Sangeeta injected her, and soon Isha fell into a deep slumber...

"Vi...Vikram... call Ranveer, I need to talk to him urgently...", Sangeeta's voice cracked at the end thinking about the impact Isha had...

Abhyansh looked at Sangeeta and hearing her tone, he sensed something terribly wrong with his wife...

"What is it ??", he asked in a cold tone, after his shout before, she needn't be asked twice, Sangeeta wanted to live so she started speaking...

"Isha's condition, it's the worst... it's not good", Sangeeta said stammering... What if this BEAST actually shoots her in the head listening to what she had to say about Isha's condition...


"Let me go, please", she begged

"No... I can't...", he said shaking his head

"I want to go, I'll be back one day, but for now, I want to go... The day I feel you won't hurt me anymore, the day I feel there are no secrets between us, I will come... Just before my panic attack, I trusted you too much to even disclose to you my biggest fear and trauma, but that trust is no more there within me, when I regain that, I will come to you", she said, tears escaping her eyes, she lied, she lied that the trust is evaporated, strangely she trusted her husband the same, but she wouldn't be able to talk to him properly about things until she knows his past and all the things that are hurting him...

He needs to let go of his insecurities and reveal his past to her, while she has to stay away from him to clear her head and also to make up for all the pain she and her brother suffered...

"I would do anything other than letting you go...", he said, his eyes vulnerable...

"I want to leave...", she said adamantly...

"Isha...", he started but she shook her head and moved away...

"I am leaving...", she said and took out her suitcase, she placed her first set of clothing when her husband said something that shocked her from within...

"I can ask forgiveness from your brother, sitting on my knees, will that stop you from leaving ??", he said, he is desperate, she looked into his eyes and she could see the shame he felt even by thinking about it... Yes, he did wrong by making his brother-in-law kneel in front of him, but in his defense, he didn't expect Ranveer to actually do it, considering he refused to do so even when his own father was at gunpoint...


"I told you to stay away from her Rajput... How many times should I repeat ??", Abhyansh said, irritation visible in him... He is a man of zero patience, only after marrying his wife, he started developing a little which his brother-in-law made his mission to test every time.

"I'm not doing anything with her, it's just that I want to talk to her, please call her here...", Ranveer said and Abhyansh glared at him...

"What am I ?? A relationship advisor ", Abhayansh asked annoyed, he wanted to use 'Broker' word, but his royal blood and ego didn't allow him to use that word to refer to himself even as a mocking...

"Come on Ranawat, you can do this much", Ranveer tried for one last time...

"Get Out Rajput, don't waste my time", Abhyansh said in finality...

"Don't forget your wife is staying with me in Rajput palace, you might be needing my help, but guess what ?? Now, I won't", Ranveer said getting up...

"You won't anyways... and I don't need YOUR permission or help to meet MY WIFE Rajput", Abhyansh said smirking... His brother-in-law is flying too high since the time Isha decided to leave with him, he needs to be brought down...


"I don't think it's right to take comfort from you... I need to learn to fight by myself, you can't be there with me to help", she said to him... he could hear the pain in her voice, he knew she is not just talking about her fear of elevators...

"I can... Whenever you call me, I would come to you, leaving everything...", he said and Isha gave a dry chuckle, a tear escaped her left eye which she wiped quickly...

"I thought so too", she said, 'there are more important things to you than my pain, like your hatred for my father' she wanted to add but didn't...

"Rani sa... It won't happen again... Trust me", he said, even recollecting how he unknowingly triggered her pain is urging him to suffocate himself till death... Like his wife was suffocated with lack of air that night, when he was busy in hating her father in his study completely oblivious to her sufferings... She looked into his eyes, and she could see the guilt and pain in them... she didn't like his sufferings, why doesn't her husband just end their misery and tell her the truth ?? She is confident that he might be having a misunderstanding about her father, she knows her father can never harm a soul... he was the kindest man she ever knew... he was always loving and kind.


"According to the schedule you are supposed to go to the boutique, No ??", Ashley asked strongly...