"Thank you, Ranawat, Isha told me how you came here to 'support' me leaving out differences", Ranveer said stressing on 'support', Ranveer very well knew his brother-in-law came to spoil his plan not to support him...

Abhyansh mentally appreciated Ranveer's acting...

"Don't mention Rajput", Abhyansh said

All three sat there, discussing how it happened and what the doctors said... well, Isha and Ranveer discussed whereas Abhyansh sat there working on his phone as he is least interested in hearing Ranveer's well-scripted story... after some time, Isha cooked a quick meal for her brother, she took it to him where her brother and husband are lying on either sides of the bed... seeing Isha with food tray, Ranveer started his award-winning performance by sighing sadly as if he didn't want to eat, but inside he badly wanted to have the food prepared by his sister, but he had to gain her sympathy, so he denied eating lunch and seeing him so sad, Isha too didn't force him...

Isha called Abhyansh for lunch but he refused saying he had some work, but made sure she had her dinner, she didn't want to but she didn't have a say in front of her husband so she had her food, Abhyansh intentionally didn't have his lunch as he didn't want Isha to completely focus on Ranveer, he knew Ranveer skipped lunch to gain sympathy but like the hell he would let ithappen... Abhyansh sat with Ranveer the whole time, and Isha thought Abhyansh didn't have his food for Ranveer, well he made her think like that and just like that, he spoiled Ranveer's plan...

In the evening, after making sure the doctor and nurses have settled in their rooms, Isha guided the staff to make food for them and then made dinner for the three of them and took it to her brother...

"Bhai... I know you didn't eat anything from the morning, please have this...", Isha said holding a morsel in front of Ranveer...

"I don't want Ishu...", Ranveer acted as if he is sad...

"Bhai... don't worry, Kaku sa would be fine soon... please have it...", she pleaded holding a morsel in front of him... he opened his mouth and she fed him the dinner... all this while, a pair of blue-green eyes are staring at him, no glaring at him for the acting he put on to have his wife's attention...

After feeding him... Isha made her brother drink water as if he is a baby and Abhyansh's heart burned in jealousy... he needs to divert her attention, he couldn't tolerate this anymore, thought the BEAST

"I'm hungry Isha... I didn't have my lunch too...", Abhyansh said trying to divert his wife's attention from her brother...

"Oh! I'll serve you dinner right away...", she said disappointing him, he thought she would feed him like she did to her brother...

"No need, I don't want to", he said and she frowned...

"But you said you were hungry", she asked with confusion

"I'm not now...", he said, and she got confused seeing his mood...

"Okay tell me when you are hungry, I will serve you dinner, I'll be in the kitchen, preparing bhai's favourite dessert", she said smiling at her brother who gave her a small sad smile acting as if he is sad... "don't think so much bhayyu... tell me if you feel like eating anything else too, okay??", Isha asked and Ranveer nodded

Saying this she walked away...

"So much for keeping my sister away from me huh Ranawat??", Ranveer smirked...

"You b**t**d, you are using your a** of a father to gain my wife's sympathy", Abhyansh fumed...

"Well, I thought that my a** of a father is useless but he got useful for something to me", Ranveer smirked making Abhyansh fume in anger but soon that turned into a dangerous smirk

"You are messing with the wrong man Rajput", Abhyansh said and his smirk rang danger bells in Ranveer's head... the moment Ranveer played this drama, he decided to give a bigger shock to his brother-in-law to compensate for the game he is playing...

Isha got back with Ranveer's favourite dessert, and he relished it, all throughout keeping the sad facade intact...

"Rana sa, have your dinner, you didn't even have your lunch", Isha said and Abhyansh waited for her to feed him like he didto her brother... "I'll serve you, come", she said and this irritated him...

"I'm not hungry Isha...", he said and she sighed...

"But...", she started but Ranveer interrupted her

"Ishu, bring me some water bacha...", Ranveer said and she immediately walked inside making her husband furious...

"You want my sister to feed you?? Haha, not in a million years, she feeds only me, she loves me the most, and she is most comfortable with me", Ranveer fuelled the fire...

"Rajput...", Abhyansh started but seeing his wife, he stopped

Isha gave her brother the water and went to the small dining table in the chamber, served dinner in two plates and then came to her husband...

"Please have your dinner Rana sa, I didn't have mine too, I'm hungry, doing all the work tired me, let's have dinner together, come, please", she pleaded so cutely that it melted the BEAST's heart...