He is frustrated to ask her so many times, but he controlled his temper and asked her again about her return. He is not leaving Rajput palace without getting the return date out of her but for the first time, Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is not going to get what he wanted, because it's his wife, the other end and he couldn't force her to anything and hurt her.
"Ma..Maharaj... I... I don't know", she finally uttered those words, and Ranveer smirked at his plan getting successful.
Ranveer asked his friend to tell her that he is having a problem with his nephew custody as the case reopened and he badlywanted Ranveer's and her help in it. Vikram's brother died in a car accident recently while his sister-in-law died while giving birth to his nephew years ago, now that his brother too passed away, his sister-in-law's family wanted custody, but he fought the case and won it. Now the baby Aryan, who is 8 years old stays with Vikram only, Isha too knows him and is very fond of him. Ranveer asked Vikram to lie to Isha that the custody case reopened and this time, his sister-in-law's family is very strong. And he needed both Isha and Ranveer with him to support him. Isha being the selfless and innocent soul she is, fell for the act. She wanted to tell this to her husband and explain to him that she might take a few more days to come to Ranawat palace but she is afraid of his reaction. So, for the time being she decided to tell him that she doesn't know when she would return and thought to explain everything when she and her brother decide to leave for London to support Vikram.
Looking at Ranveer's smirk and Isha's innocent face in dilemma, Abhyansh understood that Ranveer is playing a sick game, he wants to keep his wife away from the games his brother-in-law is playing, he wouldn't let anyone play with her innocence.
"It's late, go and sleep", Abhyansh said looking at Isha, she nodded and left from there... she kept looking at him while going to her chamber, all he wanted is to pull her into his embrace but refrained.
"Rajput... I need my wife's number, and you will text me that", Abhyansh said after Isha left, it's not like he couldn't find it on his own... but he took it to his ego, and he wants his brother-in-law to send it to him.
"I can't...", Ranveer started but Abhyansh cut him...
"You. Will. Send. It.", Abhyansh said looking at Ranveer with fire blazing in his eyes which made Ranveer scared for a second. He didn't understand how to stop the communication between his sister and brother-in-law and that's when he remembered something, he said 'sorry' to his sister in his head for using her nightmares, but he wasn't left with much of an option.
"I will give you her number, but please don't contact her, let her live in peace at least for some days, I... she is suffering from nightmares, after the attack, she... um... I don't know how to tell you but your tortures are haunting her still, so maybe if you are away from her for some time, it would help her... she stayed away from you a bit in the past few days and her nightmares reduced too", Ranveer said and Abhyansh's heart pained remembering how his wife jumped away seeing him after a nightmare... though his face is void of any emotions, Ranveer can see his plan worked, for a second, he hated for doing this but that's required, and remembering the BEAST's tortures, his guilt is washed away with fury. He deserves everything he is going to give for the way he tortured his sister, Ranveer thought.
"Send me the number", Abhyansh said and walked away... Ranveer is sure he wouldn't contact Isha after this, though he didn't say anything, and he could carry on with his plan freely. That's when he remembered his man who was caught spying on Abhyansh... Ranveer hit his head and ran toward Abhyansh.
"Ranawat, don't kill my man, he... all he wanted was Isha's safety... we might be on opposite sides but at the end of the day, all we want is Isha's welfare, that man has a wife and children, please", Ranveer pleaded...
"I won't kill him, not because you are asking me to, but I promised my wife once that no person would lose their life forher", Abhyansh said remembering how he asked her to be his 'slave' in return for all the lives. She sacrificed so much, she is so kind, and what he did do to her?? Abhyansh shook his head and walked out and got into his car, and Bhairav got into the passenger seat.
"Bhairav... keep an eye on Rajput...", Abhyansh commanded, and Bhairav bowed in 'yes'
Abhyansh reached home but sleep is far from his eyes... his wife's words kept running in his head. She didn't want to be his wife and that thought is pricking his heart... he changed and went to her bedroom and lay on her side, her fragrance calmed his nerves...
"I am waiting for that day when you will be in my arms in this bed... ", he said nuzzling his head into her pillow which still has her scent...
Soon he drowned in her thoughts and drifted into a nap.
Days passed and to Ranveer's peace, Abhyansh didn't call Isha and when she wanted to call him, he stopped her saying he would be disturbed as he is very busy these days, he named a few random projects and Isha who trusted her brother blindly believed everything and never called her husband.
Abhyansh wanted to find out why Isha didn't tell him her exact return date, and what is that important work that's stopping her from coming to him. He wanted to tap his brother's and her phone, but he already got to know that Ranveer is trying his level best to separate his sister from him, and at this time, if he taps their phones, Ranveer could use it against him in front of Isha. He couldn't see Isha going away from him, he could do anythingfor her, he wants her with him ASAP, so he refrained from doing so. Staying without hearing her voice or looking at her serene face is becoming so difficult and his family, his staff, and even Sharah and Veera are becoming the scapegoats for his anger.
He needs his wife like he needs Oxygen, he couldn't function properly without her. It's 5 days since he talked to her or saw her. Is Ranveer right?? She wants him to stay away from her?? Is this why she didn't call him?? Is he the cause of her nightmares?? He couldn't help thinking about all this. Though he knew it might have Ranveer's hand in it, his restless heart is not letting his rational brain function. He always loses his calm when it came to his wife and this habit is gonna hurt him a lot in the coming days.
Isha is upset that her husband didn't call her not even once in these 5 days, she kept looking at her phone for his one call or message, but she is always disappointed, Ranveer felt bad for his sister.
"Bhai... are you sure, you gave my new number to Maharaj?? You might have sent it to someone else by mistake....", she said sadly...
"Meri ma, you are asking this for the 100th time... I sent it the very same night, see this", Ranveer said showing his message to Abhyansh sending his sister's contact number...
"Okay, I'll only call him and ask him, how he is?? One call won't hurt right??", Saying this she took her mobile and is about to call her husband when Ranveer snatched the phone.
"Ishu... your husband is not a baby, he is doing fine, I just met him yesterday... Stop worrying so much, he is very busy, he ishaving meetings at night as well... Don't disturb him, don't you trust your bhayyu?? I'm telling you, he is completely alright", Ranveer said, and Isha nodded sadly...
To divert her, Ranveer started talking about Vikram and the problem which they faked.
"Bhai... Vikram needs us there, Um... I think we should go there to support him in these tough times, tell me when are we going, so that I inform Maharaj and ask his permission, also I need to inform Ragini about it right??", Isha said
"Yeah, we'll see, if Vikram couldn't handle things on his own, we'll go, okay it's late, now go and sleep", Ranveer said, Isha looked at his brother for a minute before leaving for her chamber, this is how her brother is reacting from the past 5 days, whenever she raised about Vikram's problem. She isn't interested to talk to Vikram or discuss him after the fight they had during her marriage. But she definitely cares for him and Aryan, so she wants to help in any way possible.
Ranveer knew he couldn't stop his sister from talking to Abhyansh for more days neither could he dodge her questions regarding the custody case which is a huge lie, so he did what he should do, sped up the process... the next evening, after Isha is done with her office, Ranveer took her to a lawyer.
"Bhai, why are we here?? Is there any legal work??", Isha asked her brother who is sitting beside her... her brother looked very nervous and sad, she didn't understand why...
"Ishu... Um... actually, I don't know how to tell you...", Ranveer started, Isha cut him off...