"I know you are angry with me, and are afraid that I would take you for granted if you tell me you will stay with me forever", he said and she widened her eyes, how did he know?? "But trust me, I won't, please assure me that you will not go leaving me here, I was so afraid seeing those divorce papers and your signature on them, I am sorry I behaved like an animal in the morning", he said apologizing for the nth time that day, and she frowned hearing his apology.

"But I am upset", she said... "you hurt me after promising you won't, how can I trust you again??", She said

"So you don't trust me now??", He asked, first she shook her head and his face paled, but she then nodded in 'yes' bringing a small smile to his face, she still trusts him... "you are angry with me??", He asked and she nodded, "okay, you can punish me until your anger goes off", he said holding her soft palm in his calloused ones...

"P... Punish you??", She fumbled, and he nodded rubbing the back side of her palm with his thumb...

"Yes", he told her strongly...

"But you are the king, how can I??", She asked, even afraid of the thought of punishing him...

"I am your husband, not the king, and you have that right, the right to punish me", he said

"Really??", She asked innocently, Abhyansh just wanted to hug her tightly and hide her in his arms forever and this time, he didn't hold himself, he hugged her tightly pulling her to him, a loud gasp escaped her mouth, she didn't hug him back but she found solace in his arms... so much solace that she didn't want him to let her go, after she came out of her initial shock, she slowly put her arms around his midriff and his muscles tensed at her touch, she felt it and slowly rubbed his back calming him...

"Maharaj...", she called him slowly loosening her grip on his back, indicating him to leave her but he pulled her more into him...

"Abhyansh...", he said, and her eyes widened in shock, she understood what he is saying, but how can she?? "Call me by myname", he added, and she broke the hug quickly and he let her go...

"No, how can I?? I can't..." she said shaking her head vigorously...

"You can", he said sternly, and her face paled, he understood she needs some more time, so he took a deep breath nodding at her and that calmed her a bit.

"It's late, come, let's sleep", he said standing up and pulling her by her hand, she too stood up and tried to free her hand but his grip tightened. She sighed and walked with him. When she observed him taking her to her room, she opened her mouth.

"Maharaj... I will go on my own, you can go to your room and sleep", She said and he raised his brows but walked with her without responding to her statement.

They entered her room, and she is shocked to see the female servants moving in and out of her huge walk-in closet which she doesn't use at all.

"How much more time??", he asked in his steely tone making them shiver...

"It's done, your highness", the head lady servant said in her low tone trying to contain her fear and soon they all left...

Looking at Isha's confused face, Abhyansh started answering her unasked questions...

"I'll be staying in this room from now on...", he said

"What?? Why??", She screamed in shock, soon cupping her face realizing what she did...

"For your first question, yes, and for your second question, why??, Now that we are wife and husband, we are supposed to stay in a single room, also considering my mood, this room suits me better than anything else", he said and she looked at him with confusion... "I got the confidence that you wouldn't leave me now and I'm very happy, so I will be sleeping in this room with you", he said and her eyes widened... "I see that you haven't used the walk-in closet till now, may I know why??", he asked pulling her from her reverie

"I...I don't need it, a single wardrobe is enough for my things...", she said

"But that's not enough for the things I got for my Rani sa, go and check it", he said and she gave him a questioning look, he asked her to go and she went to the walk-in closet...

She walked in, she never explored it fully in these 11 and half months since she didn't use it at all, she used the wardrobe which is located in the corner of her room... Abhyansh followed her... she spotted his accessories on the right side, his suits, traditional wear, boots, shoes, Indian footwear, ties, brooches, everything that belonged to men is present there, she didn't understand what would he do with all those clothes... she walked more and what she saw made her gasp in surprise. It's filled with all kinds of women's clothing... every dress has a cabin beside it which held jewellery matching the outfit and footwear and all other accessories.

"hm... walk inside", he said from behind and she jerked in shock hearing his tone so close to her ear...

"What is all this Maharaj??", She asked him...

"You know very well what all this is...", he said looking at her...

"I don't need them, I have what is required and I'm happy with what I have", she said looking at him in the eye...

"You do, and I know you don't want it but I do, I wanted to gift you all this...", he said

"You wasted a lot of money, I don't use them, it's waste", she said