"That man was vile, I married Isha just to get my revenge on that b**t**d, I tortured her because she has his blood, but now I changed, that Abhyansh Singh Ranawat who wants revenge on Amar Rajput's blood is dead now, I can't hurt her anymore, she is everything to me", Abhyansh said, Ranveer is surprised to see the ever-cold BEAST a bit emotional for the first time.

"But I want to know the reason, if you could torture her once for no fault of hers, you could do it again, what if you get to know more truths going forward, you will hurt her again", Ranveer said...

"Your father trapped you well Rajput, he is a cold ba**a*d, there is no other truth that I don't know, he played you, and you like a fool believed him", Abhyansh said casually shocking Ranveer, how did he know?? If he knows this then did he also know that he has his father??

"Yes, I know you have your father, I let you play your game since I know you need to get some answers", Abhyansh said shocking Ranveer... "I also know you are playing some sickgames to separate my wife from me, but I let you do it, I didn't even try to find out as I believed in Isha, I know she wouldn't leave me, but I failed to keep that belief till the end, I gave into my anger rather than being rational", Abhyansh said regretting his anger, his wife is not going to forgive him, but he needs to seek forgiveness... his self is shocked to see Abhyansh Singh Ranawat wanting to seek forgiveness, this was no less than any 8th wonder.

"Ranawat... I think you are misunderstanding my bhabosa, he can't harm a single being, he was very kind", Ranveer said and that angered the BEAST. Looks like he hasn't learned anything.

"I know what he did, whatever he did, it was in front of my eyes... I could never forget it Rajput, never defend that man, I hate it", Abhyansh said

"Fine, I won't, but you have to answer Isha if you really want to improve your relationship with her, she will want her answers, why you tortured her?? What was her fault?? If you say you tortured her just because she is Amar Rajput's daughter, how would she react?? Won't she hate you for torturing her for no fault of hers, and Isha loves her parents a lot, she idols her father, she could even forgive for all the pain you gave her but could never forgive if she gets to know that you called her father a b**t**d, that's how much she loves him, what will you tell her??", Ranveer's questions troubled Abhyansh for the first time, he never cared for anyone's feelings till now, he did what he felt right, never blinked before killing a being when he knew he/she is at fault but how would he justify his actions to his wife, whom he started to care for the most now...

"Rajput... she wouldn't know about this, you won't say a word", Abhyansh said... "not until I wanted to", he added

"And how would you stop me?? By killing me??", Abhyansh said

"By killing your friend, Vikram... who lied to my wife on your request, the very same friend whom you saved even ignoring your sister's pain", Abhyansh said, and Ranveer's face paled at the mention of his friend, he knew The Royal BEAST is known for his punishments for the betrayers and the people who help them and in a way Vikram comes under that category... he can only think what would happen to him if the BEAST gets his hands on Vikram...

"Don't involve him in our family matters Ranawat, let him go, we can deal with this in a mature way", Ranveer said

"He would have been dead the minute I got to know what he did if I wasn’t dealing in a mature way because that's how I deal with people like your friend, who try to harm or deceive my family, and he dared to deceive my wife and became a reason I hurt my wife, it just takes a single phone call to punish that a**, I was not being myself and that's the reason we are sitting on either side of the table and negotiating, so don't preach me and let's talk, what do you have to offer in return of your friend's life", Abhyansh asked coldly, no emotions present like always

"You can't kill him, Isha won't forgive you, he is a good friend of hers too", Ranveer said

"Tch... tch... you can't use your 'Isha' card on me, I could do it and create as if it's a mob attack, I can do anything, you know it very well Rajput, I am leaving you alive for your sister's sake, that should suffice, I just changed for my wife, not the whole world, so tell me, what could you offer??", Abhyansh said, though he wanted to kill Vikram, he couldn't hurt his wife, she would be extremely sad by his demise even though she wouldn'tknow it was him behind it, he can't let her get sad, but her brother needn't know that...

"What do you want??", Ranveer said, knowing he would get whatever he wants, so it's better to ask what he wants rather than stating something he could offer and waste time

"You would never ever try to separate my wife and me, you would hide about this from her, and last but not least, you would encourage our relationship and never ever, I repeat, never ever hurt her", Abhyansh finished

"What?? No, I can't do that, I don't want you as my sister's husband", Ranveer whined

"Well, I don't want you as my wife's brother too, am I whining?? You can't have a say in some things, even though you are The BEAST and have more than half of the world at your feet, so be a man and accept what fate has to offer", Abhyansh said shocking Ranveer, did his brother-in-law just distribute free gyan for him, huh, he didn't imagine that he would see a day when he would be listening about fate and acceptance from a Beast like him. Ranveer scoffed at his own bitter thoughts...

"Fine... I don't have a choice, but you shouldn't harm my friend, anyways I don't have a choice other than agreeing to your terms, but you have to promise me, you wouldn't torture my sister, ever", Ranveer asked

"I won't", Abhyansh said before walking out of his den, he wanted to shout, and scream at his brother-in-law about how much he loves his wife but he couldn't, it's only for his wife to know... hm... wife... he needs to pacify her, he knew she isextremely mad at him and that’s completely justified, he hated himself for whatever he did to her.

He reached Ranawat palace and went to his home office directly, he first wanted to go to his chamber and see his wife, but he couldn't face her, he is ashamed of how he treated her...

He then remembered how she said she was his slave and all those words, he knew that the slave word is hurting her a lot, and he wanted to free her from that... he is afraid to do so. Fear gripped his heart; it's been more than one and half a decade that he felt this emotion but now the fear of losing her occupied his head.

'It's okay, you can do it, free her from the promise and lift the burden from her shoulders forever, if she leaves, then go and win her... gain her trust and bring her back, but for now, free her from this promise, only then can you build your trust in her and at the same time make her feel that you trust her and respect her' he thought but he couldn't muster the courage...

He took out his whiskey and had 3 pegs, but alcohol didn't even enter his system, his fear is getting him sober, only after having a full bottle did he start feeling a bit of it...

He called her and asked her to meet him in his study, he quickly hid the bottle, and washed his face and mouth hurriedly, he knew his wife hates alcohol smell.

"Maharaj... you called??", She made her way into his study...

Abhyansh looked at her, and his heart twisted in pain seeing the swollen part on her forehead and her red swollen eyes... he gotup and marched towards her, she took a step back in fear and that stopped him from moving forward...

"Isha... I am sorry", Abhyansh said caressing her swollen forehead, he kept looking at her injury in worry while Isha stared at him gaping, as if he said the most bizarre thing in the world... "Is it hurting too much?? Did you take any painkillers?? Wait... Let me call the doctor here...", Abhyansh said taking out his phone, but Isha stopped him...

"Maharaj... I'll get fine till tomorrow, and no, I didn't take a painkiller, I was waiting for you so that I could ask you for permission before taking the medicine", she said and he looked at her with extreme regret, but she looked down, not even for once did she look at his face...

"You were serious, when you said you would behave like my...my slave??", Abhyansh asked her