"What ? Ishu... didn't you deny bacha ?", Ranveer said, according to him, it was not possible, he couldn't imagine his beast of a brother-in-law taking his sister's innocence. It's normal between a married couple but who would make this over-protective brother understand, also he still didn't forgive his brother-in-law for what he did to his sister, and he thought his sister didn't too... Well, she didn't forgive him but she did accept him as her husband and loved him.
The nurse looked at them weirdly...
"Bhai... You are embarrassing me", Isha whispered to her brother... she felt very awkward hearing his question, how should she deny the doctor when she wasn't sure herself ?
"You are still a baby, my baby Ishu... How can you be pregnant my bacha ?", Ranveer panicked...
The nurse giggled at how adorable Ranveer is... He loved his sister too much, she thought.
"Guide me to the restroom sister", Isha asked assuring her brother that she would be back soon...
Isha and the nurse walked to the washrooms, Isha dispersed the nurse from there and went inside the washroom, her heartbeat rose, she was hell-nervous... She waited for 3 minutes for the results and the two Red lines shocked her... She isPregnant. God! she can't believe it, she is going to be a mother, and her Rana sa is going to be a father... She got teary-eyed with happiness. He would be the best father, like her father, she thought. And just that thought snatched the smile on her face and replaced it with worry. Now, he would never tell her the truth, citing her pregnancy and the stress is not good for her. She knew him very well.
Her phone started ringing, and looking at her brother's caller ID, she wiped her tears and walked back to doctor's cabin, she knew her brother would be shocked to know all this.
Isha walked to the doctor's cabin and she found her brother outside the cabin pacing to & fro biting his nails... She chuckled for a second looking at him but soon her own web of problems surrounded her.
"Ishu... What happened ? Negative right ? I knew...", Ranveer blabbered...
"Bhai... let's go inside...", Isha said and walked inside the doctor's cabin, Ranveer couldn't contain his anxiety, he would kill his brother-in-law if he took advantage of his sister's innocence... Ranveer determined.
"Rani sa... The result ?", the doctor asked her...
"Um... Po..Positive", Isha said clutching the pregnancy test kit tightly... Ranveer's heartbeat rose to a dangerous speed...
"What ? No... These test kits are not 100% accurate, Right doctor ?", Ranveer asked... he hoped for a miracle... But why isn't his sister not denying the doctor's doubts in the first place ? 'She is innocent', she might not know all this, Ranveer explained himself but even his ownself wasn't convinced by his answer though there was a huge possibility of it.
"Right Mr. Rajput... I'll take her blood sample as well...", the doctor said and Ranveer nodded.
The doctor collected Isha's blood sample herself and sent it to the lab for tests...
"We'll let you know once the reports are ready", the doctor politely told the Rajput siblings...
"We'll be in the hospital only, call us immediately when they are ready", Isha said and got up followed by Ranveer. None said a word, Isha found an empty room, asked Ranveer to consult the facilities department and get permission to occupy the room... Ranveer nodded and did the needed. She was the queen and she could get any room in a second but she didn't want to let people know, the news would definitely reach her husband faster than they expected, so she refrained from letting any of them know that. Only the doctor and the nurse knew about it.
Ranveer came back with the needed permission, the siblings occupied the room and he locked it before settling beside his sister.
"Ishu, now would you open your mouth ? Why didn't you deny the doctor ? I just wish the reports come negative", Ranveer asked
"Bhai... What do you want me to say ? And we are husband and wife bhai... I don't understand your question, and don't wish for something like that... If he/she is my kid, then they are your nephew/niece as well, don't you love them ?", Isha asked, her brother's reaction and him wishing for her not to be pregnant had angered and upset her, she knew why he was reacting like that but still it stung and her mood swings weren't of any help.
"Bacha... it's not like that... of course I love them...", Ranveer started
"Unfortunately your earlier words don't support your claims bhai", Isha said and Ranveer sighed deeply... he was about to justify himself but she cut him... "First call Rana sa and inform him about my hospital visit, otherwise he would be here and I don't want him to know anything yet", she said and Ranveerunderstood what she was saying. Ranveer called his brother-in-law and informed him.
"Rajput... You should have told me before taking her there, anyway, I'll be there soon", Abhyansh said
"Ranawat... Isha is fine, it's just a routine checkup, similar to the ones Dr. Sangeeta got her done", Ranveer said
"Nothing related to my wife is 'just' Rajput... Next time, don't use that word", Abhyansh warned... looking at the defeated sigh on her brother's face, Isha snatched the phone...
"If you want to come, then do as you please Rana sa, but I am not getting any tests done, I'm leaving from here...", Isha said
"Rani sa... Why are you so adamant... I just want to be with you while you go through the tests bacha...", Abhyansh said softly... Isha calmed down hearing his soft voice, and unknowingly, her palm went to her stomach, she lightly caressed it, if the kit is accurate, she is carrying his baby, her Rana sa's baby, and just the thought is enough to make her emotional, she wanted him with her at this time more than anything, but she was helpless, she was desperate to know the truth and her husband wouldn't tell her if he knows, he wouldn't know what she was feeling.
"Abhyansh... I'm fine, they are just some routine tests, I'll call you if I need you here... Right now, I need some time away from you, please understand", she said and he sighed, he understood his stubborn wife wouldn't let him come there, so he gave up to her wishes...