"Don't worry Bhabhi sa... I'll help you, I understand your feelings, don't worry", Avyan offered his sympathies, she could find amusement and fun in his tone and glared at him...

"Yeah, I shouldn't have saved you in the evening", she said, and Avyan joined his palms in front of her...

"No please, don't take such harsh decisions, I was just trying to cool off the air", he said, and she laughed out...

Both of them sat and the interior designer explaining everything showing the suitable designs to Isha and Avyan...

"Rani sa, since you have a lot of space in your chamber, these designs would look rich and elegant", the designer explained to Isha...

"These are good, but I want something simple, a homely one, since it's not the main kitchen, what do you say Avyan", Isha asked her brother-in-law

"Ji Bhabhi sa, I too think the same...", Avyan said and turned to the designer "but the designs should match the other grandeur things in the king's chamber, so you should find something that satisfies both the purposes", Avyan told the designer...

"Yes Yuvraj, we have something similar to your requirements, how about these??", the designer asked showing another book of designs that both Isha and Avyan liked...

"Okay, we'll decide within these and let you know tomorrow, can I return this book tomorrow?? I need to show this to Rana sa", Isha said

"Of course, Rani sa... I'll come tomorrow, call me whenever you are available", the designer said and left from there...

"When did they see our chamber?? They came prepared...", Isha said

"In the evening, when you and ma are cooking in the kitchen... you should know by now, my bhai sa wouldn't like to delay things, especially when it comes to his wife...", Avyan teased and Isha glared at him... "okay okay, sorry Bhabhi sa, by theway, why did you take this?? Bhai sa asked you to decide alone right??", Avyan asked

"Why should I suffer alone?? It's his responsibility to select too, I'll make him do this whole night", she said plotting her revenge making her brother-in-law laugh at her...

She suddenly got excited remembering her date with her husband...

"Avyan... you know, I'm going out with your bhai sa tomorrow, I'm so excited, we are going out for the first time...", Isha said surprising Avyan, he looked very happy for his brother and sister-in-law...

"Wow... enjoy Bhabhi sa... stay happy always, seeing you smile this widely gives so much peace to me", Avyan said, and she could see the genuineness in his eyes, she felt herself lucky to get such a loving and understanding brother-in-law...

Both of them bid byes and dispersed to their respective chambers... Isha gave the designer book and made her husband see every design along with her, who didn't want to but did it for his wife... and after an hour, both of them selected the design with some minor changes... Abhyansh knew that this is it at the first glance but he didn't want to spoil the process for his wife, so he kept glancing at other designs for an hour...

The next day, Isha got ready in a suit, she wore a light colour suit with a floral dupatta, and he wore his usual 3-piece suit...

Seeing her full sleeves, he is again reminded of his cruel act of burning her wrist...

"Tomorrow we'll meet a dermatologist, come home early, he will come home...", he said suddenly, and she frowned in confusion

"Dermatologist?? Why??", She asked confused...

"He'll suggest some ways for the scar on your wrist, you can wear whatever you want once you get free of it", he said, and she sighed seeing him regret again...

"Rana sa... it's fine... I normally wear full sleeves, I like it this way... don't think much about it, I'm not suffering in any way... yeah, but can't say the same if you be like this", she said setting his collar... he liked her taking so much liberty...

"Okay then, I won't be like this, but still we are meeting the doctor tomorrow...", he said, his tone turning into commanding in the end leaving Isha with no option except for agreeing...

"Okay, let's leave now...", she said, and he nodded... "Rana sa, will the security follow us in the mall too??", she asked getting into the car...

"Yes, why??", he said, and her face paled...

"I won't be comfortable, if this is the case, I would have shopped online", she said getting disappointed, but she can't ask her husband to stop the security, it's a protocol, she knew he wouldn't do it even if she asked but he surprised her...

"Bhairav, you and the security stay outside, surround all the mall exits, including the emergency ones, did you get the place thoroughly checked??", he asked Bhairav

"Yes Hukum (your highness), but still I think....", Bhairav started but Abhyansh cut him...

"I know what I'm doing", he said dismissing Bhairav...