"By the way, Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, have your dinner fast, you have to go to your husband after that, you can't keep him waiting", Amrutha teased her daughter-in-law unable to control herself anymore, Isha blushed furiously...
"Ma... What are you saying??", Isha said, sitting at the dining table on serving herself, Amrutha stopped her and served her...
"What?? I just said what I heard, Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat...", Amrutha said
"Ma... please, don't say that whole name... and don't tease me, I'm scared, you know why he called me, he heard what I said, now he will punish me", Isha said getting scared
"Punish and you?? I don't think so... don't worry, just go", Avyaan assured his sister-in-law...
"I'm afraid, please, you too come with me na", Isha asked
"Yeah, so that seeing me, he can remember about my tantrums and then kill me right?? No thank you, and why are you so scared, he wouldn't hurt you", Avyaan said
"How are you so sure", Isha asked having her dinner...
"Because Mr. Abhyansh Singh Ranawat cannot hurt Mrs. Abhyansh Singh Ranawat", Avyaan said with a smirk like he is teasing Isha but he meant it...
"Avyaan... you too...", Isha whined, with red cheeks...
"Sorry, I am kidding...", Avyan said
"But I wasn't", Amrutha said and Isha looked at her mother-in-law pouting sadly...
"Okay okay don't pull that face, have your dinner fast... He doesn't like waiting", Amrutha said casually but Avyan thought his mother is teasing his sister-in-law...
"Ma, stop teasing her...", Avyaan said
"But When did she tease me?? She just stated a fact that your bhai sa doesn't like waiting, which is true... Now I'm more scared", Isha said innocently...
Amrutha and Avyan busted out laughing looking at her innocence... Isha frowned, but shook her head and had her food, after getting another round of moral support from her mother-in-law and brother-in-law, she walked to the lion's den...
Isha cursed herself more than a hundred times on her way to her husband's study for her loose tongue... now only God knows what her husband will do to her...
He just started treating her better... In fact, the affection she sees in his eyes is something she never thought he is capable of... She never observed him showing that kind of affection on anyone, not his mother, not his brother, not his father or grandmother, then why her?? Is it really affection or maybe pity?? But why would he suddenly show pity on her?? Did he know about her past?? She suddenly got scared... even the thought that it's pity and not affection broke her heart, but she ignored that... her brain warned that her husband could use her past against her and that's why she is scared of him knowing about it...
She stopped at the door to see if Ramlal stops her, maybe her husband could have revoked the right he gave her to enter without permission, but Ramlal didn't stop her, so she walked inside, which means her husband is not that mad too... she sighed in relief... she wondered how her mother-in-law and brother-in-law are so sure that he wouldn't hurt her...
She took baby steps to her husband; she observed him typing furiously in his laptop which again brought the tremors back...
"Ma... Maharaj", she called, whispering maybe a better option, Abhyansh knew about her arrival but didn't lift his head... he is angry, and he didn't want to hurt her, how can she say that hethrows tantrums?? Is she tired of him already?? Does she want to leave him?? Is he so difficult to handle??
"Do you really think I throw a lot of tantrums for food??", he asked in his cold tone, which is normal, but Isha who is already hell scared got more scared hearing that tone... tears formed in her eyes imagining his punishment... he gave her his word that he won't hurt her, but there are other punishments as well, she thought...
"Maharaj... I am so sorry, please forgive me, I know I shouldn't say that... I have no right to say that to you, you are a king and I am you slave... I beg for forgiveness Maharaj, please don't punish me", she said in between her sobs, her words were like a huge slap for Abhyansh, he knew she meant all those words, and didn't say them just to taunt him and that pinched his heart. The thought that his wife thought herself to be his slave is enough to make him kill himself... her tears are like a bonus...
He suddenly got up from his chair and stormed towards her which scared her... she started moving back but he is quick, he reached her and wiped her tears softly...
"Don't cry... I won't punish you and... don't call yourself my slave", he said and she raised her head and looked into his eyes... her tall figure helps her a little in looking into his eyes without straining her neck much, he is 6'3" and she is 5'9". She still has to struggle to look into his eyes but at least better than other women who are of average height...
Isha only found tenderness in his eyes, there is no anger that surprised her...
"You are not angry??", she asked him softly...
"Not anymore", he said wiping her tear-stained cheeks with his thumb and he softly wiped her wet eyes too...