"Let her know why you didn't come to meet her all these months", Vikram suggested, Ranveer was not even in a position to contact his sister, let alone go and meet her. His father made sure of it...

"I would if she listens to me, but... anyways leave it, I will talk to you later, fix an online meeting with the investors, I don't thinkI could leave India any sooner", Ranveer said and on getting a positive response from his friend, he hung up...

"Exactly how daring is you to say all that sh*t about me in front of me??", Abhyansh asked in a steely tone, he wasn't angry surprisingly... He enjoyed Ranveer Rajput's bravery always...

"It's called confidence Mr. Ranawat, and I think I don't require special skills to just utter the truth", Ranveer said looking at Abhyansh...

"If you are sensible enough, you would have concentrated on knowing what exactly happened to your sister and resolving the differences with her, especially considering how desperate you are to have a talk with her", Abhyansh taunted him...

"Taking suggestions from an emotionless beast seems absurd to me", Ranveer taunted back...

"I am at least not making a fool out of myself believing in relationships, I thought you are a clever man Rajput, but looking at your emotional connect towards your sister, is making me question my judgment", Abhyansh said

"What exactly do you know about my sister Mr. Ranawat??", Ranveer asked sharply, though his voice still held respect for him, every time he spoke...

"I don't have time to know about her Rajput, but just the fact that she is Amar Rajput's daughter is enough to create the hatred sufficient for the next 7 births, if same spouse - 7 births theory proves to be true, your sister is going to enjoy this privilege all over", Abhyansh said indicating the tortures, and Ranveer just wanted to break the arrogant man's nose but he couldn't...

Abhyansh noticed the time and got up to go for dinner... He looked at Ranveer, who is taking his mouthwash from his bag, which he left at Ranawat's palace a few days ago as he is staying more at Ranawats than his own palace...

"You won't get food if you are late Rajput, don't defy the rules", Abhyansh said and Ranveer cursed the BEAST...

"I won't be late Mr. Ranawat... My sister doesn't like it when I have alcohol before dinner... well she doesn't like it at all but these days she didn't leave me any option", Ranveer said the last part sadly walking inside the washroom to freshen up... Abhyansh didn't like how Ranveer is so concerned about his sister, he felt Ranveer has the capability to become his rival, but seeing him emotionally connected to other people definitely had a negative impression... Emotions are stupid, that's what the BEAST felt, he would destroy them if they arise inside him before they grew more just like he destroyed the softness he felt seeing his wife's smile a few months ago...

Ranveer saw Abhyansh standing in the same place thinking something deeply...

"Woah... The Royal BEAST knows how to take care of his guests as well??", Ranveer taunted... Abhyansh scoffed in response indicating he wasn't waiting for him...

"How do I make her listen to me??", Ranveer asked genuinely while walking to Abhyansh, both of them walking to the dining hall... "She would walk away at my one glance, except for during breakfast and dinner, and for those few minutes with my sister, I'm practically living at your palace", Ranveer said though he knew he wouldn't be getting any response, he felt good sharing his pain with someone and these days there is no one exceptAbhyansh who would listen to him, well he wouldn't listen, he just does his work whereas Ranveer keeps blabbering about his problems... but this time he spoke...

"After dinner, talk to her", Abhyansh said

"Mr. Ranawat, why do people call you intelligent?? I don't understand, just now I told you she wouldn't listen to....", Ranveer started but was interrupted by Abhyansh...

"I'll make sure she listens", Abhyansh said and started walking forward but Ranveer stood at his place...

"You will help me?? Why??", Ranveer asked, Abhyansh kept walking and Ranveer followed him when he almost gave up expecting a reply from Abhyansh he spoke, they reached the dining hall, and everyone stood up in his respect...

"I'm fed up with your whining Rajput", Abhyansh said settling in his seat followed by everyone... Ranveer settled just beside Abhyansh where the place usually is empty before Ranveer came...

Isha served Abhyansh while the servants served everyone... They started eating, Ranveer wanted to eat along with Isha at the last but it was not allowed, he cursed his brother-in-law for putting these sh*tty rules.

"Ishu... This is so tasty, I love your food... Bacha, you made paneer or bought it??", Ranveer asked though he knows he won't get any response...

"We make it at home beta", Amruta answered waiting for a while for her daughter-in-law to respond but when she didn't, she replied feeling bad for Ranveer...

"Oh! Ishu used to make paneer at home, especially for me Mrs. Ranawat, she loves me a lot, Isn't it bacha??", Ranveer purposely asked, because whenever Ranveer used to ask this, she used to reply 'Yes bhayyu... I love you', even if she is in deep sleep, this sentence comes automatically from her mouth... One time, she was running with a high fever and almost unconscious, she wasn't responding at all, he sat with her the whole night tending to her, and was highly worried for her... He kept talking to her, she didn't respond, but when he asked her...

"You love bhai right Ishu??", Ranveer asked

"Yes bhayyu, I love you”, Isha replied even in her unconscious state...

But now, she didn't even glance at him, she kept offering her husband the dishes and serving him as if her brother isn't talking to her... Ranveer's face became pale seeing his sister so unresponsive, it became paler remembering the past incidents where she used to respond to his words even in sleep...

Looking at him, everyone pitied him, of course except The Beast, he just thought that Ranveer is stupid to love his sister so much... But what Isha felt is beyond anyone's understanding, she for once wanted to respond to her brother, those words are on the verge of her lips but for some strange reason they didn't come out... they were stuck in her throat...

Ranveer got up as he couldn't control his emotions there, his eyes welled up and he needs to let go of some emotions, andthere is worry on Isha's face before she replaced it with the usual poker face... Everyone looked shocked at Ranveer, he can't get up in the middle of dinner, and that too when the king is still seated...

"Rajput...", came Abhyansh's warning tone which scared everyone in the hall, Isha prayed to God to save her brother from her husband...