"What happened Bhabhi sa?? Tell me clearly, what did Mr. Rajput do??", Avyan asked

"My bhai made me sign divorce papers lying to me that they were property papers... and your brother received the papers this morning", Isha said, and tears made their way, remembering her brother's deception...

Avyan cupped his mouth hearing what Ranveer has done... now all things make sense, his brother never got so furious before, he always had control over his fury but today, he saw a different version of his brother. A small smile made its way on Avyan's face, if this divorce made his 'always-stay-in-control' BEAST brother lose his control, then that has only one meaning. His brother loves his Bhabhi sa...

"Avyan, you are smiling?? How could you??", Isha asked with a cute angry face that made Avyan laugh at her.

"No Bhabhi sa... I was smiling for a different reason, sorry", Avyan said

"Tell me why are you smiling?? You are happy about the divorce?? You don't want me to stay with your bhai sa??", Isha asked innocently, and Avyan shook his head, his sister-in-law is too good to understand these cunning conclusions...

"It's not that Bhabhi sa, I want you to stay as my bhai sa's wife for life, that is if he doesn't torture you and treat you well, I was smiling not because I was happy hearing about the divorce, but for bhai Sa’s reaction, he had a great self-control Bhabhi sa, he wouldn't do things just like that without thinking, but today the man I saw is someone different, who didn't have control over his emotions, and when you told me the reason for his anger, I understood how badly he wanted you in his life if your signature on those divorce papers caused so much distress to him", Avyan said and Isha blushed looking down...

"I don't know about all that, your bhai sa shouldn't have done that, he didn't trust me, and I am hurt, I am not going to talk to him", Isha said

"What?? You could do that??", Avyan asked surprised

"Yes, now I can do anything, your brother... your bhai sa, freed me from that promise Avyan", Isha said emotionally, shocking Avyan...

His eyes welled up hearing it... he so badly wanted his bhai sa to free his Bhabhi sa from that slavery, he hated seeing his sister-in-law like that, he wanted respect for her, dignity for her, and he wanted her to feel respected and she wouldn't feel that until he would free her from that, he didn't expect it to happen anytime sooner but hearing his sister-in-law, he is overwhelmed...

Avyan got down on his knees and put his head in Isha's lap unable to control his emotions... he is happy, he is on cloud nine, the woman who he started loving and respecting like his mother is free now...

Isha cried looking at her brother-in-law's reaction... she didn't know he loved and respected her this much to feel so happy and emotional for her... he didn't say a word but she understood his emotions...

"You don't know how happy I am Bhabhi sa", Avyan said lifting his head and Isha caressed his cheek with her left hand...

"I know now... thank you for always being there for me in tough times, I don't know what would I have done without you and ma", Isha said and Avyan wiped her tears...

"Why wouldn't we be with you?? You are so good and also you make my favourite food, how wouldn't I support you", Avyan said and Isha laughed, she made him get up, and he wiped his tear-filled eyes, before anyone could notice, he sat on his chair continuing with his dinner...

Just then Amruta came to them...

"Oh god! you both are still eating?? Such slow eaters you are, if you had a chance, you would continue eating till tomorrow's breakfast... eat fast, both of you", Amruta reprimanded them...

"Yes ma, sorry", both of them said in chorus and laughed at each other... Amruta shook her head smiling at them... after Isha came, Avyan too started behaving like a naughty child and she actually enjoyed his childishness. Seeing his mother's pain, he too lost his childhood wiping her tears and now after years, he is getting himself back. Isha is really a blessing to her sons. Amruta thought.

"I don't have the patience to stay awake till you both finish your dinner, so I am going to sleep, good night", Amruta said

"Good night ma, I'll clean this up, don't worry", Isha said and Amruta nodded...

"Good night ma", Avyan greeted and she left for her chamber...

Isha and Avyan finished their dinner, and Isha started clearing things up while talking to Avyan. Staff wanted to help her but she dismissed them and they can't disobey their Rani sa, so they stayed back. She felt bad for her husband, she expected him to throw tantrums knowing how he gets so temperamental if he finds any fault with his food but the way he ate whatever she served without any tantrums slightly melted her heart. She is still angry, extremely hurt and upset with his act but felt bad for making him eat the food he disliked. She always believed in feeding good food to everyone, she used to cook it for her aunt and uncle too despite their bad behavior towards her. The servants in the Rajput palace used to call her Maa Annapurna with love. It was her basic urge to feed good food to everyone around her and so she felt bad about what she did to her husband.Hence, she decided to cook his favourite dessert. 'Tiramisu' without egg yolk since they are vegetarians. She saw the Italian chef of their palace make for her husband during her early days of marriage, that night she saw him relishing the dish, but at that time, she wasn't in a state to think about his favourite food but now she wants to.

Abhyansh was waiting for Isha to come to her room so that he could talk to her but she didn't, he couldn't bear the thought that his wife is angry with him. All these feelings are so new to him yet they are beautiful and are making him restless. He walked to the dining hall to see if she is still there, but he didn't find her there. He is about to leave when he heard his wife's laughter coming from the kitchen, when he heard his brother's laugh too,his blood boiled, what the hell is his brother doing in the kitchen with his wife, how does he(Avyan) always end up spending more time with his wife than him, thought Abhyansh with jealousy. Not for once did he doubt them but he didn't like that his wife has time for everyone except for him, and talks freely with everyone except for him, well whose fault is that!! Exclaimed his inner voice which he hated...

He walked towards the kitchen to see his brother whipping the cream in the glass bowl while his wife is mixing the coffee powder with warm water that was necessary for the dessert.

"You seem so kind and innocent, but you are not... you made my poor bhai sa have his not-so-favourite food huh, very bad Bhabhi sa", Avyan teased his sister-in-law...

"Excuse me?? If anyone is poor that's me, you should send all your pity glances and sympathetic words for me not your rude and brooding brother", Isha said and Avyan chuckled, no one has the audacity to curse his brother even in his absence till today.

"Aha... so you don't feel bad for my bhai sa??", Avyan asked doing the work he is given by his Bhabhi sa...

"Not at all", Isha said shrugging...

"Oh really! Then why are we making bhai Sa’s favourite dessert?? Let's stop it and go and sleep, I am already very sleepy", Avyan said drawing a fake yawn...