Abhyansh walked to and fro in his study to contain his anger... he regretted shouting at his wife, but her tears fumed his fury more... and how could he allow someone to disrespect his wife?? She is his queen, no one has the audacity to disrespect her, it's important that he taught his father a lesson, why can't she understand that?? Her teary eyes kept coming in front of his eyes, but he controlled himself not to go to her as he is not completely calmed down yet...
After an hour or so, he walked towards his chamber when he saw his mother walking towards his chamber with a servant who wheeled the food trolley... he immediately understood that his wife didn't have her dinner... Amruta shivered to look at his son, afraid of his anger...
"Woh....(that...) Isha didn't have her dinner..... so I...", she fumbled
"I'll take it from here, you can go", he said in his usual cold tone and that surprised her, she expected him to snap at her or shout at her, pertaining to his anger but his usual tone definitely came as a shock to her...
"Okay", she said and left from there followed by the servant who bowed in front of the king and left from there...
He wheeled the food trolley to their room and saw his wife sitting on the couch wiping the constant tears that are flowing from her eyes... she looked at him, the food trolley in his hands definitely surprised her but she is not going to give in so easily... how can he shout at her like that?? She turned her head to the other side wiping her tears... he felt like killing himself seeing her tears...
He walked to her wheeling the food trolley to her... he sat on his knees in front of her holding her chin...
"Angry with me??", He asked softly, she nodded but didn't say a thing... he wiped her tears with his fingers cupping her cheeks...
"Then you should punish me, not yourself, you shouldn't give me food, and starve me, not yourself", he said
"But you already had your food by then", she said, and he smiled at his innocent wife...
"Okay, don't give me breakfast tomorrow", he said
"But you are the king, how can I do that?? Everything happens according to you, you won't spare anyone who goes against you right, and I can't dare to do that", she said angrily, and he so wanted to smile at his wife's taunts, not bad, she learned to taunt, good improvement...
"Isha... that was necessary, he can't disrespect the queen, disrespecting you is equal to disrespecting me... and I can't tolerate that... he should know how to talk to you", Abhyansh said
"But he is your father, my father-in-law, it's okay", Isha said
"No, it's not, no one can disrespect you... NO ONE", he said wiping the tear stains on her cheeks and kissing her forehead...
"Except you right??", She taunted cutely and this time he couldn't stop his smile that made her frown... he kissed her frown again, kept kissing her till her frown disappeared...
"I love you taunting me like a wife", he said making her blush... "and to answer your question, no, even I don't have the right to disrespect you, I didn't want to shout at you, but I was very angry then... sorry... next time don't interrupt me when I'm furious, talk to me when I'm much calmer... okay?? I don't like shouting at you", he said cupping her cheeks
"But I didn't want my father-in-law to apologize to me, I didn't like it", she said
"But it is necessary, can we not talk about it??", He asked softly, and she nodded looking at his eyes which showed reluctance to talk on that topic anymore... "now, have your dinner", he said serving the dinner for her...
"I'll do it, Maharaj... please", she held his hand, but he freed her hand and served her himself...
"Again, back to Maharaj?? Anyways, I'll feed my angry wife today", he said, and her eyes widened in shock...
"No... I'll eat, it's okay... Mahara...I mean Rana sa...", she corrected when she saw him giving her a warning look...
"I'll feed you, no discussions on it", he declared, and she sighed... dominance in even showing love and care, great! she thought
He fed her with his hands making her blush throughout the dinner, he even wiped her lips making her red due to shyness, he tried to kiss her, but she turned her face making his lips get in contact with her cheek... before he could turn her head and kiss her properly, she ran away to the washroom taking her cotton saree to change for the night...
Abhyansh closed his eyes in an attempt to control his hormones which are on high just at a single glance at his wife...That night she slept peacefully in his arms, but he couldn't get a wink, as even the thought of her tears because of him pricked him every second... he kept staring at her the whole night, she might have forgotten the issue, but he couldn't, he wanted to teach his father a lesson for even thinking to hurt his wife...
Abhyansh and Isha celebrated their anniversary as planned, visiting the temple in the morning followed by breakfast as usual, but with lunch with the family, Avyan didn't come home till the morning of the anniversary and Isha got so sad that her plan of having lunch with the family without Avyan is incomplete, and Abhyansh couldn't see his wife unhappy, he called Avyan to come home for lunch leaving the work and he came. Isha got so happy when Avyan personally wished her, BEAST though got jealous, he couldn't neglect the broad smile on his wife's face and for that smile, he could tolerate his brother for a while...
Avyan knew why he is suddenly loaded with work, he knew his brother is punishing him for enjoying his misery, he so badly wanted to complain to his Bhabhi sa but couldn't dare to do so, as that would push him into danger again...
After the family lunch, Isha took some rest while Abhyansh went out for some work, in the evening, he took her to dinner in one of his hotels as he wanted to take his wife to the best diner and his was the best... he wanted to give her the best first-time experience in a restaurant and he is glad that he did, she enjoyed the food and ambiance, and he made sure the place is quiet, and cozy and made her feel comfortable...