"Sh... leave them...", he said hugging her to him...

"But...", she started but he interrupted her

"Does it still bother you??", he asked

"Huh??", she gave him a confused look

"Our past?? The way I treated you??", he asked her... she looked away as soon as the words left his mouth, what would she say?? Yes, they do, they affect her a lot but how is she supposed to confess that to him?? "Be honest with me??", he added but still she didn't say a word but her silence gave away the answer... of course, it does... and he didn't know how to correct his deeds... how to erase those harsh memories from her head??

"Rana sa... change and come, I'm feeling sleepy, haaawww.....", she fake yawned in the end before going away...

His lips twitched into a smile seeing her fake yawn... he changed and laid on the floor beside her... he didn't like how they are sleeping on the floor, how she is sleeping on the floor, he detested the memory of how he threw her on the floor and set the bed on fire, every second...

"Rani sa... how long are you going to stay like this??", he asked

"Maharaj??", she turned to face him, and he pulled her into his arms...

"How long are you gonna sleep on the floor??", he asked, it hurt to see her like that, though he carries her to the bed every day after she falls asleep...

"I...I don't know...", she said honestly... she didn't know how long, maybe till the time she completely forgives him, and that could happen only when she would know the reason behind his behaviour, forgetting those memories is impossible unless she had amnesia, but she could move on from those and live a peaceful life with her husband, but for that, he had to open up...

"I don't like to see you suffering like this, you are my queen, you don't deserve this... I just can't see this, I hate it, and I hate myself more...", he said and she sighed...

"It doesn't hurt me Rana sa... I'm comfortable, all those days I slept on the bed because you ordered me to, I felt so suffocated as if I was sleeping on thorns, but here, on this floor, it feels surreal, with you beside me, I have no complaints, I think you shouldn't either", she said adjusting her head on his chest, he kept ruffling her long hair and back...

"Sleep now, it's late", he said kissing her forehead... she nodded and closed her eyes and soon fell asleep... but he stayed wide awake, this is one of those days where he didn't get even that one or two hours of sleep he gets every day... he carried her to the bed and sat beside her to get some work done...

The next day, after breakfast, Isha left to her office in the cab, she wanted to talk to her husband about the driver she was offered the previous day when she was leaving to the Rajput palace, but she forgot somehow and thankfully he didn't do it again, so she decided to let it slide... she didn't want to hurt her husband's pride unnecessarily, he gets offended very easily since he is never used to hearing a 'No' or things not going his way, so she made sure not to offend him...

Isha entered her workplace and is surprised to see Reetu, she still has bandages all over, but she is at work…

"What are you doing here?? You should be resting...", Isha said walking towards Reetu and giving Ragini a disappointed look...

"Don't give me that look Ishu, do you really think I didn't try to stop her?? She is just crazy and wouldn't listen to me...", Ragini said, and Isha nodded...

"Ah! stop it you old people, I'm perfectly fine, So, Ishu, when are you going to fulfil your promise?? Since I did mine??", Reetu asked, and Isha glared at her...

"This is what you call fulling a promise?? Go home right now and do not come to work till all these plasters are removed, otherwise, I will go back on word too", Isha threatened seriously...

Ragini and Reetu are surprised to see Isha talk so seriously, usually, she talks very softly so this tone of hers definitely surprised them but Ragini didn't say a word, as all she wants is for Reetu to go home and rest... Reetu waited for a while to see if Isha budges but that didn't happen, finally, Reetu sighed and left for home... Isha let a huge sigh after she left...

"How are you going to do it?? I know it's not easy to get her to meet the king and the queen", Ragini asked...

"Well, it's tougher than I thought, but not impossible", Isha said thinking about ways to say this to her husband, more than her, he didn't want to reveal their relationship, well that's what she thought...

"Have you talked to your husband?? Did he refuse to help or talk to the king??", Ragini asked

"No, I haven't talked to him, well that's the big part, rest all will go smoothly, once he agrees", Isha said imagining how her BEAST husband would react to it...

"Woah, seems like your husband did have some influence huh??", Ragini gave an impressive look to Isha... "must be one of the immediate staff to the king, right?? He must be close to the king", she added, and Isha looked at her not knowing what to say...

"Y... Yeah... very close", Isha said awkwardly... what did she even mean?? She wondered... "okay... since I took an off yesterday, I have lots of work to do, bye Ragini, see you at lunch", Isha said and walked to do her work...

In the evening, she went home but her insides are shivering thinking about how to talk to her husband about the promise she gave to her friend, how would he react?? What if he gets mad??

She sighed, changed into a saree, made his coffee, and took it to his study...

"Rana sa... your coffee...", she said placing the cup in front of him... he noticed her shivering hands and frowned...