He hated himself for her behaviour, he wanted to free her from this 'slave' thing he started, but then, what if she decides to leave him?? He never gave her a reason to stay in the marriage, he knew she is staying only for the word she gave him. That 'word' is the reason she is rejecting her brother's every plan to take her away from him. Abhyansh decided, he would free her from this when she is ready to stay as his wife but will she ever be ready after how he treated her?? Is he ready to treat her as a wife?? Does he actually know how to maintain a relationship?? He never self-doubted before, why is he doing it now?? And Does he want to become her husband is the main and actual question, and that's the first step. Is it what he wanted?? He wants to stayclose to her, he can never let her go, he is clear till there but as a husband?? He is not sure...
"Maharaj??", She called again after a while, afraid of disturbing his deep thoughts, looking at him, she understood he is thinking about something very important, but she is not aware that it's about her. Avyan said his brother never zoned out but she saw him in that state many times, not knowing that it happens only with her or when he is in her thoughts.
"Yes, You can...", He said and she left, taking his now empty coffee cup, and he sighed deeply before getting back to his work.
Isha walked to the king's chamber and to her room, she lay on the floor as there was still some time for dinner. Usually, she would be passing time by chitchatting with her mother-in-law at this time, but today, she needed some time after what has happened with her husband. It wasn't less than a miracle. She got so happy remembering their discussion and a wide smile formed on her face, when she remembered, he said that he would kill Ragini to solve her problem. She felt his need to end all her worries and problems. He actually cared?? He would kill for her?? She didn't want him to do anything of that sort but the thought that he could go to that extent for her, surprised her, but the next minute, she chided herself, he would never do that for her. She warned her brain sternly to not think about these stupid things and to stop reading too much between the lines. Abhyansh Singh Ranawat could never do something like that for her, she thought, without knowing he already did and he would do it in the future too... But, will it her strong resolve of never giving a chance to this marriage ?
She prepared the dinner and went to call him, she thought, after their discussion, he wouldn't avoid her anymore, but sheis so wrong, he is back to ignoring her, he even made Ramlal tell her that if she needs anything, just text him, and not come there again and again. Huh... So much for not hurting her, she thought. But she too knew that he had no idea that he affects her so much.
With a heavy heart, she sent him dinner, and everyone continued to have dinner in the dining hall, with a slight talking and relaxed posture since the BEAST is not present.
A few days passed by, and like every other day, all of them are sitting at the dining table having dinner, after sending the dinner to the king.
"Amruta, guide your daughter-in-law regarding the upcoming royal dinner", Devyani devi said in her authoritative tone...
"Yes, ma sa, will do", Amruta said
"What dinner??", Isha asked cluelessly
"You didn't know??", Amruta and Avyan, both are surprised, they expected Abhyansh to already inform her, and order her as he hates anything going wrong in such prestigious events.
Royal dinners are something that the Sheikhs and Ranawats do very frequently, since both are royal kingdoms, they try to show their wealth, power, and culture, in a very rich manner in these events. When they visit India, Ranawats host them royally, and vice versa when they visit their place.
Amruta and Avyan, in fact, no one knew that Abhyansh is ignoring his wife. They never expected him to get affected by anyhuman being in the first place, to think of him avoiding his wife because she affects him a lot.
"No", Isha said, thinking why can't her husband tell her this simple thing? Even if it's as an order, he could have done that but no, he had to continue his stupid 'ignoring' plan.
"Prince Farhn Al Qasimi, the second-in-line to the throne, is visiting us, we have very good relations with the royal family. It's common for us to hold these Royal Dinners once in a while, before we start something new in the business. These are very prestigious and the king and queen hosts these dinners for the royal family members visiting us", Avyan said giving a brief description of the events.
"The purpose of this dinner now?? I mean any new venture??", Isha asked casually
"Yes, actually...", Avyan started but Pratap Singh Ranawat cleared his throat throwing daggers at his son...
"I think that's enough information, she is not trustworthy enough to dilute sensitive information Avyan, you should know better than this...", Pratap said, and Isha got hurt. Her father-in-law talked as if she would lay a path for their destruction... huh, that's not her, despite her husband's tortures, she never thought bad for him, then why??
"But...", Avyan tried to defend his sister-in-law but stopped himself as he doesn't want to prolong the issue, fearing if it reaches his brother, he wouldn't spare his sister-in-law, thought Avyan, if only he knew.
Amruta who is sitting beside Isha, patted her hand under the table as in consoling her. Isha thanked her stars that her husband wasn't there here, if he knew she is trying to know something more about his business which is none of her concerns, he would kill her, but if only she knew, how wrong she is. The new Abhyansh Singh Ranawat would have made his father regret saying those words to her...
"What do I have to do??", Isha asked politely after composing herself, insults like these are not new to her, she was treated much worse in the Rajput palace, here at least people don't disrespect her, even though they don't trust her, but her uncle and aunt used to disrespect her, degrade her and abuse her.
"I'll explain you everything, and in these dinners, we cook all by ourselves, it's as a respect given to the guests if the women of royal families cook. When Abhyansh and Avyan visit them, they do the same thing, the women in the family cook, I'll tell remaining things later", Amruta said, and Isha nodded already getting very nervous of this 'Royal Dinner'. What if she messes up??
After the dinner, Amruta detailed everything, and also assured Isha not to get afraid. The next couple of days went in the preparations, of the welcoming of the prince.
"Isha, why don't you take a day off beta?? You are working a lot in the home for the past few days and at work as well. Today is the dinner, at least stay at home today and look after the preparations calmly instead of stressing of yourself", Amruta said looking at her daughter-in-law hurrying everything, as she has to go to her work after finishing the arrangements...
"Ma, I would have taken a day or two off, but I already had so many leaves due to my accident, don't want to take advantage of Ragini's kindness", Isha said and Amruta sighed, knowing how rightful her daughter-in-law is, if she asks, Ragini would leave her off as she is a very valued resource Ragini has, and she wouldn't let her go, also Ragini is a great friend of Isha, she would understand her but Isha doesn't want to ask her...
"Hm... Okay, you relax, I'll handle the rest, come early in the evening, in fact come in the afternoon itself, you already know the menu we prepared, it's a lavish dinner and takes time in preparing...", Amruta said
"Okay ma, but let me finish this, you are of great help, but I don't want to push everything on you", Isha said, Amruta left a deep sigh knowing her daughter-in-law is one hell of a stubborn woman. Both the ladies started with the work and supervising the servants...
Isha went to office and returned early but till she returned, the prince has already arrived and met the family.
"Isha... Thank god, you are here, the prince is already here, and Abhyansh tried to spot you to introduce you to the prince, He even asked about you, everyone knows Abhyansh got married na, and the king and his other son came to the wedding, he didn't, so he was asking for you, I'm afraid Abhyansh is angry", Amruta blabbered just like every time she is in tension. Isha calmed her mother-in-law.
"Ma, what should I do now??", Isha asked after her mother-in-law who has calmed now...