"I meant, the bitter truth of his food, Rani sa", Abhyansh said softly, liking how his wife is trying to control his words and actions... the man who needs control over everything around him is ready to lose his control to his wife happily...

"Ranawat", Ranveer whined almost crying...

"Bhai... sh... it's okay, he never tasted your food, how would he know how tasty your food is... you should get sad if I say something...", Isha consoled her brother hugging him, Ranveer winked at Abhyansh who narrowed his eyes at the dramebaaz siblings...

"Yeah... right...", Abhyansh is about to blurt a snarky comment when Isha mouthed him 'Please' with pleading eyes and he nodded and stopped troubling his brother-in-law, otherwise he is determined to make the Mighty Ranveer Rajput shed blood tears today...

"Come on, taste it Ranawat...", Ranveer said, trying to take a piece from Isha's plate but she glared...

"Bhai... just eat, I shouldn't hear a word now...", she said sternly...

"Fine... anyways, your husband is undeserving for this...", Ranveer said showing her plate...

"Thank lord", Abhyansh said and Isha rolled her eyes...

"Ranawat... you...", Ranveer started but Isha stood up holding her plate in her hands...

"You both are worse than kids... I can't tolerate you both anymore...", saying this Isha walked away angrily...

Abhyansh glared angrily at Ranveer and he returned the same gaze but Abhyansh's was serious... he wanted his wife with him, he enjoyed her presence in front of his eyes but his stupid and childish brother-in-law had to spoil it... 'well, you weren't behaving maturely either', his head mocked and he sighed... it's his fault too, he should have stopped when his wife requested, in his defence, he did stop but it's his brother-in-law who started again and he couldn't sit calmly, his brother-in-law irritates him to the core... 'real mature' his brain countered looking at him complaining childishly pushing all the fault on his brother-in-law...

"F**k off Rajput... or else I'll shoot you in the head", Abhyansh said seriously, Ranveer scurried away taking his plate of aloo pakora...

"Well, the ones that are in your plate, your wife just fried them, I mixed the batter", Ranveer shouted and ran away before the BEAST could throw something on his head...

Abhyansh is irritated to the core... Isha sighed and understood what must have happened as soon as she saw her brotherdescending the stairs, he tried to talk to her but she just glared at him...

"Ishu.... yaar talk to me...", Ranveer whined

"Why do you irritate him so much, he already has very thin patience and you test it always", Isha huffed

"That's the beauty", Ranveer smirked earning a slap on his head from his sister... she finished her aloo pakora, put the plate in the kitchen, washed her hands, and walked to her room to see her husband, she knew he must be pissed...

"You didn't eat?? I made them Rana sa", she said softly, he glared at her and continued with his work... he is upset that she walked away from him when she knew he wanted her to sit with him... she is away from him the whole day during her work, so he wanted her in front of his eyes from the time she is back to compensate for all the hours she is at work but she went away... he is so crazy about her that all he wanted is to cage her in his arms forever, only he knew how hard it is for him to let her go away from him though for a few hours...

"Sorry, Rana sa... I was irritated with your bickering", she said gently, apologizing to him holding her ears... he glared at her but his eyes softened when he saw her holding her ears, he quickly took them off...

"Sorry, I mean my bhai's bickering... but you are responding instead of ignoring him", she said mentally cursing herself for daring to tell him on his face that he bickers... she sure has a death wish...

"Your brother pisses me off, badly... keep him away from me and you'll see the best version of your husband", he said and she smiled widely at his claim... that is all she is seeing all these days... she knew he is holding up his fury, his cold demeanour, and his ruthless form for her... he is trying his best to not scare her and she very much is appreciating it... she loved him more for it, all she wished is to solve all the past issues between them and start afresh... she wanted to give him every happiness, everything he wishes for loving her so much, though he doesn't express it, she has an idea, how difficult it is for him to contain the BEAST in him but he is doing... she tried to accept him the way he is and she is getting successful at it, she is just scared when he is extremely angry, otherwise, she could handle all his other forms...

"Okay, I'll ask him to stay away from you, now please have them...", she said offering him his plate...

"Did he mix the batter??", he asked and she huffed getting up...

"Should I leave again??", she said and he quickly took a piece and stuffed in his mouth making her laugh with shock and surprise, she never thought her husband, the Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, known as The Royal BEAST would get scared of something...

"Only Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat can dare to do something like this", he said and she smiled with a tint of blush...

He quickly finished his snacks... she went to put the plate in the kitchen and came back with some coffee for her husband, she knew he needs coffee often... and when she returned, he closed his mac and sat with her to spend some time with her surprising her... she told him about how her brother cooked for her for thefirst time when she was 12 years old, when she had fever and he made her soup at night, and though that was horrible, she ate it... he listened to her with an utmost concentration... he loved it when she talked nonstop indulged in it. Before they knew, it's time to prepare dinner, so his wife left for the kitchen leaving her husband to curse even the word 'dinner'.

A few days passed and the situation at Rajput palace is the same, Ranveer acted to be sad so his sister stays for a few more days, his brother-in-law came with her as a package deal but he didn't mind it as long as his sister is in front of his eyes...

One fine evening, Ranveer and Abhyansh are working in Isha's chamber, much to Abhyansh's dismay... Isha rushed to the room with a gleaming look, Abhyansh wondered what made his wife so excited...

"Bhai... chalo(let's go)...", Isha said excitedly...

"What is it Ishu??", Ranveer said with irritation as he is working...