"Ishu... Ishu... Please talk to me, I know you are angry, I'm angry with you too, I refused you, why did you do this?? Ishu... talk to me bacha... don't be like this, my Ishu can never be angry with her bhayyu... Ishu...", Ranveer kept calling her, but Isha didn't respond, she kept looking at Abhyansh's feet...
"Isha... you are worrying me bacha...", Ranveer said holding her cheeks and arms, shaking her but she continued looking at Abhyansh's feet...
"I'm impressed, you really are a good slave, now you are allowed to talk to your brother", Abhyansh said in his cold tone, Ranveer looked at her shocked...
"Sl..Slave??", he muttered looking at his sister...
"Yes, she is my slave Rajput", Abhyansh said and Ranveer looked at Abhyansh furiously...
"Ishu... What is he saying?? What's happening?? Ishu, talk to me bacha, say something please", Ranveer begged his sister holding her cheeks...
On getting permission from her husband, she looked at her brother, removed his hands from her cheeks, and moved away, but her eyes remained emotionless...
"Ishu, what the hell has happened to you?? Why are you behaving like this...", Ranveer asked now getting angry and worried at his sister's strange and worrying behaviour...
But Isha couldn't respond, her brother badly broke her heart when he gave up on her and didn't bother to check up on her despite knowing what kind of a man Abhyansh is, even if he thought she willingly agreed to this marriage, he should have come to India and save her from this wedding, but he did nothing and that wounded her heart beyond repair... She wouldn't have faced all that if her brother was there for her...
"Ranawat, what did you do to my Ishu??", Ranveer shouted at Abhyansh, Isha's eyes widened at her brother's brave act, she knew her brother didn't fear anyone, but she didn't think he didn't fear the Royal BEAST as well, but she can't let him show his anger like that, Abhyansh can do anything to him, so she decided to interrupt...
"Maharaj, what should I bring to your guest??", Isha asked in her robotic tone bowing her head...
Ranveer looked at his sister as if she has gone crazy...
"Coffee...", Abhyansh said with a smirk, honestly, the amount of love Ranveer has for his sister shocked Abhyansh, and he thoroughly enjoyed the drama...
Isha nodded and walked away... As soon as she left, Ranveer marched towards Abhyansh...
"Ranawat, what did you do to my sister?? Why is she behaving like this?? And what do you mean by she is your slave; sheis your wife no?? You married her right??", Ranveer threw questions at him worried for his sister...
"Respect Rajput, learn to give me respect, you don't want me to torture your sister more than I do now, do you??", Abhyansh said shocking Ranveer...
"You torture her, the bruises on her hands, her appearance, you... it's all you, you torture her??", Ranveer said, his face pale, as if he just heard the most distressing news of his life and that is true in a way, he loved his sister more than anything in this world, for him family starts with her and ends with her, he wanted to stop the wedding but if his sister wants it, then so be it, she is at least getting her freedom, he thought. He was angry that she didn't listen to him, he thought Abhyansh would treat her at least with respect knowing how prideful he is about him being a king and if he married her, she would a queen and he at least respects that fact, but Ranveer still had to know that Abhyansh married his sister just for revenge...
"Let her go, please, don't do this to my sister", Ranveer pleaded, and hearing the pleading from his most lovable rival, Abhyansh felt the depth of his love for his sister... But he still wanted to test his love...
"Um... I can't, and you know you are not capable of freeing her from my clutches, but if you want me to treat her better at least, go on your knees and beg for it Rajput, maybe I can grant your wish", Abhyansh said...
Abhyansh knew Ranveer would never do it, for him, his pride is his everything, he is a true Rajput, not a coward like his father, and he keeps his pride intact even at the cost of his life, but still,Abhyansh wanted to try his luck, it's his lifetime goal to have Ranveer Rajput go on his knees in front of him...
Ranveer surprising Abhyansh, went on his knees...
"Please don't hurt my Ishu...", Ranveer plead, and they heard the cups clinking sound and a hiss in pain...
Isha who just came with the coffee, seeing her prideful brother on his knees begging for her, made her stumble, resulting in the trolley in which she brought a coffee jug with coffee, milk, sugar, cups, and snacks, to shake and the hot coffee is poured on her hand burning it... But she wheeled the trolley inside nonetheless...
Ranveer got up and rushed to her seeing her burning hands, the coffee is very hot, so the burn is bad, but Isha didn't tend to herself, when he tried to hold her hand, she pulled it away and looked at Abhyansh's feet...
"I'm sorry Maharaj...", Isha apologized looking down, her hand is burning like hell, but she can't tend to herself without Abhyansh's permission...
"Hm...", he said
"Should I pour the coffee for two??", She asked still bowing down...
"Ishu... your hand is burnt badly, let me tend to it please, Ishu don't do this", Ranveer pleaded but Isha didn't respond and kept pulling her hand... "Isha...", he screamed, she jerked but didn't look at him...
"Mr. Ranawat, please ask her to get the burnt treated, please", Ranveer pleaded to Abhyansh understanding the pattern...
"Get it treated", Abhyansh said, and Isha nodded...