"Come, let's sit and talk calmly... This news is so dramatic... ", Reetu said taking Isha with her...

They sat at their places; Isha waited for her friend to say something but she didn't expect her to say this...

"You know there was a royal dinner at the King's palace, Prince of Arab, the famous Farhn Al Qasimi visited them... ", Reetu said, and Isha's eyes widened thinking how do they know her family matters... Poor Isha is yet to discover how famous and powerful her husband is...

"How do you know this??", Isha asked...

"Don't you watch the news?? It's all over the news how the prince was visiting our country, especially to have the Royal dinner organized by the King and queen... But I have something which is not over the news... Don't tell anyone that I told you, though everyone knows this, they pretend not to know it as they fear the king", Reetu said

"What is it??", Isha asked getting afraid of the things they knew...

"The prince passed dirty looks at the queen, and so the king killed him...", Reetu said, Isha gasped cupping her mouth with shock...

"What?? What happened to you Isha??", Reetu asked looking at Isha's expression...

"No... Nothing, I think you got some wrong info... Maharaj didn't kill him, he just sent him back with a warning", Isha said hoping for that to be the truth...

"Isha... Oh my, Isha... Do you really think the king, His highness, Abhyansh Singh Ranawat would leave a man alive if he commented on his wife?? The news is he killed the prince and sent his body back, if you don't believe me, see this news, the Arab king announced that his second son is no more, as he was killed in an attack... Well, that was to save the honour, but the truth is what I am telling you", Reetu said...

"How could he kill the prince??", Isha muttered to herself with disbelief but Reetu heard her...

"The king did the right thing, that good for nothing Prince raped many minor girls, involved in women trafficking, killed his own wife to hide his misdeeds, got many students addicted to drugs, and a lot more...", Reetu said surprising Isha...

"How do you know all this??", Isha asked Reetu

"Isha... Baby you are too innocent, this is all been in the news for many years... The prince hides his deeds behind his father's power, though the king thinks a lot for his people, he failed to stop his son's misdeeds", Reetu said...

"That doesn't mean Maharaj kills him, who is he to kill a human??", Isha said more to herself getting angry and upset that her husband didn't listen to her...

"Isha, he is the king, and he is a great king, if he didn't kill him, more people would suffer because of him... Everyone call him The Royal BEAST because he is really a beast when it comes to people who suffer his people... His ways are cruel and fearful, but if you notice, people feel very safe here... If you go and see the nearby villages or even this city, you don't find people locking their doors, because they feel so safe here... All this is because of that very Royal BEAST... Honestly, I don't find anything wrong in his ways... You need not fear until you did something wrong...", Reetu said surprising Isha...

Her beast of a husband also has admirers?? She had an idea from Avyan that people will fear and also love their king i.e Abhyansh but she didn't know that they support his ways as well... Whatever it is she is upset that her husband didn't stand by the word he gave her, and she decided to confront him...

"You are excited to tell me this??", Isha asked remembering her friend's excited face...

"Yes, the king killed a prince, without any second thoughts, just because he looked at his wife inappropriately, how possessive he must be of his wife?? I heard he is as emotional as a stone, and you can see no emotions in him but hearing this I don't think he is emotionless for everyone, maybe he might have opened up to his wife... I wanted to see them together once, I wanted to see how he behaves like a normal husband with her...", Reetu said dreamily...

"Even I want to... ", Isha muttered thinking about her stony husband...

"You too?? Haha, see, staying with me, you also started dreaming the impossible huh... Seeing the king and queen?? Asif they are going to walk here and stand in front of us and say, 'you wanted to see us together no?? Go ahead' ", Reetu mocked and Isha laughed at her acting...

How would her friends react if they knew that she was the queen they are talking about... And the first thing, is she a queen in all senses?? No... She is queen just for namesake, so she is not doing anything wrong by hiding her identity, she thought to herself...

"Okay... Now let's go and do our work... ", Isha said starting with her work but Reetu's words kept ringing in her head...

Is he really that possessive of her?? No way... She shook her head, but why did he kill the Prince?? Did he actually kill him?? She couldn't believe it, she trusted him, he gave her his word, so she is sure he would have followed whatever the prince's father said... But what's with the rumour?? She decided to call her brother and confirm...



Isha called Ranveer to know the truth because she trusted her husband, she knew he wouldn't go against the word he gave her... She knew him that much...

"Ha Ishu... Bol (yes Ishu, tell me)", Ranveer said as soon as he took the call...

"Bhai... Did Maharaj kill the prince??", Isha asked directly coming to the point...

"Woah... Nice way to greet your brother in the morning", Ranveer teased...