"He stared at my stepmother a little longer than allowed, my father asked him to turn his gaze but he didn't, so he was executed... ", he replied sighing deeply...
"He stared at your step-mother, who is not even the queen, a little longer, and let me correct you Mr. Qasimi, he wasn't executed, he was brutally murdered, with his body parts cut into hundreds of pieces...", Abhyansh replied calmly...
"Yes... ", the king answered
"What do you think?? Your father was right in doing so??", Abhyansh asked calmly
"He is... Now, Will you tell me what happened??", the king asked impatiently...
"Your son flirted with my wife, I forgave him once, but despite the warning, he passed dirty comments on her, and stared at her with lust, not once but thrice... I wanted to kill him but my wife stopped me... She said, you the king of Arab, who is entitled to protect every women's dignity would be the right person to do justice... So tell me, what should I do?? Before you answer, remember your words, I don't want to destroy the diplomatic relations both our countries share, at the same time, couldn'tspare someone who lusted after the queen", Abhyansh added every word with his fury doubling...
Ranveer stood shocked at his brother-in-law's mind... He locked the king in such a way that he wouldn't or should he say, couldn't deny the death sentence... Because it's about his word and pride, and considering how particular they are about their religion and culture, he couldn't deny even if he wanted to, Abhyansh is doing whatever he wanted to, at the same time keeping his wife's word and his brother-in-law's shrewdness feared Ranveer, how could his innocent sister bear with this kind of a man, he is about to kill a prince of a country which is a powerful one but there's not even a line of worry on his forehead, he thought...
"Do whatever you feel is right Mr. Ranawat, I have a request though, don't torture him, please", Mr. Qasimi said knowing Abhyansh would definitely kill him, even Ranveer felt bad for the old man, but the BEAST stayed emotionless...
He hung up and put the gun on the prince's forehead who is now shivering and begging but there is no effect on Abhyansh...
"What if he would have said to acquit his son leaving his pride?? You know there is a possibility??", Ranveer asked
"I know that man for 17 years now Rajput, I know he wouldn't, but yes, as you said, there is a possibility, but there comes the fear factor, if ego and pride wouldn't have worked, fear is my backup, their country is in dire need of arms, and who would dare to supply arms to them without my permission??", Abhyansh said shocking Ranveer...
"Don't kill hi...", Ranveer is in the middle of his sentence when Abhyansh shot the prince in his head making Ranveer jerk with the sudden action...
"No one stays alive after staring at my wife with lust Rajput, Every man should fear even thinking about her in such a way... if at all any such thoughts enter, I would kill, not the thoughts, but the brain that accommodated them", Abhyansh said pointing his gun towards Farhn's head, threw his gun at 'Bhairav' and walked out, giving orders to send the body back to his country but not before making the news reach corners of the kingdom as he wants everyone to know about it...
Ranveer stared at the dead body of the prince and after a minute he looked at the retreating silhouette of his brother-in-law who didn't spare even the prince when it came to his wife, but why did he do it?? Ranveer questioned himself, was that because Prince Farhn talked ill about the queen?? Or he talked ill about his wife??
He started walking away when he heard Abhyansh's men speaking, oh do they have a voice too?? Ranveer wondered since all he ever saw them is bowing their heads in front of the BEAST and obeying his orders...
"I thought 'his highness' will torture this prince before killing him but he... ", one man trailed looking at Bhairav, the man closest to the boss and his bodyguard who stays always with him outside the palace...
Ranveer too halted his steps to hear the man's answer, why didn't Abhyansh torture the prince, with the anger he has, Ranveer thought he would make the prince blind and dumb, the two organs that helped him in lusting for the queen, but hejust shot his head?? Why?? Huh, only his brother-in-law could answer that since Bhairav didn't say a word...
Ranveer walked out briskly, and Abhyansh's car is about to leave when Ranveer called for it to stop loudly and the car halted... He got in and glared at the BEAST who didn't bother to even look at him...
The car started and Abhyansh calmly did his work...
"I came with you, how could you leave me alone and go??", Ranveer asked
"I hate waiting Rajput, I am done with my work, and I am leaving, you should have come in time if you wanted to come along, this time I stopped the vehicle, next time I won't...", Abhyansh warned...
"Sorry, I was just indulged in my thoughts", Ranveer said
"Didn't seem so, you were staring at the prince as if you wanted to f**k him", Abhyansh said with his usual cold tone still working on the tab...
"Chi... Yuck... Mr. Ranawat... I am straight and I am no necrophile", Ranveer said looking at his brother-in-law with an open mouth, chi... How could he think like that about him?? "Hm... I wanted to ask something", Ranveer started, Abhyansh didn't respond but Ranveer continued... "I thought you would torture him a lot, butwhy didn't you??", he added but got no response from him...
"Is it because the king pleaded with you not to??", Ranveer asked again after 5 minutes, Abhyansh frowned in irritationbefore opening his mouth, by then he understood his brother-in-law is not going to shut his bl**dy mouth without getting an answer...
"Because your sister asked me to", Abhyansh said and gave a look to Ranveer which immediately shut him up... He understood that now the BEAST has reached his saturation point, so it's better not to irritate him... But Ranveer understood and got answers to his questions, the BEAST would have definitely tortured the prince before killing him but just because his sister asked him to do whatever the father says, he didn't torture, did his sister's words matter that much to Abhyansh?? That he took an effort to plan all this instead of doing what his mind wants to?? But what changed so suddenly??
They reached the Ranawat palace, the men walked inside to see an adorable sight...
Isha is sitting on a dining table chair still in the same saree, and Amruta is sitting beside her patting her head lovingly who looked sadly at all the food, Abhyansh made the news reach the family that he sent the prince back to his country after punishing him... Everyone understood that he sent the dead body but Isha being Isha thought sending the prince away without letting him have the Royal dinner is his punishment, well that's an insult and could be a punishment but Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's punishment for sins like this is not so easy...
As soon as the news reached the family, everyone sat in the dining hall waiting for the king... Though it's been very late for dinner, they assembled there as the king wanted to say something... Abhyansh wanted to announce that he killed the prince but hearing his wife's words, his plans changed...
"My whole dinner got wasted ma", Isha whined to her mother-in-law without realizing her husband's presence