"You are a donkey, and you remain so", Isha said and hung up leaving Ranveer to laugh...

"What happened Isha??", Amruta asked noticing her daughter-in-law's angry face...

"He said he would admit me to a mental hospital, how dare he??", Isha said and Amruta laughed but soon stifled seeing Isha's cry-baby face...

"He was just joking Isha...", Amruta said pinching her daughter-in-law's cheeks, who now became cuter and extremely beautiful than before, with proper food and care, and more importantly with no torture from the BEAST.

Amruta and Isha talked for a while before Amruta left the chamber, asking Isha to sleep... Ranveer returned at night and after dinner, Isha fell asleep, after that, Ranveer too left the chamber deciding to come in the morning before his sister woke up.

After Ranveer left, Abhyansh, calmly walked to his wife's room, this is routine, after Ranveer leaves the chamber, he goes and looks at his wife, who would be sleeping by then, he knew that Ranveer will leave only after Isha falls asleep...

Abhyansh looked at his wife's serene face for 30 seconds before leaving the chamber like every day, he doesn't know why he does that but looking at her innocent face gave him so much peace,which he never felt till then, and he got addicted to that... He didn't want her to think that he cares for her, so he avoided seeing her so that she gets that he hardly cares. But, in reality, being careless toward her no more came to him naturally, he had to struggle a lot to even put up an act of that kind and he certainly didn't like that.

A week passed by and Isha started walking and doing small work... She wanted to start serving her husband his breakfast and dinner, knowing how much he is used to it, and how particular he is regarding it. She is grateful that he gave her enough time to rest and heal, and now since she did, she wanted to get back to her duties gradually, Isha is always disciplined and took things like these seriously, if she believed something is her responsibility, she would fulfil it no matter what and she took Abhyansh's works as her responsibility and now she wants to start fulfilling it.

She got up in the morning and started cleaning her room a bit, and moved to other parts of the king's chamber to see if everything is placed well or not. Since she is not well, Abhyansh allowed servants to handle the work till she gets fine... and she sighed in relief as the servants did a pretty good job, so she didn't have to stress so much on her first day itself. Since she got fine, Ranveer went to Rajput palace, promising to visit her once in 2 days.

It's time for breakfast and she went to call her husband... She is shivering inside but she must start it one or the other day, and she wants to start her work before he could point it out or blame her for taking advantage of his generosity.

"Maharaj...", she trailed looking down, entering his office after he allowed her... He didn't say a word waiting for her to speak and she understood his silence.

"I'm grateful to you that you gave me enough time to heal, and now that I'm fine, I want to resume my d...duties, I am here to call you for breakfast", She said, she is scared thinking that her tortures would also start along with her duties, but she has no option, she had to remind him before he could punish her for that as well.

But Abhyansh didn't know what to do, he can't torture her now, not anymore, but if he didn't, she would think that he cares for her, she already saw his worried eyes twice.

"Send my breakfast here, you are my slave, just follow my orders", he said coldly without looking at her face, ouch! that slave part hurt her, but she composed herself...

"Yes Maharaj", she bowed a little and walked away, he missed her eyes but kept his facade... He is so tempted to go to the dining table and have her delicious food served by her, but he had to stop himself, he had to ignore her...

When she returned with his breakfast, he internally groaned, he avoided having breakfast at the dining table just to avoid her, earlier he wouldn't have his breakfast for he missed her, and now because he wanted to avoid her.

"I said 'send my breakfast here' not 'bring', I don't want you to come here", he said and started eating calmly without looking at her, she served him for that time which surprised him, he thought she would immediately move away following his orderbut she didn't, and he enjoyed his last meal with her serving him before he continues with his 'ignore wife' mission.

He finished his breakfast and got up...

"Maharaj, I'm sorry for not understanding your orders properly, it won't happen again", Isha uttered looking down... For some reason, he didn't like her calling him 'Maharaj', he wants to hear his name from her one more time, but he knew better than to ask her to call him that...

Isha didn't understand why her husband doesn't want her to serve him, she should feel relaxed that she got a chore off her head, but she isn't, she felt as if someone has snatched her right... but why?? She shook her head and indulged in other work with her mother-in-law, she decided to leave for the office from the next day as she doesn't want to strain herself more for today...

Days passed by and she is hell confused about his behaviour, he wouldn't ask her to do anything, she didn't serve him food as he wanted, and he wouldn't even order her to make coffee for him frequently like before, though this thought is at the back of her head, she enjoyed her free time and also for she doesn't have to encounter the BEAST now.

She had fun with her mother-in-law and sometimes her brother-in-law joins them though he wouldn't say much to her, she understands he cares for her, and she respects him for the support he gives her.

Days passed and Abhyansh continued his 30 seconds staring at his wife after she slept, he asked her to continue sleeping in bed, till she completely gets fine, and she obliged. After her finalcheckup, the doctor declared her completely fine, and Ranveer and Amruta are the happiest. Ranveer even wanted to take her out, but she refused as she knew Abhyansh would refuse.

At night, she laid the bedsheet on the floor and soon dozed off. Abhyansh who came there to see his wife like every other night fumed seeing her sleeping on the floor. The things he did on their first night flashed in front of his eyes. How he threw her on the floor harshly without the thought that she could get hurt which she did. Those memories didn't sit well with him. He felt a pang in his heart. Why?? What changed?? He wanted to scream about the contradicting feelings he is having. The peace he always gets looking at her serene face is nowhere today, instead, extreme pain has taken its place. How harshly he treated her, he is feeling so much fury on himself and that's a first. He is a self-obsessed man, he never blamed himself or got angry with himself. He is extremely proud of everything he does, but now his cruel acts towards his wife acted as nails on his heart daggering it every second.

He wanted to wake her up, and ask her to sleep on the bed, but if she asks him why?? What would he say?? He knew the doctor declared her completely alright and that's the reason she is sleeping on the floor tonight. She will understand he cares for her if he asks her to sleep on the bed. He stormed out of her chamber, took a puff of the cigar, and had his whiskey, stronger than every day, but nothing calmed him. He chain-smoked but even that didn't calm him, he thrashed his laptop lid close, and walked to his room. He laid down on the bed, but his soft bed made him feel like thorns everywhere. He got up and laid on the floor with his head on his arm and continued smoking since he realized sleep is far from him tonight. Sleep usually is not forhim as he hardly sleeps except for an hour or two at night but this night even that few hours of sleep is far.

He hated the overwhelming feelings he suddenly started having for his wife and is determined to avoid even looking at her now. But fate has some other plans.

The next morning... his right man for his other works 'Stephen' made his way into his office and looking at him, BEAST got an idea that something wasn't right as he hardly came to Ranawat palace since Abhyansh wanted to keep his other businesses away from the palace or his family though everyone is aware of it.

"What??", Abhyansh asked in his cold tone...

"Your highness, the investigation officer found out we were behind the attack in New York last month, they declared the situation an emergency and is stated as a 'gang war' in the reports that are to be submitted to the federal next week", Stephen said in his robotic tone...

"Gang war my a**, if there would be a gang war, then there would be a blood bath, Abhyansh Singh Ranawat never settles for less, reports shouldn't reach the destination, Stephen, burn them and the man who is responsible for them as well", The beast ordered coldly... Well, killing an investigating officer is a huge step and Stephen never thought his boss would take that decision considering how risky it might get, but he knew better than to question the BEAST. He never revokes his decisions...