"You are not an embarrassment Rani sa, you are my pride, but you won't understand it if I tell you now, I will show it to you soon...", he said kissing her head, before taking her in his arms and making her sleep on the bed...

Days passed and the preparations are in full swing for Maha Shivaratri... since Abhyansh is an ardent believer and devotee of lord shiva, everyone in the Ranawat family got indulged in the preparations to make sure everything is going well, one mistake and Abhyansh would burst like a fire bubble, and all are hell scared of the consequences...

The rituals to make Isha the official queen of the Ranawat clan and Ajmer is held on the day before Shivaratri... she took two days' leave and is helping her mother-in-law and brother-in-law in the preparations, she is surprised to see even her father-in-law and Rajmata supervising things, she is always surprised to see how everyone, no matter elder or younger, in the family is hell scared of her husband, well she is no different but a bit better than them, she knew if her husband behaves with them the way he behaves with her, soft and gentle, they would have been dancing on his head by now, why can't she do it then?? What is she scared of?? She thought and her husband's mysteriousness is the reason, her subconscious knows that he can never hurt her but the fact that there are many things unknown to her that could make him hell angry and the fact that she didn't know why her husband hated her so much in the start is scaring her to take a step forward towards him...

If she is feeling that way about his secrets, then how is she different?? She is also keeping secrets from him regarding herlife, she didn't know that he already knows her being caged by her uncle for years, she thought he deserved to know that and she decided to share it with him after Shivaratri...

The day after is the puja and the following day is the Shivaratri... after making all the preparations, she left to their chamber and laid down on the floor after changing to her nightwear... soon her husband came to the room and laid beside her and pulled her into is arms...

"All set for tomorrow??", he asked

"Hmm...", she said rubbing her chin on his chest trying to adjust in his arms, he closed his eyes at the sensation...

"Nervous??", he asked understanding her emotions...

"Yes", she answered, and he rubbed her back softly on her shirt and she closed her eyes in bliss, his palms had a different warmth that gave her all kinds of good sensations... she couldn't even recognize that it's pleasure that she is experiencing...

"You'll do great, I'll be with you, holding your hand always... don't be scared", he assured her still rubbing her back with one palm and massaging her neck with the another...

"Hm...", she moaned in bliss with closed eyes... looking at the emotions on her face turned him badly...

He slowly placed his lips on hers and she responded instantly still closing her eyes... he rubbed his cheek with one palm while another one stayed on her neck massaging it, he bit her lip causing her to open her mouth and he kissed her passionately making her toes curl in pleasure...

"Isha... don't you want to know what you missed in your biology class??", he asked her leaving her mouth but his lips touched hers making her and himself go crazy... she couldn't depict the raw emotions in his eyes but they surely made her go a deep shade of red...

"I...", she trailed but didn't know what to say...

"Laterlove... later, After Shivaratri, I'll show you heaven on earth", he said kissing her head and pulling her into him, the kind of emotions his eyes held, and the weight of his words made her feel so good in the south, his use of endearment has added more pressure... she unconsciously moved her legs over his touching his hips with hers making him groan heavily...

"Love...don't test my self-control, I can hold only so much... I never had to hold myself before this but I'm doing it for you, don't make me take you right now", he groaned with his husky and painful tone mixed...

"Take what??", she asked innocently and just like that, he felt like someone poured cold water on his head...

"Nothing... go to sleep... you need to wake up early tomorrow", he said, and she nodded closing her eyes...

She fell asleep but he is very much awake like every other night, he carried her to the bed and lay beside her, he too closed his eyes to take an hour's nap, but suddenly her phone started buzzing... he quickly put it in silent and then looked at the contact... 'Ragini' is displayed on her phone... why is her boss calling her at this time, he thought...

He quickly took his wife in his arms and put her on the floor and laid beside her calmly before her phone buzzed again, he didn't want to wake his wife up, but he couldn't take the call either, so he woke his wife up...

"Isha, your boss is calling...", Abhyansh said when his wife looked at him with confused eyes...

As soon as the words left his mouth, she took her phone and picked up the call... her expression turned grim and slowly her eyes welled up, Abhyansh knew something bad has happened...

"Ragini, don't worry, I'm coming to the hospital right away... don't worry", Isha said and hung up... "Reetu got into an accident and was admitted to the hospital, but doctors are refusing to provide beyond basic treatment, as the senior doctors are sleeping and they couldn't be disturbed... can you please do something about it??", she asked with tears, he quicky wiped them...

"I'll take care of everything", he said and she nodded...

"I have to go to the hospital, please", she said in her broken tone, Reetu and Ragini are her best friends, they are like the sisters she never had and he understood her emotions...

"I'll take you, go and change, till then let me talk to the authorities...", he said, she gave him the hospital details though he knew which hospital it is, as he already messaged Bhairav and asked him to find where Reetu is admitted and talk to the authorities immediately...

Isha came out after changing and they both left for the hospital...

"The treatment started, don't worry, she'll be fine", Abhyansh said as soon as he received the message from Bhairav...

"Thank god, how could the doctors do that Rana sa?? It's about life, is their sleep more important than life?? Doctors are supposed to be selfless right??", she asked, he could sense her anger behind her soft tone...

"This is not the first time this has happened Rani sa, people in these areas are mostly neglected, I have taken many measures to control this careless behaviour but something or someone was left out always... I promise you, I'll make sure this doesn't happen here anymore...