"Get the lunch ready", Abhyansh said and walked away...

She sat on the nearby sofa chairs, and sobbed, looking at her husband's casual reaction, she felt Madan's words to be true, doesn't he care if someone else touches his wife?? Huh, right, if he could call his wife a sl*t, then he could definitely make her one... she thought bitterly... Oh! boy, she is so wrong this time... But, deep inside, she knew her husband isn't like that, and sheis thankful for him, as he made his entry at the right time and saved her...

She decided to make his favourite items, well no one knows his favourite items, but thanks to her great observation skills, she knew which items he would eat more, and she made out her own list of his favourite food from that...



Isha cooked food and arranged everything on the small dining table of 4 that's placed in the dining hall of the chamber and called Abhyansh for lunch as it's his time for lunch... She thought she will feed her brother after she finishes serving her husband...

"Ishu... I am hungry too", Ranveer whined...

"Unfortunately, god gave me only two hands bhai... Let me first serve Maharaj and then feed you, or if you can eat on your own, I will arrange your dinner on your bed", she said

"No, I want you to feed me", he said

"Okay then wait for some time...", Isha said and Ranveer pouted but didn't say a word...

She served all the items to Abhyansh, and he started eating...

"Maharaj, I will be back in a minute", she requested, and Abhyansh signed with his finger and she quickly walked to the kitchen, put the dessert she prepared for her brother in a cup and quickly went to her brother, arranged a small table and put the cup on it, asking her brother to have it till she feeds him lunch...

"Thank you, Ishu, this is my favourite, sit here and give me company", Ranveer said

"I can't, I need to serve Maharaj", saying this she quickly walked to Abhyansh and started offering him the items and just like she thought, he ate more... She smiled to herself getting happy, she prepared as a gratitude and she felt like he accepted it, though he doesn't know, she thought...

"Mr. Ranawat, how are the items?? The sweet especially??", Ranveer asked, Abhyansh ate silently without saying anything...

Isha wants to respond to her brother, saying her husband hates sweets, but she remained quiet...

Ranveer again and again asked him...

"Rajput... Shut up", Abhyansh said

"But why, just answer my question", Ranveer asked, he wanted to hear praises from the Beast's mouth at least for once... And his sister makes fantastic food, and Abhyansh wouldn't lie...

"Maharaj doesn't like sweets bhai, now you rest calmly", Isha said fearing he would irritate the beast

"How do you know?? He never says anything to you right??", Ranveer asked irritating Abhyansh

"Rajput, I hate talking at the dining table, shut up before I break your right hand", Abhyansh said in a warning tone and that got Ranveer shut up, as he knew Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's threats are never empty, and he can't afford to break the only limb that's working in his body...

Abhyansh is done with his lunch and then Isha brought food for his brother, sat in front of him and started feeding him...

"So yummy Ishu... How do you make such good food... ", Ranveer praised eating the first morsel...

"Eat silently bhai... You need rest, you kept blabbering since morning, now you will take your medicines and sleep after you finish your lunch", Isha told Ranveer...

"You became rude staying with rude people Ishu...", Ranveer taunted Abhyansh though his sister was anything but rude... Abhyansh heard him but didn't care to respond, Ranveer is being childish, and he doesn't want to match that...

"Bhai... Why are you irritating him so much, let him be", Isha whispered...

"Fine, I won't irritate your loving husband...", Ranveer tauntingly said, and Isha sighed...

"Ishu, you said you would make all my favourites for lunch, but some are not my favourite", Ranveer asked, and her breath hitched, what would happen if her husband got to know that she prepared his favourite dishes...

"Because you can't eat all your favourites in a single day, they are not healthy... Now eat...", Isha said feeding him...