"REALLY??", Abhyansh wondered looking at them standing in the middle of the road fighting like children, no actually worse than them... hearing his tone, both the siblings jumped in fear... "what are you both doing here??", he asked in his cold tone...
"We?? We... we are talking to someone we know...", Ranveer said before his idiot sister could blurt out the truth...
"Bhai.. no, he would know the truth, you don't know him, he would smell the lie from a kilometre distance", Isha whispered tugging her brother's shirt...
"Shut up", he whispered back...
"Where is he??", Abhyansh asked seriously...
"He just went away...", Ranveer answered confidently...
"Who is he??", Abhyansh asked again...
"He is our relative...", Ranveer said... Abhyansh is about to ask something again when Ranveer started... "what is this Q&A, youare not the external who came for Viva... let us breathe", Ranveer said
"Yeah sure, I think oxygen is available inside the palace as well, come inside and breath both of you", Abhyansh said still looking at them coldly...
Ranveer and Isha walked in slowly, fear is clearly visible on Isha's face whereas Ranveer hid it with his poker face...
Abhyansh walked and stood in the hall, both siblings thought to escape inside calmly when they saw their nightmare coming true...
"Must have faced some worst situations if a man from Royal family is selling street food, ahh what are those??", Abhyansh trailed...
"Golgappe??", Isha helped her husband recall the name while her brother hit his forehead with his hand at his sister's innocence, no stupidity, and then hit her head which rang a bell in her head making her eyes widen...
"Should I continue the story?? The man is your relative, must be in a family crisis, and asked you both for money, the kindest Rajput siblings couldn't control their overflowing generosity, ate 10 plates to boost his sales, right??", Abhyansh said
"I thought you are a businessman and a king Ranawat, but didn't know you're also a fortune-teller, how did you know? This is exactly what happen...", Ranveer started but he is shut with the BEAST's shout...
"SHUT UP RAJPUT...", Abhyansh roared, Isha jumped into her brother's arms... "don't piss me now... you defied my orders and lied to me, instead of being shameful, you are arguing with me, what if you both fall sick?? Leave about hygiene, do you sense the danger lurking?? I don't care about you but my wife, I do...", Abhyansh shouted at the siblings...
Ranveer wanted to correct him that he won't take orders from him as he is not his king but seeing Abhyansh's fury, he shut his mouth, he doesn't want to die so early that too couldn't let as silly reason as Pani Puri become the cause of his death...
"That item is important for you more than my words, Isn't it??", Abhyansh asked coldly, looking at his wife... tears flew from her eyes and Ranveer wiped them hugging his sister...
"No, I'm so sorry, I won't eat it ever...", she said and ran inside sobbing... Abhyansh closed his eyes in guilt... he didn't want to make her cry, he is worried for her health...
"Ranawat... she loved them, the street food, after her parents' death, she was caged inside this palace as you know, she was denied all the things she loved, she is 16 when she asked for 10 rupees to have them when she saw a vendor at our gate... my father locked her in her room and didn't even give her food for 4 days so that she realizes that she was offered food and she should be grateful for it... if she dared to ask my father who treated her so badly for money to eat them, imagine how much she loved them and craved for them", Ranveer said and Abhyansh shook with fury...
"What the f**k were you doing when your ba**ard of a father was treating her like that??", Abhyansh asked holding Ranveer's collar...
"I didn't know... I was recently informed of every torture my sister went through in this palace... in her palace...", Ranveer said equally angry but on his father and himself... "I told you all this so that you give my sister all that she missed in her life... well, you don't have to give anything, just let her do whatever she wants to, that's enough", Ranveer said and Abhyansh left his collar...
He raked his hair to control his fury before he kills Kailash Rajput... but his fury kept multiplying.... he marched towards Kailash Rajput's room and kicked the doctors out...
"Get.Well. Soon you a**, because you have a lot coming your way for hurting my wife... my wife... you old piece of sh*t...", Abhyansh muttered in his dangerous tone, Kailash's eyes widened in fear... his BP and heartbeat increased, Abhyansh left from there, he doesn't want that b**t**d to die so easily...
He started walking to his room to pacify his wife and that's when it hit him... how is he better than Kailash Rajput?? He made her starve too... the guilt and regret are eating him alive from within...
He entered the room, where he saw his wife sitting on the bed, to his relief, she isn't crying but the dry tears on her face pinched him...
"Isha...", he called, she looked at him but looked down again... he went and sat on the bed stretching his legs and leaning his head on the headboard... "come here...", he said indicating his lap, she shook her head... he gently pulled her and made her sit in between his legs and wounding his arms around her...
"I'm sorry Rana sa... I won't... eat... again", she again sobbed, hiccupping...
"Sh... stop crying, you can eat anything... I'm sorry that I hurt you... just tell the chefs in our palace to make it for you, they will do... or you can eat at a good place, the place I saw that day is not at all hygienic, also it's not safe, you are the queen, how much effort it would take for my foes to poison you?? I understand your wishes, but you too, try to understand my fears... I can't lose you Isha... I can never lose you", he whispered in her ears kissing her earlobe...
"I'm sorry, I'll follow your instructions from now...", Isha said and Abhyansh kissed her hair hugging her from behind...