"Get out", he said in his cold tone controlling his temper... his volcano is about to burst out, he is holding on to the last straw...

"I want to... ", Isha started, she wanted to inform him about her visit to her brother's but before that, Abhyansh's fury broke...

"I SAID GET OUT", Abhyansh growled pushing the massive teak wood office desk back...

A sob escaped Isha's throat in fear and pain, he never shouted this loudly or this harshly to her ever in their 11 and half months of marriage...

She gave him one last look before running away from there... his anger-filled growl is heard by the whole family. Ranveer rushed to his sister's room, but she locked the door... he kept knocking on the door followed by Amrutha and Avyan, but Isha didn't open it. After composing for 5 minutes, she told them that she wanted to stay alone for some time, and they reluctantly left her.

Her husband's voice held so much anger in it but she could also hear the pain and betrayal in it and that pained her more than anything. But how should she tell him that she couldn't accept him, not at the cost of her dignity. She remembered her late mother's teachings. She always asked Isha to never sacrifice her pride and dignity. And dignity and pride vary from individual to individual.

She didn't understand what to do, she is determined not to accept her husband, who mistreated her, called her sl*t, insulted her, declared her a maid in front of all the servants, and tortured her. She could try to forgive but did he ever ask it from her?? Did the mighty king regret his actions?? What's the guarantee that he wouldn't repeat them?? And what were the reasons that made him hate her?? And what changed?? She wanted to ask him everything, but she is afraid. After seeing him in so much of fury today, Isha is even afraid to go in front of him.

She took an hour to compose herself before packing her clothes for a week and walking towards the main hall to her brother. She wants to stay in the Rajput palace for a week. She needs it and considering the situation, her husband needs it too.

But she couldn't leave without telling him, that's not appropriate, so she kept her fear apart and called him but he didn't lift the call. She tried again but he didn't pick up. So, she left him a message and went to Rajput palace with her brother bidding bye to Amrutha and Avyan.

Abhyansh closed the doors of his office room as soon his wife walked out of it and from the secret passage, he left to the forbidden 4th palace at the back leaving his phone in his home office.

After venting out his anger for 4 long hours on different things, the BEAST in him finally calmed down a bit but not enough to go and actually talk to his timid wife whom he terrified with his fury this morning. He closed his eyes in regret, the sound of her sob after his burst out kept coming into his head. He shook his head and went to his pets to calm down more. And talking to them will definitely show him a way.

"Sharah, Veera... come here...", he said walking to their den, they growled happily looking at their master... caretaker of these both wild animals bowed his head and greeted the king who dismissed him and the man walked away bowing his head in respect, Abhyansh locked the door after he left and freed his favourite animals.

Both of them ran to their loving master as soon as they are freed, and Abhyansh patted them with care.

"I shouted at your queen, she is upset with me, very upset", he said and both of them looked at him curiously... seeing their master with these soft emotions is a first. "But it's her fault, she got me angry... how can she leave me and go for a week... she didn't even tell me, I was controlling even after that but what she uttered after that made me very angry... why can't she become my wife?? Why can't we have a normal husband-wife relationship??", he asked out loud and now that he did, his own self responded to him trying to show him the reality.

Why would she become his wife after all that he did to her?? She is still afraid of him, and did he do anything to make her fear go except for assuring her that he wouldn't hurt her?? She is slowly becoming habituated to him when he suddenly dropped the 'wife' bomb on her head, how would she respond?? Now that he thinks of it, he is understanding everything but still, his elephant-sized ego couldn't accept that his wife rejected him. He wants her more than anything in this world, she is his safe haven and peace. He didn't understand what's her problem, he wants her to express herself freely and he knew she would do that only when he becomes calm and did not get angry, he is aware that his wife is absolutely terrified of his anger. He calmed himself, though his fury returned whenever he thought of her words, and he decided to maintain his calm. He needs to make her believe that she can talk to him about anything and that he is approachable.

He decided to call her to have a talk with her, and for that, he needs his phone, he sighed and went back to his study. He never left his phone anywhere, he always took it with him, but at that moment, he was furious and didn't want to break it in his anger. It's not like he couldn't afford another one, but transferring all the data would take some time and he hated it though it's hisassistants who did the job, he hated waiting. Also, he wants to keep his phone away and work on calming himself down without any disturbance.

Ranveer and Isha reached Rajput palace. Ranveer took her to her chamber, Isha is surprised to see it. Now, her chamber looked very modern with all the amenities which weren't been provided to her before. A huge walk-in closet is built into it and it has all the types of clothes Isha is comfortable wearing. Though her room is much smaller than the one she has in Ranawat palace, still it's huge and the changes and renovation made it very attractive. In the past, when the whole palace is renovated according to the modern amenities, her uncle intentionally left her chamber... but now her chamber looked the best in the whole Rajput palace.

"Bhai... all this??", She looked at her brother in surprise.

"My bacha deserves the best, this is nothing", Ranveer said, and Isha hugged her brother seeing his love...

"But bhai, this is unnecessary, I am here just for a week, you do remember that I stay in Ranawat palace, not here...", she said with a smile, still looking at the changes, she is very excited at all the new changes... she walked around her chamber exploring everything and Ranveer walked behind her with a peaceful smile on his face, his sister's smile is everything for him. He could even forget his morals to protect her and that's what he is going to do now.

"Ishu... now tell me, what did you tell Ranawat that made him so mad", Ranveer asked when she is arranging her wardrobe, he knew his sister is not good at paying attention to her words whenshe is working, so he took advantage of her to get things out of her...

"Bhai... I said 'No' to his proposal, I told him I can't have a normal husband-wife relationship with him", she said getting indulged in setting her clothes in her closet.

"What??", Ranveer's scream brought her out of her trance and she looked with wide eyes when she realized what she said, her husband didn't warn her not to tell him that he asked her this but she is not stupid, her brother would get suspicious if he gets to know this. Her husband just asked her not to tell anyone about her freedom... he wanted to let everyone think that she still has to take his permission for everything.

"Bhai... it's...it's nothing... leave about it please...", she said, Ranveer nodded as if understanding her and diverted the topic, they talked about random things, but his brain ran a marathon inside. If his brother-in-law asked his sister to give a chance to their marriage, then he must be treating his sister very well, not like a 'slave', above all that, he asked Avyan to call her 'Bhabhi sa' and the whole palace to address her as 'Rani sa', that clicked him, how his sister agreed to come to him without even asking him, then as if she just realized something, she said she would have to ask Abhyansh. When Ranveer asked him, he said 'No', but still his sister is here today, with him. She would have informed him if she asked her husband later and got permission, but she didn't mention anything like that. All this meant only one thing to Ranveer, his brother-in-law, the BEAST gave his wife her freedom, the FREEDOM she craved, Ranveer smirked at the realization. His plan upgraded with the knowledge of these new developments. He knew his sister would hate him forall that he is gonna do, but he had no option other than doing this, to protect his sister.

"Isha... Give me your phone...", Ranveer asked her...

"It's on the side table bhai", she said, she didn't even ask 'Why', that's the amount of trust she has in her brother, and he hated himself for breaking that... "Bhai, I'm gonna make lunch for us, it's very late, what do you wanna eat??", she asked making her hair into a bun, he smiled at her and told her 'anything' and she left giving him small smile.

"I'm sorry bacha, I am feeling terrible for breaking your trust, but this is necessary", he told to her picture on his phone's screen, which is his wallpaper. He took her phone, unlocked it and transferred all the contacts, and required data from it.

Later, he opened the texts and started reading all of them. His blood boiled reading the punishments the BEAST gave his sister at the start of their marriage. All of them strengthened his decision and removed all the doubts and guilt he is having before.

"You don't deserve my sister Ranawat, and I'll make sure you understand this", Ranveer said, called his men to get a new phone and new sim for his sister.

Abhyansh came back to his study and opened his phone to call his wife but her text brought the 'fury' that he is trying hard to calm...