And in the evening, he asked her to relax, and when she did, her whole back and legs ached like hell, she fell on the floor when she tried to get up, she cried of pain, but the BEAST sat down on his seat enjoying her misery...

"Why do you hate me Ma… Maharaj??", Isha asked, she couldn't stop herself from asking him after so much torture...

"You are my slave, I don't answer you, but yes, if you prove to be a good slave, then maybe I could tell you one day", He said... "And listen, from today, you have to take my permission for everything, you need to let me know when you are going for your work, and need to report to me as soon as you reach the palace, you can't even talk to anyone other than the family members without my permission...", He said, and she nodded with tired and tearful eyes...

Days turned into months and the torture continued, Isha became dull day by day, but her spirit never died... Like Abhyansh said he would treat her like a slave, and he did, he intentionally gave tasks that she couldn't complete and then punished her, he even stopped the cabs from entering the palace premises, so Isha had to walk for 15 kilometres every evening while Avyan dropped her in the morning... Isha's life turned into hell but she still held to a rope of light she has in her heart... But she slowly became a robot when it came to obeying Abhyansh's orders... She doesn't cry these days and that worried Amruta, though her daughter-in-law is the same old cheerful Isha with her, now whatever her son did, doesn't hurt her, it's like it didn't matter to her...


One day Abhyansh called Isha to bring him cold water from the refrigerator within 3 minutes, normally she would have gotten but her feet are swollen after he made her stand under the hot son barefoot for the whole afternoon... so she couldn't run, and got late...

He got ice-cold water in a huge container and asked her to step into it, where she is deep into the water to her neck, he made her stand in it for 3 hours and when he asked her to come out, she dropped into the floor numb... after a while, she regained her position, walked to her room, changed into warm clothes and slowly went to the place where she fell before and cleaned the wet place before he could punish her more...

That night she slept but shivered a lot, at one point she shivered so much, that she pulled all her clothes and dumped them on herself to cope with the cold, but nothing worked, with each passing second, she felt colder and her life leaving her... she didn't want to die... Even after facing so much torture, she didn't want to die, she wanted to experience the beautiful life which everyone keeps talking about, a life that she never got to experience, she knew she couldn't take medicine without his permission, she has to report even before she has her food now though he didn't respond or glance at her ever, she informed him following the rules, but today she can't follow rules anymore, she took the medicine but that didn't help with the cold, she looked at the bed, and the heavy comforter placed on it...

She immediately jumped on it and covered herself with the blanket, but the cold didn't stop, and after an hour more, consciousness left her completely...

The next morning, when Amruta didn't see her daughter-in-law come down even after 10 minutes of her usual time, she panicked, she went to her son's chamber, and what she saw made her dread in fear...

She rushed to her daughter-in-law who is shivering under the blanket...

"Isha... Isha... what happened to you?? Why are you not responding?? Isha...", Amruta kept slapping her cheeks, but nothing worked, she can feel the high temperature on her skin, luckily the medicine worked and the temperature came down a little but still, the temperature is high...

Amruta tried to wake her up for some more time before walking down to prepare breakfast as she knew her son gets very impatient if he didn't get food on time... Amruta served the breakfast shivering, praying to God that he wouldn't ask about her daughter-in-law, but luck is not on their side now like always...

"Where is she??", Abhyansh asked in his steely tone which sent shivers to his family... He hardly spoke but when he did, it is always either to punish someone or to get a reason to punish.

"Sh... She is running with fever, so... So sl... sleeping", his mother, Amruta Pratap Singh Ranawat spoke fumbling with words... She knows her son's anger and cruelty. She doesn't want her daughter-in-law to face it, so she tried to wake her up in the morning before he arrived, but that poor girl is running on highfever, so couldn't even get up, she thought to tend to her after her son leaves for work, but to her bad luck, the man who doesn't even glance at his wife is asking for her today...

"And Who gave her the permission??", he asked in the same tone...

None of the family responded, all of them are hell scared of him, he is about to get up when he is stopped by his grandmother, Rajmata Devyani Devi, the only woman who is not afraid of Abhyansh, at least not when he is normal, and not in his beastly form...

"Finish your breakfast Maharaj, and then you can go, please", the woman said softly, hearing her plead at the end, Abhyansh's ego is satisfied and decided to follow her words, he had his breakfast and then moved to his chamber, where his wife of 5 months is sleeping, going against his orders...

His mother followed him, she is hell scared for her daughter-in-law. Her younger son, Avyan Singh Ranawat tried to stop her as he didn't want his mother to get hurt or punished by his cruel brother, but she didn't listen to him. She loved her daughter-in-law, the only woman who cared for her and took care of her after her younger son Avyan...

Abhyansh wanted to punish his wife, the one woman who he hated more than anything in this world, but what he saw made him furious bringing the beast form out... The woman is sleeping on the bed, how dare she disobeys his orders not once, but twice at the same time...

Abhyansh knew his mother has followed him to save her daughter-in-law and his brother tailed his mother to save her, he smirked...

"Avyan... Close the chamber door, all the servants, out now", He commanded before walking back to his bedroom, within seconds the doors are closed as the servants rushed out of the chamber, hearing his tone, Isha woke up shivering...

The huge chamber of the king consists of three bedrooms, a huge study, a magnificent hall, and a gym room...

Her mother-in-law's several shakes cannot wake her up, but his one scream did it, she is hell scared of her husband... Her eyes widened in shock seeing herself on the bed... Her whole body is paining like hell, but she tried to wake up and lay on the floor before her husband could see her using the bed, but the poor girl didn't know that he has already seen it...

He walked inside the room like a devil, and his form is enough to scare the hell out of her, she tried to move her limbs but couldn't due to weakness, she crawled to the edge of the bed, and suddenly fell down due to lack of balance, Avyaan despite hating his sister-in-law felt bad for her, Amruta rushed to help her daughter-in-law but her elder son's one look stopped her from going any forward...

"Why??", Abhyansh asked in a cold tone which is enough to scare the sh*t out of her...

"I...I... I don't know how it happened, I'm sor... sorry Maharaj", Isha whispered trembling in fear and cold...

"Your first mistake is to sleep beyond your permitted hours, and the second mistake is to sleep on the forbidden place, you deserve the floor, only the floor, you are my slave... UNDERSTOOD??", Abhyansh raised his tone in the end... Isha trembled in fear and started sobbing... all these days, she thought she is over his torture and there are no tears left in her but she is so wrong...

"Punishment is you won't come out of this chamber for a whole week and will have only one meal per day", He declared without any emotions... The girl slowly nodded still sobbing and trembling heavily... Amruta couldn't control herself anymore and rushed to her daughter-in-law...

"Abhyansh... beta, please, she is running with fever, high fever, she needs to have a proper meal... please... I beg you", Amruta Singh Ranawat folded her hands and requested him... Without paying any heed to her words, he left the chamber followed by his brother...