breakfast... things didn't change between her and her husband, but their meetings got frequent, he calls her to his office more frequently than before, his soft tone is still there, but that comes out only when they are alone, and she is fine by it. But she still couldn't understand the reason for the change. She keeps thinking about him all the time... there is this excitement in her to see him...
"Isha... ", Ragini's voice brought her back from her thoughts
"Yes, Ragini...", Isha answered with a smile...
"We have a prestigious client, can you show her the designs, I don't trust anyone except for you and Reetu, she is on leave today, so could you please handle that?? I know that's not your job but...", Ragini said but Isha interrupted
"It's okay Ragini, I don't mind, this is our boutique, of course, I will do it", Isha said with a kind smile and Ragini hugged her in a big 'thank you'.
"Isha... she is a bit rude and arrogant, please don't mind, handle her patiently, I know you would, she gave us a huge business...", Ragini told and Isha smiled...
"I will handle Ragini, don't worry", Isha said with a small smile and Ragini took Isha to the client...
"Natasha ma'am, this is Isha, one of our very efficient designers, she will guide you through our new collections", Ragini introduced Isha...
The girl looked at Isha, she instantly got jealous of how beautiful she is... Isha gave a small smile which Malhotra didn't like at all as she looked more beautiful...
"Okay Ragini, you can go", Natasha told Ragini dismissively, Ragini gave her a polite smile and left from there...
"Ma'am, what kind of clothes are you looking for?? Casual or party wear or traditional wear??", Isha asked politely
"Show some of your designs, by that I'll decide whether you are capable of handling a big client like me or not", Natasha said rudely but Isha smiled politely...
"Sure ma'am, please come this way...", Isha said taking her to a section...
Natasha liked the clothes a lot but her instant dislike for Isha didn't let her accept that...
"What's this, all are traditional, haven’t you designed any party wear??", Natasha asked rudely
"No ma'am, I haven't, but we have some very efficient designers for party wear, I can show you those...", Isha said politely...
"Then why can't they show me those designs?? I don't want an imbecile like yourself to give me a tour of the new collection...", Natasha said and went to Ragini to ask for another designer...
"Ragini... Ragini...", Natasha called loudly and along with Ragini, other employees too came back... Isha came behind Natasha with teary eyes, she didn't understand what she did to get the client so angry...
"What happened Natasha Ma'am??", Ragini asked politely though she felt like smashing her face...
"What kind of staff do you hire?? She hasn't designed even one-party dress, she is unfit...", Natasha started but Ragini interrupted
"Ma'am, Isha is one of our premium designers, she might have not designed party dresses, but she gave great input in them which helped us to make them perfect, she is very talented...", Ragini said defending Isha...
"This girl?? Huh... I can't believe you...", Natasha's words are in air when they heard a loud scream...
They saw a man running towards them, he stopped at a distance and pointed the gun toward Isha scaring the hell out of her...
"You will be dead, I will see how your brother and husband will be able to save you", that man said and is about to press the trigger, but suddenly a sharp knife came towards him cutting his palm... the revolver dropped down, and that man's loud cries of pain are heard everywhere...
Everyone screamed in fear seeing the blood and that man's loud screams... but their eyes widened when they saw the man who threw that knife at him... His highness, Abhyansh Singh Ranawat walked in like the king he is...
"Bhairav... take him to the den", he roared at his chief man, who in turn asked their men to take the man and his gun into their possession. They caught him when he tried to run away, took the revolver into their possession, and walked away, few guards along with Bhairav stood behind the king...
Abhyansh looked at Isha who is shivering with fear and her tears were continuously slipping from her eyes...
"You okay??", he asked softly, walking to her and holding her arm softly... Isha nodded unable to say a thing... e gently wiped her tears...
Seeing their king there, everyone stood shocked, and hearing him speak so gently with Isha shocked them to the core, even Natasha who belonged to a very big business family, never saw Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, in fact, their family didn't get an invite to the king's wedding, her father really hoped for an invite as getting a wedding invite from Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is in itself a huge promotion for their business and their company among the investors, their credibility might have increased to ten folds but unfortunately, they didn't get the invitation. A man of that power and stature being this gentle to a normal cloth designer shocked Natasha...
All the employees along with Ragini and Natasha stood there bowing their heads down as they all knew how much he hated someone holding their heads high... they didn't understand what connection Isha had with the king that he came till there to save her...